Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Evaluation of effect of consolidation works in Niepołomice commune within the area influenced by the A-4 motorway

The paper shows a trial evaluation of effect of consolidation works executed in four villages located in Niepołomice commune. Parts of the villages was allocated as a result of a number of study elaborations followed by a procedure of reconstruction of spatial structurein connection with construction of Kraków - Tarnów section of the A4 motorway.Works concerning execution of land consolidation project started in 2007 and took three years to complete. Today, all geodesy works related to the project are completed and elaborated project of land consolidation is approved adminis-trative decision. The subject of evaluation were data files concerning land plots and farm holdings before and after execution of land consolidation works. No substantial changes of medium size of land plots were noticed. At the same time, a possibility of implementing a correction to an area being subject of a land consolidation process was demonstrated, which indicates a need for developing a more accurate method determining boundaries of areas, on which land consolidation procedure need to be executed in connection with construction of motorways. ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Determination of boundaries of area purposed for construction of the A4 motorway on example of Krzeczów village

Land consolidation is the most effective tool for limiting the negative impact of construction of expressways and motorways on the surrounding agricul-tural lands. This process is related to designate the boundaries for which this negative effect was observed. The correctness of the boundaries is crucial to the ability to obtain appropriate effects of land consolidation works and on their costs, which are directly dependent on the area development. Precise determination of the boundary of territory, which should be cov-ered by land consolidation process is extremely time-consuming.That can be asso-ciated with a large amount of surveying and mapping data necessary to analyze.An exemplary process of designation of an area, for which implementation of a land consolidation process is advisable, shows a proposition of such method that uses the cadastral datasets in numerical form as input data. As an exemplary object, Krzeczów village was selected, where the technical work of surveying in order to create a new system of land plots in connection with the motorway running through the village area was completed in 2010.     ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Assesment of changes in spatial structure of Lipnica Wielka village resulting from land consolidation

The excessive fragmentation of agricultural lands is one of the major bar-rier of their rational use within large part of Poland. In particular, this problem concerns the southern-eastern regions of the country. Comprehensive tool for im-proving the spatial structure of land in the territories of whole villages is land consolidation process. Yet, its widespread use is limited by high costs and long duration of the procedure.This article presents an attempt of assessment of changes in the spatial structure of land, being the result of land consolidation process accomplished in Lipnica Wielka village. The process started in the eighties of the twentieth century and in practice was completed just in 2010, when new cadastral was implemented and land register information was updated. The land consolidation of Lipnica Wielka village was characterized by a very large area of development and the big number of parcels, which in 1986 was over 49,000. Number of participants in the proceedings exceeded two thousands.As a result of land consolidation, all relevant land structure parameters of the farms were improved. This applies to both a significant reduction in the aver-age number of plots on farms, increasing their areas and elimination of areas that do not ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Preliminary evaluation of the effects of consolidation works in Krzeczów village within the area influenced by the A4 motorway

The subject of evaluation were data files concerning land plots and farm holdings characterizing land layouts before and after execution of land consolida-tion works.The results show an improvement of spatial structure of the area concerned, in particular in eliminating of plots with no access to public roads and improving their shapes. No substantial changes to an average land plot area nor a decrease of average number of plots belonging to farms were noticed. At the same time, a possibility of implementing a correction to a boundary of area being subject of the land consolidation process was demonstrated, which indicates a need for developing a more accurate method determining boundaries of areas, on which land consolidation procedure necessarily needs to be executed in con-nection with construction of linear investments. The paper shows a preliminary evaluation of the effect of consolidation works executed in Krzeczów village, Rzezawa commune. Works concerning recon-struction of spatial structure of the village in connection with construction of Kraków - Tarnów section of the A4 motorway started in 2009 ant took two years to complete. The elaboration covered a part of a cadastral district of the are 283 ha. Works concerning the land consolidation project ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Changes in selected parameters of the spatial structure of land as a result of land consolidation works in Łętownia village

The paper shows a preliminary trial evaluation of effect of consolidation works executed in Łętownia village, Jordanów commune, covering the area of 206 ha. Works concerning execution of land consolidation project started in 2006 ant took two years to complete. At the moment, all work associated with the project are complete. Consolidation of land in Łętownia village was the first such action in the Malopolska province, funded by the European Union.The subject of evaluation were data files concerning land plots and farm holdings characterizing land layouts before and after execution of land consolida-tion works.The results show a significant improvement of spatial structure, in particular in reduction of the number of plots belonging to farms and thereby increase its average size. The relatively small improvement was observed in terms of reducing the distance between plots and habitats. A presence of land devoid contact with a public road was virtually eliminated, a phenomenon that affected most of the area in the period before merging.     ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus


The land layout is one of the most important factors influencing the costs of conducting an agricultural business. An improper land layout results in additional farming costs and it reduces profitability of the agricultural production. This factor is therefore treated as one of the most important premises justifying the reor-ganization of spatial structure of a given area through land consolidation.This dissertation is aimed at proposing a model of optimization of farm-land's layout, which shows the influence of its parameters on farming costs, and finding a solution in the next place. In addition to this, the theoretical discussion presented in the thesis broadens the knowledge of developing layouts of land plots and rural roads in the countryside ensuring the closest proximity of land to the farmstead and a proper land layout. A distinctive feature of the model is the division of countryside into design complexes, and then a further division of complexes into elementary small surface areas created in accordance with approved design methods of land plots. Long-striped elements, which were sectioned off, are subject to the optimization procedure that is to distribute them in a manner so as to minimize the average distance in the examined area. A crucial element ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

The changes in Barczków village spatial structure parameters as the land consolidation works effect

The article presents the assessment of changes of the selected spatial pa-rameters of land in the Barczków village, where the land consolidation works were undertaken between October 2008 and November 2011. The village of Barczków, with a surface area of 213 ha, is located in the Szczurowa commune, brzeski dis-trict. Following the completion of planning of the new land layout, it is now possible to compare it with the previous layout. However, the total completion of the whole process of the actual conversion of the spatial structure of the village requires investments connected with construction works of the new elements of transport network and the modernization of the already existing ones, which are being implemented as the post-land consolidation development.The scope of assessment encompassed the data collection of land plots and farms which are indicative of land layouts of the Barczków village before and after land consolidation. The interpretation of the obtained results indicates a significant improvement in the village spatial structure, which is noticeable by eliminating a large group of plots detached from a municipal road. The relatively little, yet positive changes have been observed in the reduction of the registered plots in individual farms. The distance between ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

The assessment of the effects of the land consolidation in Borek village in con-junction with A4 motorway construction works

The article presents the assessment of land consolidation works carried out in the area which is part of the Borek village located in the Rzezawa commune, bocheński district. The land consolidation works in this area were conducted in connection with A4 motorway construction works (Kraków-Tarnów). The motor-way cut into the land layout of the village in its southern area. The land consoli-dation works included 246 ha, which accounts for 26% of the whole area of the village. Currently (March, 2012) the base works on geodetic land consolidation plan have been completed, which allowed for carrying out analyses verifying the planned objectives and comparing the land layouts before and after land consoli-dation. However, the real completion of land layout reorganization depends on the completion of investments accompanying the land consolidation plan that includes building new elements of transport network.Before the land consolidation process the area of Borek was characterized by a genuinely disadvantageous spatial structure, including mainly vast, compact areas detached from the agricultural transport road network and the domination of excessively elongated plots of land. For the above-mentioned reasons, among others, a big part of the village, including the area cut by the motorway, has not been used for ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Proposal of the indicator determining the degree of grounds fragmentation as well as its application as presented in the example of Dąbrowski administrative district

Excessive fragmentation of farm grounds constitutes one of the biggest ob-stacles for rational and profitable agricultural production. Identification of the areas where this phenomenon occurs with great intensity is an essential element of the identification process of areas which are accepted for the consolidation work.The presented article introduces a proposal with a new approach to the evaluation of lot fragmentation in rural areas by abandoning the use of the average lot area surface in a given area in favour of the indicator which comprises both the area structure of farms and the average lot area in individual specified area groups of individual farms. The proposed indicator precisely identifies the areas which qualify for realization of the consolidation work by the possibility of the differentiating influence of individual farms on the value of the final synthetic indicator. Calculations connected with determination of the proposed indicator have been carried out for 81 registered areas which belong to Dąbrowski administrative district (Małopolska voivodeship). ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Area structure of farms in the aspect of consolida-tion work in the example of dąbrowski administrative district

The area structure of individual farms constitutes an essential element in-fluencing both the advisability of consolidation work and probable effects of this work. Identification of the areas where the parameters determining the area structure of farms are advantageous constitutes an essential element of the identi-fication process of the areas which meet requirements to undergo the consolidation work. The article presents a proposal of an indicator which makes it possible to evaluate the area structure of the registered units belonging to 7.1 registration group (individual farms) from the viewpoint of identification of areas which can be qualified as appropriate ones to undergo consolidation work. The need of in-troduction of such an indicator has been pointed out due to the drawbacks in evaluation of the area structure of farms on the basis of the knowledge of only the average surface of a farm in a given area. The indicator is calculated on the basis of the knowledge of the percentage participation of individual area groups of farms and to a greater extent allows for a diagnosis of obtainable results of the consolidation work. The calculations connected with ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

The evaluate the possibility of shaping the new plot configuration in the land consolidation process using the analysis of aerial photographs for example the dąbrowski county

Identification of the areas on which the spatial structure parameters are beneficial from the point of view of the desirability of implementing the land con-solidation work, constitutes an essential element of object determining process which qualifies for this type of activities. The use in the mentioned process data from the documentation of land registration only, can be a source of mistakes in the areas identification on which it is possible to get the satisfactory effect of land consolidation, because largely its depends on village spatial structure and terrain handicap. This elements aren't most possible to identification based on mentioned data set.This article presents the proposal a new approach to the evaluation of the land consolidation requirement on rural areas. It suggests to supplement mostly for this purpose used indicator calculated based on data from the documentation of land registration by the immeasurable indicator defined the intensity of the phenomenon which negatively influences on the possibility of shaping the new plot configuration and getting the satisfactory effect of land consolidation. It is proposed to make this kind of analysis based on current aerial photographs of tested areas. This article presents the results of the values determination of proposed indicator for ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

mgr inż. Marek Szafarczyk

Selected aspects of the process of updating the classification of land on consolidation of land areas of work in light of the new legislation

Land consolidation proceeding is a many stage of proceedings and long-lasting. Achievement the intended purpose is conditional largely timeliness of source materials, including maps of land classification. Effective from November 2012 a new regulation on the classification of land, clearly indicates necessity to update the soil science classification of land in the process of land consolidation. This article points out the similarities and differences in both proceedings, also points to the risks that may cause delays in the land consolidation. In addition, the authors emphasize the impact of land use classification to determine proper esteem of land and other positive aspects of the classification of land for various levels of local government: the local government, communities, and for citizens. ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

The areas identification particularly indicated for the implementation of the land consolidation in the example of Dąbrowski administrative district

Complex land consolidation works are the only instrument which enables in a short time making significant changes in the spatial structure in a large area. Very large needs for those types of work implementation in Poland in connection with the limited pool of funding available for this purpose, indicate the need to develop methods, which in precise way identify areas where implementation of land consolidation works is necessary and where the procedure can give the greatest effects. The presented article introduces the results of the analysis which have to determine the ranking of parts of Dąbrowski administrative district (which is located in the north-eastern part of Małopolska voivodeship) which shows the urgency of land consolidation works. For this purpose, the results which have been the subject of previous studies were used. The previous studies were connected with spatial differentiation of every parts of administrative district features like: land fragmentation, area structure of farms, areas without road access, the average land classification and the intensity of field obstacles presence, which make difficult in the new plots layout design process. Proposed synthetic indicator, which contains five features listed above, may have wide application in land consolidation works programming process in the provincial ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Spatial differentation of the soil quality in dąbrowski administrative district

The soil quality belongs to one of the most important factors which affects the level of possible to obtain crops in agriculture. Because of that, it is an important element in determining profitability of agricultural production in particular area. Knowledge of soil quality spatial differentiation in the areas of administrative parts or municipalities has an influence on the planning process for the development of agricultural areas. This element also provides important information in the programming process of land consolidation works, which action takes place at the level of provincial government. These data are characterized by a very long period of suitability for use, due to the small amount of changes relating to the soil classification inserted into ground and building registration, which mostly have sporadic event.The article presents the results of the analysis which aims to provide differentiation of the average soil classification in particular administrative parts of Dąbrowski district which is located in the north-eastern part of Małopolska voivodeship. The data of the ground and building registration were used as a data source, which were gained for every administrative parts of Dąbrowski district. The results of studies are presented in both tabular and graphical form.     ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Selected parameters of groundsfragmentation in Myślenicki administrative district

One of the biggest agriculture problems in the Southern and South-East Poland (although it applies in a smaller scale also the other regions of the country) is an excessive fragmentation of farm grounds, combined with their relatively small surface. A large number of cultivated plots, which are characterized by a small surface and often unfavorable shape, in practice makes it impossible to conduct a profitable agricultural production. The presented article introduces the results of the grounds fragmentation analysis for the Myślenicki administrative district, which is located in the southern part of Małopolska voivodeship. For the research purposes 246 thousand plots had been analysed. This enabled the ranking compilation of all parts of the district, due to the value of the proposed indicator, which apart from plot surface, contains also the farm areas structure and plots belonging to individual registered groups. Identification of the areas with excessively fragmented land structure is one of the elements of land consolidation programming process, for which the provincial government is responsible. The proposed solutions may constitute an important element in enabling the detailed diagnosis of the status of the existing spatial structure in rural areas.     ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Mgr inż. Bogumiła Wańczyk

Spatial differentation of agriculture areas of the myślenicki administrative district due to the soil quality

The soil quality is one of the factors which to the greatest extent affects the possibility of obtaining high incomes from agricultural production. This factor is independent of the other elements affecting the profitability of agricultural production, such as lots fragmentation, farm areas structure and economic conditions. Soils classification provides information on potential land productivity in analyzed area, which knowledge is essential, inter alia, in land consolidation programming process or spatial planning. The acquisition of soil quality and suitability data is possible on the basis of the agricultural soil maps analysis or based on the data of the ground and building registration. The presented article introduces the results of the analysis of variation in the soils quality and suitability for the Myślenicki administrative district, which is located in the southern part of Małopolska voivodeship. The indicator values defining the average soil classification have been calculated for each of the 71 parts of Myślenicki administrative district. The obtained results may represent a valuable source material, which can be used in many other studies or analysis. The small changeability of the ground and building registration data containing soil classification information, causes that they have high usability. ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Mgr inż. Bogumiła Wańczyk

Spatial differentation of areas without connection to the road network in Nowosądecki administrative district

The plots connection to the public roads is an important element determining the capabilities and convenience of use for the plot. It has a particular importance in urban areas and intended for building purposes at the local zoning plan. The lack of connection with the public roads network causes a number of problems, in particular, for a group of plots used for agriculture, which dominants in terms of the percentage and amount of surface area in relation to the general. You can include an increase the costs for cultivation and the necessity of making an arrangement of neighborhood roads or establishing of land easements. The presence of a large part of the land without road access is an essential premise to initiate the land consolidation in some areas. The article presents the spatial differentiation of parts of Nowosądecki administrative district as refers to the value of the indicator determining the intensity of the areas without connection to the road network. The results were obtained by processing a set of graphical and descriptive data about all plots in Nowosądecki administrative district, also combined with the identification of the transport network and analysis of neighborhood plots that making up that ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski


Parameters of agricultural transport network is an essential element which determining the costs of agricultural holdings. The proper shape of the road network, suitable density and the quality (in particular the width of the roads and the type of their surface) should provide a quick and efficient transport between home farm and some of the parcels. The analysis of the actual parameters of the road network in large areas is impeded due to the extensive data sets need to be processed in the course of this analysis and also the necessity of verifying the data in the field or by using the methods of aerial and satellite imaging.The article presents a proposal for partially automated methods of identifying the shape of transport network and the calculation of such size as its length or density per unit area, useful for relatively large areas. The calculation process and the results were presented on the example of Dąbrowski administrative district which is located in the north-eastern part of Małopolska voivodeship ...

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Mgr inż. Gustaw Korta


Construction of the motorway, express road or railway line on the one hand increases its transport accessibility of the region, but on the other hand, causes a disturbance in space, in particular in the agricultural space. Land consolidation (in particular those infrastructural land consolidation) are a great tool to minimize the negative impact of the planned linear investment on a spatial structure of agricultural areas. For the occasion the legislature provided recordings in the act of land consolidation and exchange of land, which say that due to the deterioration of the land spatial distribution caused by the course of existing or under construction public roads or railway line, land consolidation procedure may be initiated ex officio proceedings. The provincial government by the law is obliged to programming of agriculture management works and to coordinate and carried out land consolidation work in the region. Malopolska Region has an extensive experience in performing of land consolidations, first and foremost based on the infrastructural land consolidation performed by The Krakow Office of Geodesy and Rural Areas under an agreement with the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways on the section some 80 km along the A4 motorway (from Wieliczka to Krzyż the ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Valuation of using a partition of a village area into equal value elements in a process of optymization of parcels layout

The presented project describes in brief some chosen issues related to using information included in digital maps for the purposes of automation of some elements of land consolidation process. Delibe-rations regarding methods of division of the village area into area elements that can be used for optimization of grounds configuration on the given area were chosen as an example. Description of concept of division into equal value elements was specially emphasised. In order to perform such division, the following ingoing data in a numerical form is necessary: outer boundaries of areas to be divided into area elements, directions of design lines (determining a layout of design plots) for each area and boundaries of existing estimated outlines, ie. areas of equal value defined by participators of land consolidation process. Aforementioned sets, excluding directions of design lines, have to be corrects in topological sense. A consecutive stage is, upon defined ingoing data, creation a set of equal value elements. The set is then used for optimization of deploying plots on a given area from the standpoint of reducing a all-in length of agricultural transport journey. A principle of optimization is based on calculation of results of exchanging equal value elements between respective ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Determination of shortest route between plots and habitations based on road's network graph and dislocation along plots borders

The article presents general principles of the method of calculations distances of ground from habitations based on a numeric map. Filipowice village in Małopolska district was chosen as an example for presentiation of calculation. The village consists of over 12 thousands land plots and about 500 agricultural holdings. The procedures concerning with shortest route from habitations to plots were discussed in more detail. Access from habitation was described in a form of graph including road's network and drives within the complexes. The route of drive from habitation to plots was defined as the shortest path between graph's knots. The process of determining the distance between a household dwelling and plots that form it comprises the following steps: making a list of necessary initial data to be collected from a digital map and a land cadastre; preparing files required to create a graph of driveways between a given parcel and a particular farm holding site; developing the prepared graph of driveways; and, finally, determining the shortest access driveway to the parcel under consideration. Using specific computer software developed, it is possible to make automatic the majority of time- and labour-consuming works indispensable for determining the possible access driveways to parcels, and ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Valuation of the effects of land consolidation on the example of Wojków village

This dissertation presents a method of valuation of the effects of land consolidation executed within the area of Wojków village, Mielec discrict where the greatest importance was assigned to comparing the transportation network of selected group of household dwellings before and after execution of agricultural engineering works. The aforementioned village underwent the process of land consolidation in 2002–2005, which enabled for acquiring date in the form of numerical cadastral map in relation to the status both before and after the land consolidation process. The scope of land consolidation covered the area 612 ha, the number of households was 438 (as for the moment of commencement of the process) and the number of land plots was almost 1400 (during consolidation works this number was reduced to 833 land plots). The land consolidation was executed by Geodesy and Agricultural Land Consolidation Office in Cracow. The subject of presentation is the way of acquiring and preparation of input data for designed calculation procedures. Moreover, rule of procedure for valuation as well as algorithms used for determining the shortest route between a household dwelling and plots that form it were also described. Also presented and debriefed were the results of calculation, which for the ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Corrections on optimising land parcel allocation to farms including distances between land parcels and farm homesteads

The aim of optimizing the allocation procedure of parcels to farms is to minimize distances between the lands and the farm buildings. Parcels allocated to farms using an optimized process of allocation are not clearly (unambiguously) determined. The allocation is of a highly random character, and, thus, adequate corrections should be applied. In the paper, three corrections are presented, which make it possible to obtain an optimal solution. The corrections deal with the unnecessary dislocation of parcels within farms, aim at reducing the number of parcels, and eliminate excessive increases in distances between the cultivated lands and the farm buildings. The corrections developed are exemplified by the case of a village of Wojków. In this village, upon the implemented corrections, the farms concerned still possess, to the highest possible extent, all the parcels they had prior to the optimization applied. Moreover, those farms consist of the fewest number of parcels and do not show unnecessary increase in the distances between their homestead areas and their lands. The corrected allotment procedures of parcels to farms could be usefully applied while determining a layout of parcels within farms in the blocks selected for the purpose of consolidating them, and, also, when the ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Using computer technologies to analyse changes of transportation network as a result of land consolidation process, based on selected example

This paper refers to the question of valuation of changes to spatial structure of agricultural land that takes place as a result of land consolidation activities. Valuation of effects of land consolidation may be takes from different points of view. Valuation presented in this article is in relation to analysis of the effects of changes to transportation network resulted from land consolidation and influence on the said changes on operating of agricultural households. Presented here are proposed methods enabling for determining the accessibility of land plots to transportation network as well as calculation of changes to lengths of access roads between household dwellings and land plots being part of them. The results of calculation are presented based on selected holding in Lipnica Wielka village in Orawa district, where land consolidation process was completed in 2007. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Evaluation of effect of consolidation works in Brzezie village within the area influenced by the A4 motorway

The paper shows a trial evaluation of effect of consolidation works exe-cuted in Brzezie village, Kłaj commune. Part of the village was allocated as a re-sult of a number of study elaborations followed by a procedure of reconstruction of spatial structure in connection with construction of Kraków – Tarnów section of the A4 motorway. Works concerning execution of land consolidation project started in 2006 ant took two years to complete. Today, all geodesy works related to the project are completed and elaborated project of land consolidation is currently awaiting an approving administrative decision to be issued. The subject of evaluation were data files concerning land plots and farm holdings before and after execution of land consolidation works. No substantial changes of medium size of land plots were noticed. At the same time, a possibility of implementing a correction to an area being subject of a land consolidation pro-cess was demonstrated, which indicates a need for developing a more accurate method determining boundaries of areas, on which land consolidation procedure need to be executed in connection with construction of linear investments. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Optimal allocation of farmlands to farms and linking the allocation with the zones of differences in distances between farm sites and plots

In this paper, basic principles are presented of how to allocate plots to farms with two factors taken into considerations: zones of differences in distances between farm sites and plots, and lines of equal differences in distances, which de-limit them. Both the boundaries of the zones being analyzed and ranges of their areas constitute a significant condition to correctly plan and perform the process of allocating lands to farms. A requirement necessary to correctly allocate plots to two selected farms is that the plots of those two farms are situated within one zone of differences in distance that delimits the plots belonging to the selected farms. A line of equal differences in distances delimiting the plots belonging to those two farms runs across the delimiting zone provided that those plots are most favoura-bly located in relation to the farm sites. The examples shown in this paper refer to two farms located in the village of Filipowice; they exemplify the optimization of layout of the farmlands, and the routes of lines of equal differences in distances between farm sites and plots, as well as area ranges of zones of distances. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

A method of correcting rural farmlands network to increase the participation level in the design complexes

The correction method developed increases the number of farms participatingin the design complexes of plots and refers to an optimization model optimizingthe layout of farmlands as regards the plains of plots. The optimizationmodel applied is based on dividing the design complexes of plots into small elementarystrips. This correction method aims at eliminating too low participationlevels of farms since they make it impossible to section off plots with sufficientlylarge areas. The effectiveness of this correction method increasing the number offarms participating in the design complexes of plots has been confirmed by the exampleof the village of Wojków. With this correction method applied, the majority(more than 90%) of farms smaller than 1 ha could be removed from the complexesof plots. Other low participation levels of farms with small areas are usually a resultof too small areas of both the farms and the design complexes of plots. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Correction of rural farmlands layout decreasing the number of farms with a small participation level in projected complexes

The correction method developed increases the number of farms participat-ing in the design complexes of plots and refers to an optimization model optimiz-ing the layout of farmlands as regards the plains of plots. The optimization model applied is based on dividing the design complexes of plots into small elementary strips. This correction method aims at eliminating too low participation levels of farms since they make it impossible to section off plots with sufficiently large ar-eas. The effectiveness of this correction method increasing the number of farms participating in the design complexes of plots has been confirmed by the example of the village of Wojków. With this correction method applied, it was possible to eliminate from the complexes of plots all the eliminable farms smaller than the area assumed, i.e. smaller than 1 ha. Other few participation levels of farms smaller than 1 ha result from too small areas of the farms or of the design com-plexes of plots. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

The method of determining boundaries of area in Jodłówka village, on which proved negative influence on land spatial structure in connection with construction of motorway

Over the last few years, the scale of consolidation works related to linear investments mainly highways and express roads has significantly increased. In fu-ture such works may also be relevant to construction of new railway routes. Accurate determination of boundaries of the area which should be subject to a land consolidation procedure is a difficult and time consuming task, as it re-quires a huge amount of calculation to be made. At the same time, the effect of this activity is significant for both possibility of obtaining relevant results as well as its cost, which is mainly dependant to a size of the assigned area. A dynamic progress in methods of storing and disclosing the land registra-tion data as well as fast growth of effectiveness of computers allows these days for introducing new methods allowing for fast and very precise determination of areas, for which a negative impacts of the said investment justifies a decision of a land consolidation within this area.This presented article describes a proposition of such method, which uses both land registration data of the considered area in SWDE format as well as a run of a planned linear investment as input data.     ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Correction of the rural land arrangement which joins shares of farm located within complexes

Correction of the rural land arrangement which joins shares of farm located within complexes is connected with optimization model based on division complexes with elementary strips. The Aim of correction is joining of dispersed farm shares into compact land plots and, afterwards, creating numerical map with new land arrangement. Efficency of the correction was tested and confirmed with data set that represents Wojków village.Introducing of the correction allows for elimination of every farm shares which area is smaller than 1 ha and creating compact land plots in complexes. The result of computational process is a map of rural land arrangement with minimized distance between plots and farm dwellings.     ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jacek Gniadek

Optimization of the spatial structure of the Filipowice village combined with the change of strip plot deployment

The method used to optimize the rural land system takes into account two basic trends of its improvement: approaching lands to habitats and the size and shape of plots. The basis for creating optimization model is the division of the con-solidation lands complexes into small elementary strips and determining their dis-tances to farm habitats. The final result of the optimization procedure is a com-plete digital map of the new land deployment allowing to summarize the required cadastral documentation. Time-consuming processes of data preparation, model construction and its solutions have been automated by computer programs, which enable practical application of this method. The optimization, carried out for of Filipowice village, prowed that changie of existing land deployment, so that the main direction of the parcel was to be parallel to the axis of the development, can substantially reduce the length and surface of roads. The share of roads in the en-tire village area was reduced by optimizing from 3 to 2%, while the plots were brought 200 closer to farm habitats and the number of plots was reduced fourtr-mes. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Evaluation of the spatial structure of Sękowa village based on data from the land register and analysis of the actual state

Agricultural spatial structure in Poland is highly disadvantageous in the extensive area of the country, which especially concerns Southern and South-Eastern Poland. The far-reaching changes of particular parameters of this struc-ture are mostly the result of land consolidation works carried out pursuant to the provisions of the Act on land consolidation and exchange of land dated 26 March 1982. One of the most important premise qualifying a given area for land consol-idation is excessive land fragmentation, the effect of which is a large number of land plots belonging to individual farms which is usually connected with a slight, average surface of such plot. The data used during the analysis of land fragmentation in a given area is usually obtained via examination of the descriptive part of land and building register survey. The above approach may sometimes result in an incorrect description of the real state of farm spatial structure in a given area, as it was demonstrated in the presented article on the Sękowa village, situated in the Sękowa commune, gorlicki district. In this area one can observe significant discrepancies between the land fragmentation shown in data analysis of land register and the real fragmentation, the scale of which was ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Effect of length of farm plots on their accessibility from farm roads and using this effect while correcting farm roads

This paper refers to the principles of determining the methods of accessing farm plots from farm roads. It is a must to ensure access to each farm plot, and, therefore, there are exclusively two options when planning access roads to plots. Between two neighbouring farm roads, one or two rows of plots can be situated; this situation is described as a one sided or two-sided access. In the paper, it was proved that in the case of short plots of up to ca. 150 m of length, regardless of the plot area, a one-sided access should be planned. As for farm land with arrange-ments comprising longer plots, when planning access roads, a two-sided access to them should be planned. The access planning principles as described in the paper are recommended for the application when correcting farm road networks without any change in the spatial arrangement of plots. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Zones of access to lots with allowance for changes in their lengths and distances between roads

One of the most important aims of the development process of the ground lay-out of a village in the course of scale-integration work is to create favourable functioning conditions in a given rural area . This aim may be achieved by intro-duction of a ground lay-out which the most effectively will reduce the costs con-nected with cultivation of particular lots belonging to farms. Undoubtedly, one of the most important factors determining development possibilities of a new ground lay-out is the rural transport network in a discussed area along with the relevant issue of selection of a way of road access to the lots. Determination of the most economical way of road access to the lots in a particular case is not an evident task because it depends, among others, on the distance between the roads and the lengths of the lots . These factors are evidently related and the effect of their mutual interaction on the optimum access to the lots is a relatively sophisticated issue for calculation reasons. The presented article shows the results of the research on determination of limiting values of such lot features as their lengths and areas as well as surface which should involve a ...

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Spatial differentation of parts of dąbrowski administrative district as refers to the value of the indicator determining the intensity of the areas without connection to the road network

The existence of areas without connection to the road network is one of the significant feature influencing the conducting of rational and profitable agricultural production. The difficulties in this range should include the lack of a direct connection with the network of public roads, low quality of existing roads, causing transport problems, and also impossibility of field access in the event of adverse weather conditions. Identification of areas where the phenomenon of lack of road network connection occurs with a lot of intensity, constitutes an essential element of the process of identifying areas which qualifies to implement the comprehensive land consolidation. High level of that areas indicator testifies of necessity of new road network organizing and associated with them the high financial expenses. The purpose of this article is to present the spatial differentiation of parts of Dąbrowski administrative district by the indicator determining the intensity of the areas without connection to the road network. This article presents the proposal of method for determination this indicator. Moreover it presents the result of the values determination of proposed indicator for one of the most agriculturally used district in Małopolska Province which is Dąbrowski administrative district. The analysis were made for all ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Barbara Ostrągowska

Correction of farmland arrangement system to limit excessive distance increments to farmlands occurring during its optimization process

The optimization of a farmland arrangement system connected with the incorporation of required corrections makes it possible to obtain a small (close to the least value), average distance between farmlands and farmstead sites, as well as correct layouts of plots being allotted. The optimization process performed resultsin a specific parcellation of village, usually characterized by a significant diversity of distances to farmlands, and, also, in excessive distance increments in some farmsteads compared to the initial state. The correction developed makes it possible to eliminate excessive distance increments in farmsteads without any significantdistance increments to farmlands; however, it is associated with a certain increase in the fragmentation of plots. A particularly large increase in this fragmentation of plots is in the case of small areas of farmsteads parcelled out within single plots. In the village of Wojków under analysis, the application of the correctionmethod developed caused the number of plots belonging to local farmsteads to increase (i.e. to the farmsteads with sites in this village) by more than 20%. ...

Dr inż. Jacek Gniadek

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Renata Ostrowska

Agricultural production space - and evaluation of the possibility of its improvement on the example Rudnik Stróża

The study presents the researches covering the assessment of a current state of the agricultural lands in the village of Rudnik Stróża - voivodeship podkarpackie. The research material will include all lands belonging to people residing the examined village. The source data which are to be used will be obtained from the land register and the use of IT tools will allow to specify the necessary parameters of the plots and farms spatial shape. The basic element of the research will be a continual parts of the registered parcels of land covered by one form of usage. Detailed studies will concern the assessment of plots with arable land and plots earmarked for grassland and their location in the village. The output will allow to identify the positive and negative sides of the examined ground indicating the necessary changes in the area of its improvement. ...

Dr inż. Monika Mika

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Dr inż. Jarosław Taszakowski

Dr inż. Przemysław Len


The aim of this publication is to indicate the need for a comprehensive land consolidation and exchange works in the Małopolskie voivodship, to accelerate or supplement the modernization of EGiB. The study area is characterized by large faultiness in terms of the spatial structure of rural areas. Because the most of the plots in the area have an unfavourable geometric structure. They are scattered and fragmented, and their use is associated with obsolete technology in agricultural works, what is a major impediment in the process of rational management. In the process of modernization of land and building registry the measures to improve the spatial structure of land are not included. Procedures of modernization seem to be right only for the area covered by the influence of the Prussian cadastre. In the lands affected by the Austro-Hungarian cadastre (in the voivodeship of Malopolska) and the former Russian occupation zone (where practically cadastre did not exist) it should consider the possibility of replacing the modernization with the cadastral consolidations. Can the process of consolidation in the specified area of research be an alternative or support for the modernization process of EGiB towards the creation of full value Real Estate Cadastre in Poland? ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Harasimowicz

Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Janus

Determination of shortest route between plots and habitations with the aid network road’s graph and along borders of areas drives

In article was presented the method of calculations distances of ground from habitations on base of numeric map. More in detail was discussed procedures concerning with shortest route from habitations to plots. Approach from habitation has been described for graph including road’s network and drives on field in complexes of areas. The route of drive from habitation to plots was defined as shortest path graph between its knots. Proper disparity of difficulty of drive after ways and after field was accepted. Introduced procedures have been processed at foundation concerning, that relocating proceed after borders of ways and after balks of plots. The graph describing relocate between single area and habitation usually does not surpass two thousand tops. It will not extend time of account excessively and economic application of processed method will enable. Served principles counting of distance and routes of drives allow from habitation for areas of farms on base of information map introduced in the form of numeric automation of majority computational procedure. This enables counting of distance of all rural plots from habitation of farms that can present valuable material for estimate of structure of village and its change. Table of distance of all plots can be ...