Zeszyt: 2024, vol. 19 / 1 / 1
Some practices such as fertilisation and pesticide use are carried out in order to obtain high yields in agricultural production. However, as a result of these practices, agricultural pollutants may occur as a result of incorrect agricultural practices. Problems such as water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, nutrient imbalance, salination in soils, eutrophication in waters, beneficial microorganisms in soils and damage to human and animal health occur due to faulty fertilisation and pesticide applications, misuse of agricultural soils, and inaccuracies in the disposal of plastic wastes. In this study, the literature on agricultural polluting factors was examined and it was aimed to raise awareness about agricultural pollution by explaining the harms of agricultural polluting factors to the environment and the health of living beings and by trying to offer solutions. Within the scope of this targeted awareness, this study; It is aimed to raise the awareness of producers in future production processes and to provide a stepping stone for scientific studies on this subject. ...
Bulk, porous oil-bearing materials acquire various degrees of densification under varying influences of equipment and process parameters with direct bearings on yield during compressive abstraction of oil from such materials. Effects of both aspect ratio and compression cycle on the course of densification were investigated. Mechanical response and oil expression indices were analysed for variances and treatment means were compared using Duncan's multiple range test. All influence factors had significant effects on mechanical response and oil yield. Significant improvements in achievable deformation and specific energy demand were obtained through repeated induction of compressive stress; compression cycle correlated positively with both deformation and energy demand. Margin for the expenditure of energy became wider as pressure ratio at the oil point became lower. This study reveals that performance of compression schemes may be significantly enhanced through careful application of the pressure ratio. ...
System profitability analysis and carbon (IV) oxide emission saved by an indirect passive solar cabinet dryer for tomatoes drying was evaluated under Bauchi (Nigeria) prevailing weather condition. Dryer minimum annual throughput of 27.89 kg occurred in the design month of August at 180 days of drying with thermal energy output of 262.55 kWh. Financial analysis indicated a minimum annual cash flow of ₦7,826.61 for electricity energy saved with a payback period of 14.22 years which is less than the economic useful life of the dryer in the design month, while preventing 105.02 kg of carbon (IV) oxide emission. This illustrates a conventional energy cost saving method for drying high moisture crop using a cleaner form of energy. The study recommends the development and adaptation of solar dryers with auxiliary heating units for proper harnessing of solar energy for environmental sustenance and economic growth.
Dynamiczny wzrost ilości instalacji fotowoltaicznych stawia zapytanie odnośnie jak najbardziej efektywnego wykorzystania produkowanej z nich energii elektrycznej. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wskaźnika autokonsumpcji dla domu jednorodzinnego wyposażonego w siłownię fotowoltaiczną. Analizy przeprowadzono z uwzględnieniem danych rzeczywistych dotyczących energii elektrycznej pochodzących z prosumenckiej instalacji fotowoltaicznej, sterownika pompy ciepła oraz portalu eLicznik Tauron Dystrybucja. Badania przeprowadzono dla lat 2022-2023 z uwzględnieniem zmiany profilu poboru energii elektrycznej wynikającej z demontażu dotychczasowego źródła ciepła i jego wymiany na rzecz sprężarkowej pompy ciepła.
Today, waste management is becoming increasingly important in terms of environmental sustainability and economic efficiency. Increasing population, industrialization and changes in consumption habits necessitate the development of new approaches in the field of waste management and the rethinking of existing systems. In this context, innovations and innovative approaches in waste management from past to present play a critical role in the transformation of waste management. Developments around the world encourage the adoption of innovative solutions and approaches in waste management. In particular, concepts such as zero waste targets, circular economy principles and waste reduction strategies are gaining more importance in international platforms and in the domestic policies of countries. In addition, technological advances offer more efficient and effective solutions in waste management. Developments in smart sensors, automatic classification systems and recycling technologies make it possible to manage waste more effectively.In this context, these developments in the field of waste management worldwide are an important driving force for the further development and implementation of waste management strategies and policies. In this study, innovative approaches in waste management from past to present are discussed, and it aims to be an important resource for understanding the effects of global developments on waste management ...
The thermal energy demand during the production period in greenhouses is important for determining the production economics and feasibility studies to be carried out. This is because evaluating future investments in the greenhouse sector requires accurate estimates of energy demand and costs. For this purpose, the heat energy required in the greenhouse and the heating costs were calculated, taking into account the meteorological conditions of the region, the optimum temperature demand of the plants and the technical specifications of the greenhouse. Two different cover materials were used to determine the heat energy requirement: polyethylene sidewalls and roof (PE) and polycarbonate sidewalls + polyethylene roof (PC+PE). In addition, calculations were made for 8 different greenhouse combinations, including different insulation statuses (poor, medium and good insulation) of these greenhouses without thermal screen and with thermal screens. As a result of the study, it was calculated that the amount of energy consumed was reduced by 4.5% when PC covering material was used instead of PE covering material as covering material for the greenhouse side walls. In greenhouses covered with PE and PC+PE covers, if well-insulated thermal screens are used, the amount of energy consumed will decrease by 23.1%-22.4%, respectively, compared to PE and ...
Odpady z przetwórstwa owoców i warzyw stanowią znaczący problem środowiskowy i gospodarczy. Każdego roku globalnie marnuje się około 1,3 miliarda Mg żywności z czego znaczna część pochodzi z przetwórstwa owoców i warzyw. W Europie odpady te mogą stanowić do 30% całego strumienia odpadów poprodukcyjnych. W Polsce jest to szacunkowo od 5 do 9 mln Mg/rok. Odpady te pochodzą głównie z przetwórstwa ziemniaków, jabłek i buraków cukrowych. Skuteczne zarządzanie odpadami, poprzez wytwarzanie z nich biogazu i kompostu, przynosi korzyści ekologiczne i ekonomiczne, zmniejsza emisje gazów cieplarnianych oraz poprawia jakość gleby. Ponadto, wykorzystanie odpadów do produkcji wartościowych produktów, takich jak nawozy i dodatki do żywności, może zwiększyć przychody przemysłu rolno-spożywczego. W artykule dokonano analizy dostępnych metod zagospodarowania odpadów z przetwórstwa owoców i warzyw oraz ich rzeczywistego zastosowania. ...