Zeszyt: 2009, vol. 6 / 07

Prof. dr hab. inż. Zdzisław Wójcicki

Methodical bases of family farm modernization

Described were IBMER (Institute for Buildings Mechanization and Electrificationof Agriculture (IBMER)) activities aimed at the development and verificationof research procedures used for the assessment of commercial family farmactivities and for evaluation of progress in their technological and ecological modernization.Current assessment of agricultural farm activities has been conducted usingan appropriate IBMER procedure [Wójcicki 2008], which comprises tables forparametric (numerical) description of commercial farm equipment and activitiesin 2008.Development family farm is modernized on the basis of the project of itsorganization and mechanization in the nearest 5-7 years (e.g. until 2015). Suchproject may be developed using new IBMER technological and balance sheet procedure(methods), which has been currently (2009) elaborated and verified.A comparison of the recent activities with the accepted organizational projectallows to determine the level of progress in the sphere of technical and ecologicalmodernization of the analysed farm and its infrastructure.Both research procedures contain a number of common methodical bases,the part of which was synthetically compiled in tables concerning the assessmentof modernization of a sample farm with farm area 40 ha AL, specializing in potato,milk and beef cattle production. ...

Ph.D. Prof. Ing. Radomir Adamovsky

Ing. Pavel Neuberger

Ing. Michaela Šeďová

Temperature changes in heat pump horizontal ground source

The paper deals with assessment of thermal fields and temperature changesin ground massif with horizontal heat exchanger used as a heat source for a heatpump. Temperatures in the zone of the horizontal ground exchanger are comparedwith temperatures in a reference land. Changes of heat potential of the soil duringthe heating period are also assessed. Possibilities of recovery of thermal potentialof the ground massif when utilizing vertical and horizontal exchangers are analyzedin the opening part of the paper. The results of the first verification indicatedthat average temperatures in the horizontal planes of the ground massif did not differconsiderably with distance from the exchanger tube. Differences in averagetemperatures in reference and experimental lands confirmed sufficient heat potentialof the ground massif even at the peak of the heating period. The differences inaverage temperatures reached up to 6.51 K in the end of the heating period whileat the beginning of the heating period, the differences in average temperaturesdropped to 1.35 K. The differences between maximum and minimum temperaturesin the zone of the ground exchanger reached up to 1.9 K at the peak of the heatingperiod and rose to 3.9 K at the beginning and end of the heating period. The firstresults of our measurements ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The agrotourist product illustrated by the example of rural areas

Transformation of Polish economy (started at the turn of the eighties and nineties of the 20th century) has changed many socio-economic conditions of the development of all regions in Poland. The various processes which were based on transformation of the previous structures created in the centrally-steered management system and on the development of new structures, are observed in many places in Poland. One of the most popular forms of development of rural areas is agrotourism at present times. An analysis of the agrotourist development in Poland is performed in the paper. The current tendencies in the world-wide tourism have been taken into consideration The place and role of tourism both in the state policy and regional pol-icy have been shown in the state and regional documents. In the Świętokrzyskie voivodship a considerable development of agrotourist farms, with that of cooperating institutions, like agrotourist associations, consultative teams and agrotourist chambers is recently observed. The voivodship is very attractive due to its nature, landscape and monuments of culture. Basic natural resources of this region are forests. The agrotourism is a very important function of this area. First agrotourist farms were organized in 1993. Most of them are small and are not profitable, ...

Dr hab.inż. Wojciech Przegon

Polish country versus Common Agricultural Policy in the EU

When compared to other states of the EU, Poland is a country in whichrural areas play special role. 38.1 % of the population live in the country and ruralareas cover 93.4 % of the country's territory. People employed in agriculture makemore than 20% of the whole workforce, so a few times more when compared tothe EU. Simultaneously, farms are significantly smaller than in the „old’’ membershipcountries.A historical feature of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EUhas been presented in this work. The scope of the CAP reforms, as well as their influenceon formation of the agricultural policy in Poland have been discussed.Both sources and the level of subsidy costs to agriculture have been presented. Aidprogrammes for farms have been analysed, both the already executed and thosewhich undergo implementation. The considerations were based on analysis of themost recent documents and articles related to the above-mentioned issues. ...

Doc. Ing. Vladimír Šleger

Ing. Pavel Neuberger

Ing. Ph.D Martin Polák

Feasibility of using heat-recovery exchangers in livestock buildings at a site at a specific altitude with a specific average outdoor air temperature

The installation of an energy-saving facility must be preceded by analysisof its financial effectiveness. Among methods enabling such evaluation is thebasic net profit calculation method. For this, the annual consumption of electricityfor ventilation or of thermal energy for heating must be determined. The calculationformula uses the sum of energies for temperatures within the range fromthe calculation temperature for the area in question to the long-term average ofthe maximum temperature at the site, or to the temperature at which the heatingpower is zero. It is necessary to know the summary time of occurrence of a giventemperature during a year. The site data can only be assessed based on long-termmeteorological information. In fact, data used by current national standards todescribe climatic conditions in the Czech Republic are from the years 1901 to1950.The dependence of the average yearly temperature on altitude is shown inFig. 1 for the 1961 – 1990 and 1991 – 2000 periods. It is evident that the averagetemperatures for the latter period are nearly 0.6 K higher than those for the formerperiod, irrespective of the altitude.In this paper the climatic conditions are assessed based on daily datameasured throughout the period from 1 January 1991 to 31 December 2000.Weather stations were ...

Dr Ryszard Gładysz

The state of sewage system economics in rural areas in Poland

Infrastructure is the basis of economic activities both in urban and in ruralareas. It is also one of main conditions for improving quality of life. Among itsmost important elements are: water delivery system, as well as sewage treatmentnetwork and sewage treatment plants. These devices should create one compositetechno-economical system. Non-integrated water delivery contributes to biggerwaste of water, and without connection to integrated sewage treatment systems, itcan be a serious threat to the environmentIn Poland, and in rural areas particularly, this situation is highly unsatisfactory.In 2007, share of population connected to water network in rural areas was73.3%, while for sewage network is was only 21.3%. In many communes, thisshare was even less than 10%. One can mention a few reasons of this state,mainly: lack of sufficient investment for 40 years after the 2nd World War, bigwater deficit in rural areas (brought about by droughts and thus, big reduction ordecline of water level in shallow homestead wells, being a main water source), bigdispersion of rural settlements in the country, limiting economies of scaleachievement, and lack of resources available for local authorities.The latter, having not enough resources for infrastructure development,made a decisions to concentrate on water system firstly, while more costly wastemanagement was ...

Dr inż. Bernard Okoński

Dr inż. Sylwester Grajewski

Dr Dariusz Kayzer

An attempt to classify groundwater level depth in pine forest stands on fresh sites

The aim of the research described in this paper is to classify groundwaterlevel patterns in pine stands of forest fresh sites. The approach has been employedwith the view to facilitate explaining interactions between physiographic characteristicsand groundwater dynamics in prospective research. The methods whichhave been employed so far for explanation of groundwater level dynamics interactionswith local physiographic conditions do not let to draw firm conclusions. Theclassification of groundwater dynamics patterns requires employing more sophisticatedmethods, because of a relatively extensive range of groundwater dynamicssite-to-site variability expressed, e.g., by amplitude and cycle period. The methodsof groundwater patterns classification proposed in the literature focused either onhydrogeological criteria or, if related to forest ecosystems, focused on water balanceelements in forest habitats.The area selected for investigation represented typical features for theNorthern European Lowland forests defined by soil and form of terrain patternshaped by the last glacial period (Vistulian glaciation) and dominant share of ScotsPine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in stand species composition. The research period coveredthe 2002-2007 hydrological years. The measurement used in analysis covered35 sites equipped with measurement wells. ...

Dr Dorota Chudy-Hyski

Regional policy in Poland and its importance for development policy

The subject of the article is regional policy in Poland conducted accordingto the principles governing the European Union cohesion policy. The author addressesespecially the key issues of regional policy, defines its objectives and instrumentsas well as the main models. The discussion provides the background forthe subsequent analysis of the current and future shape of regional policy implementedin Poland. The aim of the article is cognitive and pointing to the changesof directions and character of activities aiming at working out the proper developmentstrategy for Poland, in compliance with the European Union directives butalso meeting the needs of regions on different levels.Regional policy currently pursued in Poland and based on the idea of theEuropean Union cohesion policy aims at creating the system of planning and managementof spatial management integrated with the main tendency of socioeconomicplanning. The condition enabling conscious space development is possessingand using appropriate legislative, administrative, organizational, promotional,information and other instruments. Poland’s regional policy conductedwithin the frame of common cohesion policy and targeting common objectives isfinancially supported by the EU funds and financial means from the Cohesion Fund.The shape of regional policy in Poland is determined by the striving toidentify strong regions which would be able to push the economic development ...

Dr Ewa Pałka

The identification and estimation of local conditions of agrotourism development in rural areas

An analysis, identification and assessment of the local conditions of agrotourismdevelopment in rural areas is performed in the paper. The important role oftourism both in the state policy and regional policy have been shown in the stateand regional documents. In most of European countries off-farming activities becomemore and more important as a source of income for farmers' families. Insome regions agrotourism can be regarded as a significant non-agricultural activity.In Poland the data of Agricultural Census indicates that the number of farmswith off-farms activity increased. The agrotourist farms are still more and moreimportant in many parts of Poland, especially in the wi tokrzyskie voivodship.The local and voivodship authorities are obliged to improve and invest in agrotouristbase, also using the European Union funds.This study is the analysis of natural and social-economic elements of geographicalenvironment in the wi tokrzyskie voivodship. The article is a trial ofshowing how rural areas are diversified for agrotourism. ...

Ing. Ph.D. Vlastimil Altmann

Ing. Pavel Neuberger

The municipal waste collection yield assessment in the Czech Republic’s regions

The objective of this paper is to zoom in on the system of separated wastecollection in Czech Republic (CR). The system of packing waste collection isdescribed. The analysis of collection of base commodities of communal waste(paper, plastics and glass) in chosen regions has been carried out. St edo eský regionhas been chosen because of the number of its inhabitants and as well becauseof its location in the middle part of CR and because it neighbours with the Czechcapital city, Prague. Region Vyso ina shows average values in base commoditiescollection. The results of the chosen regions are being compared to the presentstatus of separation of these wastes in CR which is counted by packing companyEKO-KOM. The company caries out back withdrawal and usage of wastes ofmentioned packages. ...

Dr Marcin Feltynowski

Transparency of web portals of rural gminas in Łódź Metropolitan Area

In the present world information and knowledge are important elements ofthe local course of every stage of the civil service. Information delivered to localcommunity contributes to achieving a high local identity level. Development of informationfunction in gminas is being extorted by permanent progress in the scopeof the information and communication technologies (ICT). In local society, themost important way of holding information should be Internet. It is important becausemore and more households in rural area have opportunities to the access tothe Internet. Local society can use websites erected by local governments to disseminateinformation about functioning and action picked up in administrativedistricts to local actors. Transparent websites are becoming a source of informationas well as they let achieve the competitive edge above other gminas.An attempt of assessment of providing information by authorities and usefulnessof this information from a socio-economic development point of view isthe purpose of the paper. Building transparent and available websites for local societyis the important task for local governments, because well-informed societyparticipates in local life and in local undertaking picked up by authorities. This isimportant, especially in the rural gminas located in metropolitan areas which mustachieve the competitive edge above other gminas. The paper shows that that theinformation constituting ...

Dr inż. Anna Krakowiak-Bal

Multidimensional comparative analysis of other gainful activities of agricultural holdings in EU countries

Over the past few years, diversification and pluriactivity of farmers andfarming households has been increasing in EU-27countries. But the type of diversificationactivity encouraged, as well as their scale, appears to be very differentacross the EU.Therefore the analysis of spatial diversification of other gainful activity offarm households in EU countries is the main purpose of this paper. 27 UE countriesdescribed with 9 variables relating to the non-agricultural activity of farmsare the analysed objects.The carried survey helps to show spatial disparities and to discriminategroups of countries with a similar farmer’s non-agricultural activity.There were used chosen methods of multidimensional comparative analysiswhich enable clustering the multicriterial objects: Czekanowski’s diagram, Ward’smethod, and k-mean algorithm.As a final result there were formed 5 clusters with countries about similarlevel of farm diversification. It may be stated, that a development of diversificationof agricultural holdings is correlated with a spatial arrangement. Neighbouringcountries belong to the same clusters of other gainful activity kinds. ...
