Optimization of the spatial structure of the Filipowice village combined with the change of strip plot deployment

key words: land spatial structure


The method used to optimize the rural land system takes into account two basic trends of its improvement: approaching lands to habitats and the size and shape of plots. The basis for creating optimization model is the division of the con-solidation lands complexes into small elementary strips and determining their dis-tances to farm habitats. The final result of the optimization procedure is a com-plete digital map of the new land deployment allowing to summarize the required cadastral documentation. Time-consuming processes of data preparation, model construction and its solutions have been automated by computer programs, which enable practical application of this method. The optimization, carried out for of Filipowice village, prowed that changie of existing land deployment, so that the main direction of the parcel was to be parallel to the axis of the development, can substantially reduce the length and surface of roads. The share of roads in the en-tire village area was reduced by optimizing from 3 to 2%, while the plots were brought 200 closer to farm habitats and the number of plots was reduced fourtr-mes.


Harasimowicz S., Janus J., Gniadek J. 2011, vol. 8. Optimization of the spatial structure of the Filipowice village combined with the change of strip plot deployment. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2011, vol. 8/ 02