Zeszyt: 2010, vol. 7 / 11
The paper presents results of observations and hydro-meteorological meas-urements in a small catchment of the Krynica River, representative of the Tomaszów Lubelski Forest Division. The presented analysis of components of the water balance, particularly the volume of runoff, indicates the advisability of the construction of two reservoirs in the Bełżec Forest District. These reservoirs are to serve as elements of the fire protection system and the water retention system. Through damming culverts they will be connected with the Krynica River. Pre-sented results constitute the hydrological characteristic of the catchment prior to the change in the engineering infrastructure related with the construction of the reservoirs. A complete evaluation of the efficiency of the investment will be possi-ble after the reservoirs have been put in operation. ...
Flood plain forests are the richest and highly picturesque forest ecosystems. Unfortunately, river regulation and flood control contribute to their degradation. In Poland only 0.2% of total area is covered by flood plain forests. The Uroczysko Warta forest district constitutes one of the most important clusters of these sites. The construction of the Jeziorsko reservoir in the middle course of the Warta River has contributed to changes in the river regime (reduced flooding areas and de-creased flooding frequency). It seems that the use of simple land improvement sys-tems, i.e. gates, river bars and culverts with flap check valves, may result in the recreation of advantageous hydrological conditions. In such a case storage volume of oxbow lakes would be increased and ground water would be maintained at a higher level over longer periods of time. This study presents a concept for protec-tion of the Uroczysko Warta, thanks to the construction of appropriate engineering infrastructure. ...
The article is devoted to temperature changes in the ground massif with the horizontal heat exchanger as an energy source for a heat pump. The article was aimed at analyzing temperature changes in the ground massif with the horizontal heat exchanger at the beginning, in the course of and at the end of the heating sea-son. Another aim was to analyze temperature differences in the area of the horizon-tal exchanger and the reference lot. The heat flow utilized in the evaporator of heat pump was extracted from the ground exchanger (nominal output at the condenser was 10.5 kW). Temperatures of the ground massif with the horizontal heat ex-changer were measured in its plane in depths of 0.75 m, 0.5 m and 0.25 m. The temperature inside the ground massif on the reference lot and ambient parameters were measured as well. It is obvious that the difference of energetic potentials in-side the ground massif with the heat exchanger and on the reference lot is insig-nificant at the beginning of the heating season. During the heating season, the dif-ference of ground massif energetic potentials increases; at the end it is constant. The difference of temperatures in horizontal planes was not significant at ...
The paper presents spatial planning system currently mandatory in Poland, as well as main changes concerning the principles of spatial planning and man-agement in Poland after the system transformation. The work addresses particu-larly the issues of de-centralization of public administration and establishing com-mune self-governments, socialization of spatial planning, protection of private property and also the obligation to consider appropriate instruments of natural pro-tection in the process of spatial planning and management. The paper presents also the basic principles of spatial planning in the United States of America and points out the similarities and differences between the methods, procedures and assump-tions of spatial planning systems in both countries. The work presents potential ar-eas of cooperation between both universities comprising sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences in the filed of spatial planning and management. ...
More and more frequently, one witnesses these days the appearance of a new approach to historical cultural landscapes. Not only do they now embrace objects of historical and environmental value, but also the potential for local and regional development. However, such an understanding of historical cultural land-scapes, as a potential for local and regional development, necessitates additional instruments, plans, approaches, and methodologies.The article presents an analysis of a landscape plan in Germany and a case study on the potential of historical cultural landscapes for local and regional de-velopment in Poland.Conducted studies reveal the usefulness of activities for the protection of historical cultural landscapes in the context of land management. Such activities contribute to the improvement of landscape protection and conservation methods, taking into consideration their potential for local and regional development at the same time. ...
The paper presents a computational analysis of the PMV, PPD and PD thermal environment indices for indoor air quality (IAQ) inside a historic wooden church in the village of Wiśniowa. The study is based on annual measurements of indoor air parameters as well as data on the number of Sunday Mass attendees and indoor air quality. As the results point out, indoor thermal comfort during the ma-jority of Sunday Masses, both in summer and winter, remains within category C while the indoor air quality, assessed by means of PD index, levelled at 100%, ir-respective of time of year. The improvement of inside air comfort and hygienic standards is possible by means of installing an effective mechanical ventilation system adapted for use in a historic building of high value in terms of local mate-rial culture. ...
The developed method of optimising a farmland arrangement system con-siders two basic directions when improving the layout of plots and farms: the aim of bringing farmlands closer to a farmstead site and the aim to improve the size and shape of plots. The basis for constructing this optimisation model comprises the division of consolidated land complexes into small elementary strips and the de-termination of distances between those strips and farmstead sites. The final result of the entire optimisation procedure is a complete digital map of a new farmland arrangement system. With this map, it is possible to compile all the documents necessary to create a cadastre. The time- and labour consuming processes of pre-paring data, constructing the model and solving it have been automated through the application of relevant software programs, thus, the method developed can be used in practice. The optimisation principles of farmland arrangement system were exemplified in the case of the village of Filipowice located near the city of Cracow. The optimisation performed resulted in, among other things, enlarging the mean plot area by four times and in bringing it 30% closer to a farmstead site. ...
Recent field measurements of mobile-bed roughness in selected streams in Czech Republic are described. The results are collected in a database organized to a www catalogue. The field results of the bed roughness in two gravel-bed streams under flash flood conditions are discussed. A methodology is suggested for evalua-tion of the bed roughness of straight channels transporting sediments. A prediction of the bed roughness under the condition of intense sediment trans-port in the upper plane bed regime is demonstrated on the results of laboratory pressurized-pipe tests. An application to flood conditions in a steep mountain creek is shown in a case study. ...
This report examines the issues of hydrological basis and methods of flood management in the rivers of Azerbaijan and presents a review of methods of flood management applied in Azerbaijan. ...
The long-term dependences for the changes of deformations and stresses in penstock based on the results of many-year investigations are established. Such in-vestigations were held on the spatial geodetic network on the Tereblya-Rikska hy-dropower station (HPS). The investigations of the short-term stresses and deforma-tions of the penstock with the use of electronic tachеometer Leica TPS 1201 has been undertaken. Direct correlations between the changes of the length of all baulks and the changes of water level in the storage reservoir are determined ...
Regarding the rapidly growing satellite altimetry database and correspond-ing products worldwide, an investigation of different mean dynamic ocean topog-raphy (MDT) models was assessed to be important for further use in geodetic ap-plications. The efficiency and quality of different MDT models are discussed in view of adopted geoids as reference surfaces. The models used are: 1) The ECCO model based on hydrology and altimetry data, 2) The combined MDT Rio-05 con-structed in CSL AVISO (2005) from data for the period 1993-1999, 3) The com-bined MDT CNES-CLS09 model at the grid points 15'x15' based on altimetry and hydrology data for the period 1993-2007 (CSL AVISO, 2009), 4) The DNSC08MDT solution of mean dynamic topography (Danish National Space Cen-ter) obtained from the geometrical differences between the DNSC08 mean sea sur-face and the EGM2008 geoid model. The concluding results of the investigation are: 1) statistics of all mean dyamic topography models leads to the approximately same standard deviations about 70 cm and range from -2 m to 2 m; 2) all differences among various MDT models give much smaller standard deviations about 6 - 15 cm; 3) all such differ-ences among various MDT give larger mean deviation, which can be explained by different geoid ...
The paper presents results of air movement observations inside a cow barn (Fermbet construction type) adapted for a loose housing system. The conducted experiments made it possible to determine directions and characteristics of venti-lated air flux in selected areas of the building as well as mark out areas where air stood still. In addition, the study offers recommendations regarding effective venti-lation systems in the occupied zone under no-wind conditions. ...