ISSN 1732-5587
e-ISSN: 2956-7971
Zeszyty naukowe
Zakres tematyczny czasopisma
Kodeks etyczny
Rada programowa
Lista recenzentów
Procedura wydawnicza
Pokaż streszczenie
Ukryj streszczenie
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Doc. Ing. Vladimír Šleger
Ing. Ph.D Martin Polák
Heat recuperation from exhaust air in a sports hall with swimming pool
Ph.D. Prof. Ing. Radomir Adamovsky
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Ing. Michaela Šeďová
Analyzing temperature changes in the ground massif with a horizontal heat exchanger in the course of the heating season
Ing. Ph.D. Vlastimil Altmann
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
The municipal waste collection yield assessment in the Czech Republic’s regions
Doc. Ing. Vladimír Šleger
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Ing. Ph.D Martin Polák
Feasibility of using heat-recovery exchangers in livestock buildings at a site at a specific altitude with a specific average outdoor air temperature
Ph.D. Prof. Ing. Radomir Adamovsky
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Ing. Michaela Šeďová
Temperature changes in heat pump horizontal ground source
Ing. Ph.D Martin Polák
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
The optimisation of biomass combustion in small boilers
Ing. Ph.D. Daniel Adamovský
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Ph.D. Prof. Ing. Radomir Adamovsky
Analysis of leakage influence within capillary heat pipe recuperative heat exchanger
Ing. Ph.D Martin Polák
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Doc. Ing. Vladimír Šleger
Energy sorrel - an alternative fuel for rural areas
Doc. Ing. Vladimír Šleger
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Możliwości ewaporacyjnego chłodzenia obór w danym rejonie
Ph.D. Prof. Ing. Radomir Adamovsky
Ing. Ph.D. Daniel Adamovský
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Modelowanie jednostkowego zużycia energii w cyklach technologicznych chowu trzody chlewnej
Ph.D. Prof. Ing. Radomir Adamovsky
Ing. Ph.D. Daniel Adamovský
Ing., CSc. Jaroslav Kára
Ing. Pavel Neuberger
Verification of the effects of the secondary heat recovery from ventilation air in an animal house for the fattening of broiler chickens