Zrównoważony rozwój polega na integrowaniu działań politycznych, gospodarczych i społecznych z zachowaniem równowagi przyrodniczej oraz trwałości podstawowych procesów przyrodniczych, w celu zagwarantowania możliwości zaspokojenia podstawowych potrzeb poszczególnych społeczności lub obywateli zarówno współczesnego, jak i przyszłych pokoleń. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wpływem wybranych elementów infrastruktury technicznej na poziom zrównoważenia rozwoju województw. Zarówno poziom rozwoju zrównoważonego, jak i jakość infrastruktury określono w formie wskaźników syntetycznych.Wykazano, że infrastruktura jest czynnikiem wpływającym na zrównoważenie rozwoju, jednakże nie oddziałuje ona jednakowo na wszystkie cztery obszary zrównoważonego rozwoju. Stwierdzono, że infrastruktura może negatywnie oddziaływać na zrównoważenie rozwoju w obszarze przyrodniczym (środowiskowym). ...
Generated wastes require space and financial outlays on their proper storage and processing, whereas the lack of means usually leads to depositing wastes in places not meant for this purpose. Illegal dumping sites still emerge, despite introducing in Poland the obligatory (common) fee for collection and management of wastes and the obligatory establishing the Selective Waste Collection Points in each district. The aim of the work was conducting a detailed inventory of illegal dumping sites in the area of Olsztyn district (situated in the Silesia province, on the Krakow-Częstochowa Upland) and indicting the morphological composition of the wastes deposited in these places. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the morphological composition of illegal landfill sites situated in the analyzed district. The investigations located 28 illegal dumping sites, despite the fact that a Selective Municipal Waste Collection Point operates in the district area. The analysis of location, area, mass and composition of the wastes was conducted for each illegal landfill, according to the methodology developed for this purpose. Over a half of the illegal dumping sites was situated in the forest and on 4 of them the estimated mass of dumped waste exceeded 1Mg. Debris constitutes the highest proportion (21.8%) ...
The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of wastewater treatment at the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Wolbrom, to which predominantly domestic wastewater and industrial sewage flow. The assessment was made based on the analysis of the physical and chemical research results of raw and treated wastewater. The research was carried out in the period from January 2014 to December 2014. To perform the analysis of the treatment plant efficiency, four indicators of wastewater pollutants such as BOD5, COD, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were selected for further investigation. For each of the indicators degrees of reduction and coefficients of treatment plant operational reliability were calculated. The calculated degrees of reduction for each of the indicators were high and amounted to 99.0% for BOD5, 95.2% for COD, 91.0% for total nitrogen and 91.6%. for total phosphorus. These results prove the effective reduction in the amount of pollutants. The determined coefficients of treatment plant operational reliability were at a low level: BOD5 - 0.27, COD - 0.44, total nitrogen - 0.33 and total phosphorus - 0.53. The conducted analyses prove the effective operation of the treatment plant, which was confirmed by high efficiency of pollutants removal. ...
Obowiązkiem każdej gminy w Polsce jest utworzenie stacjonarnego punktu lub punktów selektywnego zbierania odpadów komunalnych (PSZOK). Obiekty te stanowią nowy element zarządzania strumieniem stałych odpadów komunalnych, znany w krajach europejskich pod nazwą - „household waste recycling center". Brak tego typu infrastruktury gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi na terenie wielu polskich gmin lub istnienie PSZOK-ów w wersji mobilnej, przyczynia się do powstawania dzikich wysypisk, a ponadto nie umożliwia zwiększania poziomów recyklingu i ponownego użycia niektórych grup odpadów.W pracy dokonano porównawczej oceny oddziaływania na środowisko pięciu istniejących PSZOK-ów na terenie jednego z powiatów województwa świętokrzyskiego. Ocenie poddano lokalizację, funkcjonowanie i wyposażenie tych obiektów. W analizie oddziaływania na środowisko została wykorzystana metoda RIAM (Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix). Spośród przeanalizowanych PSZOK-ów dwa otrzymały ocenę pozytywną, natomiast 3 obiekty powinny zostać zlikwidowane lub całkowicie zmodernizowane. ...
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is the mixture of many waste types, including organic waste (garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste, paper and cardboard etc.). Such waste creates a living environment for various microorganism species, many of which are known as pathogenic. The presence of microorganisms in favorable conditions (pH, organic matter content, carbon content, moisture, appropriate granulation) leads to decomposing of organic matter, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Microorganisms in waste pose a serious risk for staff operating at waste treatment plants. Moreover, heat released by their activity may cause a fire in waste storage facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to search for methods of waste stabilization and hygienization. The most commonly applied technology for waste stabilization is its processing in Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plants. Such treatment is capital- and time-consuming, however. Waste liming can become an alternative method for stabilization and hygienization of waste. Lime addition is one of the oldest method known by humans for hygienization of certain waste materials, such as animal waste. Currently, liming is applied in sewage sludge treatment as one of the initial operations and is necessary for further sludge management processes. The aim of the research ...
In this paper was analyzed selected components of technical infrastructure functioning in rural areas of the Malopolska, Świętokrzyskie and Podkarpackie Voivodships. The level of equipping rural areas with specified infrastructure elements was evaluated in the form of density and availability of infrastructure components. The work has been specified the rate of change in the analyzed indicators. In each of the provinces was separated 4, homogeneous groups of municipalities due to the level of infrastructure and standard of living. The lack of consistency in the level of the dynamics of the development of infrastructure with the dynamics of the percentage of residents using the equipment was noted. A positive phenomenon is that the development of the sewage system in all three voivodships has a higher average rate than the average rate of the development of the water supply system. This is particularly important due to the significant underdevelopment of the sewage system in relation to the water supply system. ...