Temperature changes in heat pump horizontal ground source

Słowa kluczowe: Ground heat exchanger; Parallel pipe hozizontal ground heat exchanger; Ground source heat pump; Ground temperature; Temperature distribution; Heat transfer; Energy conservation.


The paper deals with assessment of thermal fields and temperature changes
in ground massif with horizontal heat exchanger used as a heat source for a heat
pump. Temperatures in the zone of the horizontal ground exchanger are compared
with temperatures in a reference land. Changes of heat potential of the soil during
the heating period are also assessed. Possibilities of recovery of thermal potential
of the ground massif when utilizing vertical and horizontal exchangers are analyzed
in the opening part of the paper. The results of the first verification indicated
that average temperatures in the horizontal planes of the ground massif did not differ
considerably with distance from the exchanger tube. Differences in average
temperatures in reference and experimental lands confirmed sufficient heat potential
of the ground massif even at the peak of the heating period. The differences in
average temperatures reached up to 6.51 K in the end of the heating period while
at the beginning of the heating period, the differences in average temperatures
dropped to 1.35 K. The differences between maximum and minimum temperatures
in the zone of the ground exchanger reached up to 1.9 K at the peak of the heating
period and rose to 3.9 K at the beginning and end of the heating period. The first
results of our measurements indicate the necessity of accumulation of thermal energy
in the soil massif in the summer period like in case of the vertical exchangers.


Adamovsky R., Neuberger P., Šeďová M. 2009, vol. 6. Temperature changes in heat pump horizontal ground source. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2009, vol. 6/ 07