The article is devoted to temperature changes in the ground massif with the horizontal heat exchanger as an energy source for a heat pump. The article was aimed at analyzing temperature changes in the ground massif with the horizontal heat exchanger at the beginning, in the course of and at the end of the heating sea-son. Another aim was to analyze temperature differences in the area of the horizon-tal exchanger and the reference lot. The heat flow utilized in the evaporator of heat pump was extracted from the ground exchanger (nominal output at the condenser was 10.5 kW). Temperatures of the ground massif with the horizontal heat ex-changer were measured in its plane in depths of 0.75 m, 0.5 m and 0.25 m. The temperature inside the ground massif on the reference lot and ambient parameters were measured as well. It is obvious that the difference of energetic potentials in-side the ground massif with the heat exchanger and on the reference lot is insig-nificant at the beginning of the heating season. During the heating season, the dif-ference of ground massif energetic potentials increases; at the end it is constant. The difference of temperatures in horizontal planes was not significant at ...
The objective of this paper is to zoom in on the system of separated wastecollection in Czech Republic (CR). The system of packing waste collection isdescribed. The analysis of collection of base commodities of communal waste(paper, plastics and glass) in chosen regions has been carried out. St edo eský regionhas been chosen because of the number of its inhabitants and as well becauseof its location in the middle part of CR and because it neighbours with the Czechcapital city, Prague. Region Vyso ina shows average values in base commoditiescollection. The results of the chosen regions are being compared to the presentstatus of separation of these wastes in CR which is counted by packing companyEKO-KOM. The company caries out back withdrawal and usage of wastes ofmentioned packages. ...
The installation of an energy-saving facility must be preceded by analysisof its financial effectiveness. Among methods enabling such evaluation is thebasic net profit calculation method. For this, the annual consumption of electricityfor ventilation or of thermal energy for heating must be determined. The calculationformula uses the sum of energies for temperatures within the range fromthe calculation temperature for the area in question to the long-term average ofthe maximum temperature at the site, or to the temperature at which the heatingpower is zero. It is necessary to know the summary time of occurrence of a giventemperature during a year. The site data can only be assessed based on long-termmeteorological information. In fact, data used by current national standards todescribe climatic conditions in the Czech Republic are from the years 1901 to1950.The dependence of the average yearly temperature on altitude is shown inFig. 1 for the 1961 1990 and 1991 2000 periods. It is evident that the averagetemperatures for the latter period are nearly 0.6 K higher than those for the formerperiod, irrespective of the altitude.In this paper the climatic conditions are assessed based on daily datameasured throughout the period from 1 January 1991 to 31 December 2000.Weather stations were ...
The paper deals with assessment of thermal fields and temperature changesin ground massif with horizontal heat exchanger used as a heat source for a heatpump. Temperatures in the zone of the horizontal ground exchanger are comparedwith temperatures in a reference land. Changes of heat potential of the soil duringthe heating period are also assessed. Possibilities of recovery of thermal potentialof the ground massif when utilizing vertical and horizontal exchangers are analyzedin the opening part of the paper. The results of the first verification indicatedthat average temperatures in the horizontal planes of the ground massif did not differconsiderably with distance from the exchanger tube. Differences in averagetemperatures in reference and experimental lands confirmed sufficient heat potentialof the ground massif even at the peak of the heating period. The differences inaverage temperatures reached up to 6.51 K in the end of the heating period whileat the beginning of the heating period, the differences in average temperaturesdropped to 1.35 K. The differences between maximum and minimum temperaturesin the zone of the ground exchanger reached up to 1.9 K at the peak of the heatingperiod and rose to 3.9 K at the beginning and end of the heating period. The firstresults of our measurements ...
Przy ocenie, czy efektywne jest wykorzystanie chłodzenia powietrza w stajni przez parowanie w danym rejonie, należy znać szczegółowe długoterminowe dane meteorologiczne. Jednakże czasem potrzebne dane są z różnych powodów niedostępne. W artykule jest wypróbowana metoda generowania sztucznego szeregu dziennych maksymalnych temperatur powietrza z miesięcznych średnich. Przy odchyleniu standardowym σ (ºC), stwierdzonym przy pomocy statystycznej analizy dostępnych danych, i średniej spodziewanej temperaturze toc (ºC), określonej przez wyznaczenie sinusoidy przez dwanaście, ewent. dwie miesięczne średnie maksymalnych temperatur. Obliczone wartości są porównane z wartościami zmierzonymi. Bardziej odpowiedni jest szereg danych generowany z 12 miesięcznych średnich, chociaż szereg danych z 2 średnich wystarczyłby do oceny efektywności chłodzenia. Z wyników modelowania rozwoju klimatu wynika, że około roku 2050 maksymalna temperatura powietrza w czerwcu, ewent. lipcu, ewent. w sierpniu podwyższy się o 1,8 K, ewent. 2,3 K, ewent. 3,2 K przy spełnieniu pesymistycznego scenariusza wzrostu emisji gazów cieplarnianych i o 0,7 K, ewent. 0,8 K, ewent. 1,2 K przy spełnieniu optymistycznego scenariusza. Na podstawie tych wartości stworzono szeregi danych dla okresu około roku 2050. Stwierdzono, że liczba dni, kiedy maksymalna dzienna temperatura powietrza będzie przekraczać 27ºC, może się w miesiącach letnich zwiększyć nawet dwukrotnie. Jeżeli zastosowane jest chłodzenie przez parowanie z 80% wydajnością adiabatyczną i maksymalnym ...