Valuation of the effects of land consolidation on the example of Wojków village

key words: land consolidation, spatial structure of a village


This dissertation presents a method of valuation of the effects of land consolidation executed within the area of Wojków village, Mielec discrict where the greatest importance was assigned to comparing the transportation network of selected group of household dwellings before and after execution of agricultural engineering works. The aforementioned village underwent the process of land consolidation in 2002–2005, which enabled for acquiring date in the form of numerical cadastral map in relation to the status both before and after the land consolidation process. The scope of land consolidation covered the area 612 ha, the number of households was 438 (as for the moment of commencement of the process) and the number of land plots was almost 1400 (during consolidation works this number was reduced to 833 land plots). The land consolidation was executed by Geodesy and Agricultural Land Consolidation Office in Cracow. The subject of presentation is the way of acquiring and preparation of input data for designed calculation procedures. Moreover, rule of procedure for valuation as well as algorithms used for determining the shortest route between a household dwelling and plots that form it were also described. Also presented and debriefed were the results of calculation, which for the group of agricultural households chosen for analysis showed a beneficial effects of executed land consolidation process The process of determining the distance between a household dwelling and plots that form it comprises the following steps: making a list of necessary initial data to be collected from a digital map and a land cadastre; preparing files required to create a graph of driveways between a given parcel and a particular farm holding site; developing the prepared graph of driveways; and, finally, determining the shortest access driveway to the parcel under consideration. Using specific computer software developed, it is possible to make automatic the majority of time- and labour-consuming works indispensable for determining the possible access driveways to parcels, and their lengths. The methodology of determining distances between parcels and sites, can be applied to investigate spatial structures of villages, and to assess transformation processes occurring in villages as a result of agricultural engineering works. The summary contains presentation of both greatest advantages and disadvantages of the proposed method of valuation of land consolidation were indicated, as well as advisability regarding possible improvement of the method. The method of valuation of changes to agricultural household's spatial structure can be used predominantly for valuation of effects of executed land consolidation works. Another potential use of the presented method can be prevenient valuation of changes that may occur for the areas 'cut' by constructed linear developments.


Harasimowicz S., Janus J. 2007, vol. 4. Valuation of the effects of land consolidation on the example of Wojków village. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2007, vol. 4/ 2