Chosen chemical, physical and biological properties of a fallow soil as well as plant succession in the first year after cultivation of chosen cereals (buckwheat, millet, maize) and potatoes under sprinkler irrigation, were determined in the paper. Trials were conducted in 2005 at Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz on a very light soil classified to weak rye complex of agricultural suitability. It was found that in regard of granulation, humus horizons of the studied soil belonged to two textural groups: loose sandy soil and coarse sandy soil. They contained from 3 to 6 % silt and clay whereas the content of organic carbon was typical for sandy soils and ranged from 9,40 to 9,90 g*kg-1. There were no marked and oriented differences in the organic carbon content between control fields and those which were previously irrigated. On the basis of available phosphorus and potassium contents, the humus horizons of the studied soil can be included to I–III and I–IV classes of soil fertility, respectively. Soil pH was very differentiated. In the first year of fallow, annual plants of arable lands were dominant (mostly Conyza canadiensis). It was connected with properties of habitat, and on the other hand with agricultural practices which ...
Uncertainties as to how the climate will change and how it will influence the necessities and trends of irrigation development are the serious questions to be answered in the near future. How irrigation and water systems will have to adapt to climate changes is the challenge that planners, designers and O&M ser-vices will have to cope with. It is widely accepted that air temperature will increase of 2–4°C in Po-land. Changes in total seasonal precipitation or its pattern of variability are both important. There is rather an agreement that total yearly precipitation will not be changed but its pattern in the year will change towards greater amount in winter and less in summer. Moreover, evapotraspiration and crop water demands can increase due to increased temperatures and the extent of the length of growing season. Thus soil moisture can be depleted more quickly during the growing sea-son, while surface runoff and groundwater recharge decreased. Due to climate change and related extreme meteorological and hydrologi-cal events (droughts), it is indispensable to review planning principles, design criteria, operating rules, contingency plans and management policies for water infrastructures and to stress the role of irrigation and agricultural water man-agement to control extreme meteorological ...
Irrigation needs of orchard plants in Poland are presented in the work using the formula N = P – Po (mm), where: N – water needs (mm) in a given pe-riod, P – actual rainfall (mm) in a given period, Po – optimum rainfall (water needs of plants). Optimum rainfall amounts according to modified schedule of Press [1963] for three ranges of air temperature in the particular months of the vegetation period were taken into consideration. Needs N were determined for 27 chosen meteorological stations, for five fruit trees' basic species as well as strawberries. The higher water needs for fruit trees were determined in central belt of Poland with north region of Szczecin as well as regions of Poznań, Płock and Słubice. These needs in the vegetation period with high temperatures ranged from 160 to 190 mm for plum trees, 140–171 mm for apple trees, 50–81 mm for pear trees as well as 39–73 mm for sweet and sour cherries. Advantageous mois-ture conditions were determined in both extreme belts of country, but also here irrigation needs were occurred in case of plum-trees and apple-trees. The highest rainfall deficits were detected in regions ...
Results of studies have shown that yield increased achieved as effect of supplemental irrigation of spring or winter cereals are similar. Yield increases resulting from irrigation depend mostly on the kind of soil, particularly its mois-ture conditions. In the definite vegetation season and in the actual soil conditions the effects of irrigation of cereals varried, and they correlate significantly with the rainfall at growth stage when the requirement of moisture is critical. The problems of irrigation of cereals in Poland should be considered in two aspects: 1. Irrigation of cereals grown on medium and light soils should be consid-ered as interventional, so as to prevent yield decreases caused by drought, and to assure stable crops in the Polish transitory climate condition. That measure can lead to average yield increases: absolute of 0,50–1,00 t.ha-1, relative of 10–30% and unitary of 5–10 This might not encourage farmers to include cereals in their crop rotation on fields equipped with irrigation systems but cere-als should take a part in an equipped with irrigation systems fields meant for other plants. Irrigated should be the bread varieties of wheat and then malt bar-ley. 2. Irrigation of cereal plants grown on very light ...
Field experiment was done in the years 2003 and 2008 in the Agriculturae Experiment Station Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński on the sandy soil, belongs to the good-rye-complex. The experiment was set up by split-plot method in 5 rep-lications. In this experiment the effects of mineral fertilizing and different soil moisture conditions on the yield of peach cv. ‘Inka’ was studied. The first factor of the study was supplemental irrigation (O – control, not irrigated: W – under crown irrigation). As second factor was different level of mineral fertilizing: 0NPK – (contro- no fertilizing), 1 NPK – 150 kg.ha-1 (40+50+60), 2 NPK-300 kg.ha-1 (80+100+120). Supplemental irrigation was used when the tensiometer have shown that water potential dropped to 0,01 MPa. Sward was between trees and in the rows the herbicidal farrows were kept. It was found that crop in-creased on both objects it means irrigated plots and fertilized. Average under in-fluence of irrigation gathered by 9,11 kg more fruits from 1 tree (42%) than from not irrigated plants. Yields of peach fruits dependent mostly on the supplemental irrigation applied from the April to August it means during critical stages for this plants. Crops of peach fruits increased under influence of 130 ...
In the years of 2003–2005 two-factors field experiment was set up in ES Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński on the sandy soil (good rye complex) and a small retencion of usefulness water. The aim of the study was to determine the ef-fect of irrigation and mineral fertilization on the photosynthetic activity the leaves of some species of stone fruit trees. All experiments were done on the trees 4 years after planting. The experiments were designer by split-plot method in 7 replications with cherry, 5 replications with peach, and 4 replications with plum. Among the trees was the lawn but in the rows the selective herbicide fallow was kept. Two factors were considered: irrigation (O – control, W –under – crown ir-rigation) and mineral fertilization for cherry and plum 0 NPK – control (without fertilization), 1 NPK – 130 kg NPK•ha-1, 2 NPK – 260 kg NPK•ha-1; and for peach 0 NPK – control (without fertilization), 1 NPK – 150 kg NPK•ha-1, 2 NPK – 300 kg NPK•ha-1. Measurements of cherry, peach and plum leaves photosynthesis were done on well developer leaves on one year old branches. On basic of obtained results was found that photosynthetic activity of cherry peach and ...
Field experiments were done in 2002–2004 on sandy soil. Crop productivity of cherry (cv. ‘Kelleris’ i ‘Łutówka’) was tested on different water regime (O – con-trol, W – under-crown- irrigation) and various level of nitrogen doses: 0NPK, 1NPK – 130kg N.ha-1 (40+ 30+60), 2NPK – 260 kg N.ha-1 (80+60+120). The ex-periment was designe by split-plot method in 7 replications. Among the trees was the lawn but in the rows the selective herbicide was used. Irrigation was applied when tensiometer show that potential of soil water was lower than 0,01 MPa. De-pending on rainfall the amount of supplemental irrigation equel 27,5–61,3 mm of water during vegetation period. The paper also presents the results of study on the effect of rainfall and total irrigation rates during vegetation on the content N, P, K,Ca, Mg, sugar, vit. C and dry matter of cherry. The cultivars had similar production capabilities. Irrigation significantly increased the yield, by 1,96 t.ha-1 (36,5%). The highest yield of cherry (6,78 t.ha-1) was obtained from plants, which had been fertilized with 260kg N.ha-1. After three years of the research the content of N, P, Mg, sugar, vitamin C in fruit decreased compare to control plots. Higher mineral fertilization caused ...
Field experiment was carried out in the years 2003–2006 in ES in Lipnik near stargard (Szczecin region) on sandy soil belong to god-rye-complex. The experiment was set up by split-plot method in seven repetitions. Between the trees there was sward and in the rows the herbicidal farrows there kept. The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of under crown irrigation and mineral fer-tilization on the yield of plums cv. ‘Amersis’ and ‘Cacańska Rana’. The first fac-tor of the study was supplemental irrigation (0-control without irrigation: W- under crown irrigation). The second factor was different level of mineral fertiliz-ing: 0NPK, 1NPK – 130kg . NPK. ha-1 (40+30+60), 2NPK - 260kg . NPK. ha-1 (80+60+120). Supplemental irrigation was used when the tensiometer have shown that water potential of soil dropped lower than 0,01 MPa. For irrigation the ‘Hadar’ sprinkler were used (r=2m). Depending on rainfall the amount of ir-rigation from 21,0 to 37,9 mm there used. As effect of irrigation the yields in-creased by 19,2%. The highest increased (36,1%) was obtained in 2006 and the lowest (8,2%) in 2005. To evaluation the effects of mineral fertilizers the highest crops obtained from the plots fertilized with 2NPK ...
Fruit crops have high water requirements. As sweet water is becoming scarce and expensive resource, development and improvement of irrigation tech-nologies, and introduction of new water saving practices (e.g. mulching to limit evaporation losses) is necessary. Relatively little research has been conducted to determine different re-sponses to unfavorable environmental conditions among various cultivars of fruit crops. Thus, studies have been undertaken at the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture to examine the influence of environmental stresses (mainly water deficiency) on plant life (growth, physiology and productivity). These researches are subjected to detailed assessment of genotypic differences in drought tolerance of various crop species. The obtained results are important not only for fruit growers, but also for plant breeders, as the enhanced resistance to stresses has become an important criterion in modern breeding programs. Balanced nutrition is essential for the health of plants. Modern practices allow farmers to apply fertilizers with water through drip irrigation systems (fer-tigation). Together with modern methods of nutrition diagnostics, fertigation has become a suitable tool for optimizing fruit crop fertilization. A new approach into sustainable water and nutrient management strategy should be a combination of modern irrigation and soil water monitoring techniques, elements ...
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of supplementary irrigation and nitrogen fertilization and storage on chosen parameters of chemical composi-tion of early potato cultivars. Field experiment was carried out at Kruszyn Krajeń-ski nar. Bydgoszcz in 2005-2007 on the very light soil. The experiment was estab-lished as the three-factorial trial with three replications. The first order factor were cultivars – ‘Dorota’ and ‘Gracja’, the second order factor was sprinkler ir-rigation applied in two variants: W0- without irrigation (control), W1 - sprinkler irrigation according to indications of tensiometers (the soil water potential higher than -0,03 MPa). The third order factor was differentiated nitrogen fertilization: N0 = 0 kg N∙ ha-1 , N1 = 40 kg N∙ ha-1, N2 = 80 kg N∙ ha-1 , N3 = 120 kg N ∙ha-1. It was found that the dry matter and starch content was significantly differ-entiated for the investigated cultivars, irrigation and nitrogen doses, after harvest and after storage. Irrigation decreased significantly the content of dry matter and starch as well as this factor increased slightly the content of vitamin C, reduc-ing sugars and total sugars. Increasing nitrogen doses (to 80 kg N∙ ha-1) caused the significant increase of ...
The purpose of the study was to determine of influence of irrigation and ni-trogen fertilization on the amount of losses after the storage of early potato culti-vars during 6 months. Investigations were carried out in 2005–2007 in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz on the soil included to the weak rye complex of agricultural suitability. The experiment was conducted as 3-factorial trial, with three rep-lications. The first row factor was early potato cultivar: ‘Dorota’, ‘Gracja’. The second row factor was sprinkler irrigation applied in two variants: Wo – without irrigation (control), (kontrola), W1 – sprinkler irrigation according to indications of tensiometers (irrigation was started when the soil water potential achieved -0,03 MPa). The three row factor was differentiated nitrogen fertilization: N0 = 0 kg N•ha -1, N1 = 40 kg N•ha -1, N2 = 80 kg N•ha -1, N3 = 120 kg N•ha -1. The studied cultivars were characterized by differentiated susceptibility to losses total during the storage. cv. ‘Dorota’ was characterized by the higher losses during the long storage. Irrigation during the vegetation period increased in tubers the amount of natural losses, decrements and the losses caused by sprouting. Nitrogen fertilization of the higher doses as well as in control ...
The purpose of the study conducted in the years 2005–2006 in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz was determining the influence of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on morphological features of root systems as well as overground parts of millet cultivable varietes Gierczyckie and Jagna including the structure of grain yield. The plants were cultivated on a very light soil. The research shown that irri-gation significantly determined various values of morphological features of over- and undeground parts in each tested varitety of millet, where Jagna variety re-acted better on this experiment factor than Gierczyckie variety. In each variety the mass of overground parts of millet as well as the mass of grain increased more in-tensive in relation to the mass of roots and P2 (ratio of the overground-part mass and roots mass). Each variety used in the experiment reacted positive on nitrogen fertilisation, where, with no irrigation, Gierczyckie variety more effectively use higher nitrogen frtilisation doses (80-120 kg•ha-1), whereas Jagna variety lower doses (40-80 kg•ha-1). Irrigation increases the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilisa-tion for Gierczyckie variety, when nitrogen fertilisation dose reach 40-80 kg•ha-1 and for Jagna variety 40 kg•ha-1. ...
In this paper soil-climatical conditions in selected localities in Namysłów commune has been analyzed. The soil and climate conditions has been analyzed with regard to agricultural utilization of wastewater for energy plants irrigation. Using available literature the possibility of wastewater management coming from villages: Brzozowiec, Mikowice, Ligota Ksiażecą, Przeczów was indicated. In the paper there were presented the proposed solution benefits and attention was paid to the existing technical infrastructure and its possible expansion. ...
This paper attempts to evaluate rainfall in the context of expected climate changes for the purpose of irrigating plants. For a chosen meteorological station in Central Poland total precipitation was being simulated for conditions current and expected, according to GISS Scenario (GISS Scenario as typical for Poland assumes doubling the CO2 concentration as expected for years 2050-2060). Two 300-year daily rainfall series were compared to analyse periods for crucial irrigating starting in May and ending in September. For the simulated data prob-ability density function of total rainfall were estimated in examined periods and subsequently used for tail area approximation. The results present a slight increase in the average sums of rainfall (up to 5 per cent) in considered periods, as well as much greater height variance (as much as 20 per cent). In the context of irrigation, this means a greater risk of drought and a need for providing water requirements for plants in critical periods.The results suggest a need to use a comprehensive model taking en bloc meteorological variables into account. ...
The aim of this study was to assess the significance of changes of selected climatic indices for irrigation needs of plants in the years 1981- 2010 in the re-gion of Bydgoszcz, located in the zone with the highest desirability of the invest-ment location in terms of irrigation climatic criteria in Poland. The paper uses re-sults of meteorological measurements, carried out in the standard way, in the Research Station of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology 'Mochełek', University of Technology and Life Sciences, located approximately 20 km from Bydgoszcz.The study involved 30-year normal period of 1981-2010. A number of me-teorological elements and indicators of meteorological and agricultural drought were taken into account. The calculations were made for the period from 1 May to 30 June. The study results showed no significant trends of change climatic indices for irrigation needs of plants in the Bydgoszcz region over the years 1981 - 2010. In the period 1996-2010 compared to the previous 15 years (1981-1995) it has been stated a while broadening the time variability of precipitation and evapotranspiration, and also of the climatic indices for irrigation needs of plants, calculated on the basis of them. ...
Field studies conducted in the years 2003 - 2005 in the Agricultural Experimental Station in Lipnik near Stargard, on sandy soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of irrigation and fertilization crown on the content of total chlorophyll and carotenoids in leaves of cherry, peach and plum trees. Irri-gation was applied in the form of crown, in which water was distributed by type sprinkler Hadar, where the soil water potential fell below -0.01 MPa. Nitrogen fertilizers applied in early spring, before moving the vegetation, while phosphorus and potassium in the autumn according to the agricultural. All experiments were randomized block design established in the system dependent (called a split-plot), in seven replications in the experiment with cherry, peach and five with four repli-cations in the experiment with the plums. All experiments were carried out on trees in the fourth year after planting, fall within the third year of fruiting. Trees were planted at spacing: cherry - 4 x 2 m, peach - 3.5 x 3 m, plum - 4.5 x 4 m. per hec-tare were 1,250 pieces of cherry trees, peach trees 952.4 pc and 555, 5 pieces of plum trees. Maintained grass between the trees, ...
A field experiment was conducted in 2003 and 2005 at the Experimental Station Lipnik near Stargard, on acid brown soil. The soil is classified as quality class IVb, good rye complex, and for cultivation of light soils with low water re-tention useful. We evaluated the use of water for cherry grown under different water and fertilizer. The experiment was randomized block design in the system dependent (called a split-plot), in seven replications in the experiment. The research was conducted on trees in the fourth year after planting, fall within the third year of fruiting. Maintained grass between the trees, and rows of trees - herbicide fallow. The factor I was watering under-crown: O-control (without irrigation), W-irrigated sites, where soil water potential fell below 0.01 MPa. Irrigation system was used under-crown in which water was distributed by type of Hadar sprinkler scale spraying for cherry-1m. Second factor was the mineral fertilization NPK 0 - control (without fertilization), 2 NPK - 260 kg NPK. ha-1 (80 +60 +120). Nitrogen fertilizers applied in early spring, before moving the vegetation, while phosphorus and potassium in the autumn according to the agrotechnical. Based on water intensity ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration and photosynthetic rate were ...
Fruit production plays an important role in both national agriculture and economy. In order to keep the present supply markets, which means the actual production level, we have to ensure the high quality of fruit offered to customers. In our climate soil drought is one of the crucial factor significantly controlling the quantity and quality of the fruit crop. Therefore irrigation of orchards and small fruit plantations has become an indispensable element of fruit production. The de-velopment of irrigation itself is controlled by the shortages of water. It is important to optimize the ways of using our moderate water resources in the process of orchard development. It should be related to not only modern and economical irrigation systems but also with the introduction of rational criteria of irrigation to orchard farms. However, new technologies cannot find their way to predominantly small farms and the lack of reliable information makes the whole situations even worse. The information needed should be collected through surveys conducted during national conferences and fairs. The aim of the investigations was to estimate the area of irrigated orchard and plantations, collecting the information about the technological ideas and practical usage of irrigation criteria as well as the ...
A field experiment was conducted in 2003-2005 at the Experimental Station Lipnik near Stargard, where they were founded three two-factor experiment. The research was conducted on an acid brown soil. The soil is classified as quality class IVb, good rye complex, and for cultivation of light soils with low water retention useful. In each of the experiments were evaluated: the impact of different irrigation and fertilization on bulk density and soil water stocks. All experiments were randomized block design established in the system dependent (called a split-plot), in seven replications in the experiment with cherry, five replications with peach and four replications in the experiment with the plums. Were carried out on trees in the fourth year after planting, fall within the third year of fruiting. Maintained grass between the trees, and rows of trees - herbicide fallow. Order factor was irrigation under-crown: O-control (without irrigation), W-objects irrigated when soil water potential fell below 0.01 MPa. Irrigation system was used in which water was distributed by type of Hadar scale spraying for cherry r-1m , peach r-1,5m, and plum r-2m. The dosages of water under the tree stone in different growing seasons ranged from 21.7 to 61.3 mm depending on ...
The second part of paper presents effects of supplemental irrigation and mineral fertilization on pH soil and content of selected macroelements. Both used agrotechnical diversified mineral content in the soil, contributing to changes in soil fertility. Applied irrigation allowed the movement of minerals in the soil profile, high mineral fertilization increased their concentration in the investigated soil layers. Both irrigation and fertilization effect on pH changes in the KCL and the content of mineral forms of nitrogen.
In the years 2009 -2010 experiments on the influence of irrigation and mulching on yield of celeriac were carried out on certified organic field of the Re-search Institute of Vegetable Crops, Skierniewice. In the experiments three objects of irrigation: drip, mini-sprinkler and without irrigation and tree objects of mulching: mulching with textile biodegradable fleece, red clover mulching and without mulching were compared. In 2010 additionally textile biodegradable fleece enriched in dry red clover was used. Irrigation was applied on the base of soil moisture measurements by irrometers and it was started when water potential reached -20 kPa. Irrigation had a significant effect on the yield of celeriac. In the first year of experiment yield of irrigated celeriac was about 45% higher that non irrigated one. However no differences were found between two different systems of irrigation. In the second year drip irrigation increased yield of celeriac by 16,1% and mini-sprinkler irrigation by 12,1% in comparison to non irrigated object. Similar yield of celeriac was obtained in treatments with textile biodegradable fleece mulching and control without mulching in the first year of experiment. However red clover mulching increased yield of celeriac by 29% as compared to both fleece mulching and control ...
The aim of this study was to determine the average early potato numerical irrigation needs, displaying their large variability in time and linking those needs with the projected increases in tubers yield under the influence of the applied pro-cedure. In the study a new research method was used, based on the results of many years of strict field experiments conducted at various research centers in the areas of particular shortage of water used for agriculture. These areas include light and very light soils located in the central part of Polish lowland, in the rainfall area during the growing season (IV-IX) limited with the isopluvial line 350 mm. The needs of irrigation were calculated for four places (Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Poznań, Warszawa) located within the areas of particular water deficit. Precipitation data from the years 1971-2005 derived from measurements of our own and Institute of Meteorology and Water Management were used in the calculations. It was found that the need for irrigation of the potato as a basic yield-forming factor, on very light soil with a drained subsoil, occurs in areas of water deficits in the 80-86% of the years, depending on the locality. In the 20-40 % of the years the ...
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effects two irrigation regimes (soil suction -15 and -30 kPa) and different tuber weights on flower quality and tuber yield of Zantedeschia ‘Black Eyed Beauty' and ‘Treasure' grown in green-house during spring-summer season. Before planting tubers were sorted according to their initial weight to four groups: A (35 g), B (70 g), C (100 g) and D (150 g). Plant were grown in 3 or 5 L containers, groups A and B or C and D, respectively. After leaf unfolding plants were irrigated at two soil suction level: - 15 and - 30 kPa, according to "Watermark" sensors placed inside the containers. Irrigation significantly influenced growth and flowering of Zantedeschia. It was shown that irrigation at - 30 kPa delayed flowering time and decreased flower yield, especially in case of ‘Black Eyed Beauty'. Flowers had lower fresh weight and were shorter. The cultivar ‘Treasure' gave higher yield than ‘Black Eyed Beauty'. Water stress negatively influenced tuber growth of both calla lily cultivars. The index of tuber growth strongly decreased with increasing the initial tuber weight at planting, however it was lower for plants irrigated at - 30 kPa. The results clearly ...
The aim of the study was to determine the impact of microirrigation of Barycz, Mors and Triada potato cultivars on the infection of tubers by the most dangerous pathogens. The experiment was carried out on light soil as a two-factor split-plot design with four replications. The factors were cultivars and the following variants of irrigation: WO - without irrigation, W1 - drip irrigation, W2 - micro-sprinkler irrigation. The health status of tubers was evaluated after harvest in each year of the study. The percentage of an area of the tubers with symptoms of common scab and black scurf was determined following nine-degree (0-8) scale were: 0 = lack of disease symptoms, healthy tubers and 8 = above 50% of a tuber surface with disease symptoms. The percentage of tubers with symptoms of in-festation was estimated for other detected diseases. Symptoms of common scab and black scurf were observed on the tubers in all years of the study. Studied cultivars differed in susceptibility to Streptomyces sp. and Rhizoctonia solani. The most resistant cultivar to the first pathogen was Triada and to the second pathogen was Barycz. Symptoms of other diseases were noted sporadically and did not exceed 1% of infected tubers. ...
The sprinkling irrigation and varied nitrogen fertilisation of millet cv. Gierczyckie on insects with the hemipteroidal mouthpart occurrence were inves-tigated. The entomological experiments were conducted in 2005 and 2006 in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. The largest group of insects were Thysanoptera and Hemiptera. When we used the middle rate of nitrogen fertilization, Thysanoptera was significantly less numerous. They preffered the irrigation plants. From Thysanoptera the most ab-undant were Phlaeothripidae. Number of Hemiptera was significantly less than Thysanoptera. When the high rate of nitrogen fertilization was used, the numer of Hemiptera was high, too. They were represented by Cicadellidae, Miridae, Aphi-didae and Delphacidae families. Psammotettix alienus Dahlbom. was the most numerous insects from Cicadellidae. The numbers of Macrosteles laevis Ri-baut and Empoasca pteridis Dahlbom was lower. The most frequently caught of Aphididae were the following insects: Sitobion avenae (F.) H.R.L. and Rhopalo-siphum padi L. The usage of irrigation and varied nitrogen fertilization in millet cultivation, affected on numerous of phytophagous insects such as: Lygus ruguli-pennis Popp. and Trigonotylus coelestialium Kirk. First of theirs preffered irri-gation plants with higher rate of nitrogen fertilization. ...
The aim of the study was to determine of the influence of drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation on the quantity and quality of yield of selected medium early potato cultivars. Field experiments were conducted on the soil classified to IVb valuation class and good rye complex in 2001-2003 at Kosobudy (Community of Brusy), Pomerania Voivodeship. Effective useful retention in the soil layer of con-trolled moisture (0-40 cm) amounted 29,5 mm.The experiments were carried out with two-factorial split-plot design, with four replications. The first-row factor was irrigation: O - control plots (without irrigation), K - drip-irrigated plots, D sprinkler-irrigated plots. The second-row factor: medium early potato cultivars: Barycz, Mors, Triada. The dose of cattle manure (35 t∙ha-1) was applied in autumn (before winter plowing). Fertilization with P and K amounted: 80 kg P2O5∙ha-1 and 140 kg K2O∙ha-1, respectively. Ni-trogen fertilization was used with dose 90 kg N∙ ha-1. Irrigation was conducted according to soil water potential measured by tensiometers (-0,03 MPa). The use of irrigation significantly increased the marketable tuber yield.There were no significant differences between potato yields obtained from sprinkler-irrigated plots and those from drip-irrigated plots. From among cultivars tested, Triada gave significantly higher marketable tuber yields than ...
Irrigation is one of the most important factors of surface water resources management, therefore water saving irrigation farming is desired which could promote better utilisation of the agricultural potential of Hungary. In our article we deal with the situation, problems and development possibilities of water resources management, especially with the development possibilities of irrigation farming. ...
The aim of soil solarization is to control soil borne pathogens and weeds heating with solar energy of soil which is sufficiently wetted. Soil water content is the one of the most important factors affecting soil solarization. Humidity level is important to convey temperature from the upper layers to down layers of soil in solarized soil. For this purpose, the study was conducted in plastic greenhouse in Isparta province. Beginning of the study, all plots were irrigated to reach the field capacity, and then the all plots were irrigated in 5 days irrigation interval during the experiment periods. Temperature distribution was measured in 5, 10, 20 and 30 cm of the soil profile along the experiment periods. As a result of this study, increasing of soil temperature and effectiveness of solarization decreased with together the water content of soil in upper layers. However, the soil temperature increased with irrigation in the down layers. ...
The experiment was conducted was in the years 2005-2007 on the very light soil in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz. The influence of sprinkler irrigation and the differentiated nitrogen fertilization on yields of early potato cv. ‘Dorota' was studied. This experiment was established as a two-factorial trial. The first-row factor was sprinkling irrigation applied in two variants: W0 - without irrigation (control), W1 - sprinkling irrigation. The second row factor - differentiated nitrogen fertilization, was used in the four following variants (doses): N0 = 0 kg N•ha-1, N1 = 40 kg N•ha-1, N2 = 80 kg N•ha-1, N3 = 120 kg N•ha-1. Potatoes were fertilized with the full dose of manure, the fertilization with P and K was uniform on all the plots, and it was applied in relation to the soil fertility. The mean yield harvested on control plots (without irrigation) amounted on average 14,41 t•ha-1. Smaller yields, in range 8,75-11,83 t•ha-1, were noted in the first two years of study which were characterized by lower rainfall (161-230 mm), higher yields (22,66 t•ha-1) - in year 2007 that was characterized by the highest rainfall (323 mm) in the vegetation period of the potatoes. The use of irrigation significantly increased ...
A field experiment was conducted in 2003 and 2005 at the Experimental Station Lipnik on acid brown soil. The soil is classified as quality class IVb, good rye complex, and for cultivation of light soils with low water retention useful. Evaluated the use of water for plum grown under different water and fertilizer. The experiment was randomized block design in the system dependent (called a split-plot), in four replications in the experiment. The research was conducted on trees in the fourth year after planting, fall within the third year of fruiting. Maintained grass between the trees, and rows of trees - herbicide fallow. The factor first was watering under-crown: O-control (without irrigation),W-irrigated sites, where soil water potential fell below - 0.01 MPa. Irrigation system was used under-crown in which water was distributed by type of Hadar. Second factor was the mineral fertilization NPK 0 - control (without fertilization), 2 NPK - 260 kg NPK. ha-1 (80 +60 +120).Nitrogen fertilizers applied in early spring, before moving the vegetation, while phosphorus and potassium in the autumn according to the agrotechnical. Based on water intensity ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration and photosynthetic rate were determined using (WUE) and photosynthetic rate of the instantaneous ...
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of microsprinkler and nitrogen-potassium fertilization on photosynthetic activity and quality of two varieties of cherry crop.The study was conducted in 2008-2009 (in the tenth year after planting), the varieties of cherry trees 'Łutówka' and 'Kelleris'. The experiment was a randomized block design in the system dependent (called split-plot) in seven iterations. Trees grown in the span of 4 x 2 mThe use of irrigation and nitrogen and potassium fertilization effect on physiological processes. Trees irrigated intensively assimilated carbon dioxide and water transpired. But had no effect on the concentration of CO2 in the stomatal apparatus. Irrigation has contributed to the reduction of nitrogen index and greening leaves on each tree crown height. The increase in fertilizer N and K increased the value of both indicators.Significantly more efficient photosynthetic apparatus of leaves found in the variety 'Kelleris'.Under the influence of irrigation increase in average fruit yield of the two varieties was 10.3%.Among the larger yielding varieties showed 'Kelleris', although the difference in yields was not large.The use of additional nitrogen-potassium in a dose of 160 kg ha-1 increased fruit yield, as compared to the control was 12.5%.No significant effect of experimental ...
Based on available literature, we collected and presented in tables the values of optimal precipitation (for some field-cultivated vegetables) which are still sometimes used in Poland. We also included a short summary of how they are defined and how the necessary corrections are introduced. Included optimal precipitation values have been developed by: Dzieżycet al., Grabarczyk, Klatt and Press. Therefore, it is possible to define (estimate) precipitation deficits for specific species of vegetables depending on the temperature or soil weight classification (light, medium, heavy) in various regions of Poland. By recognising optimal precipitation, we can plan, design or introduce irrigation and manage it. The formulas developed by Grabarczyk offer an additional possibility of calculating expected average increase (growth) of vegetable crops as a result of irrigation within various precipitation zones in Poland. ...
The aim of the study was to estimate water requirements of strawberry nursery grown under protected conditions. Strawberry mother plants were cultivated in pots filled with a mixture of peat and coconut substrate. The plants were irrigated by a drip system. Watering frequency was controlled by a developed prototypical weight-based irrigation scheduling system. This system enabled automatic control of irrigation depending on actual plant water requirements. The results showed usefulness of the developed system for scheduling the irrigation of strawberry. The obtained data on irrigation frequency and water application rates provided information on actual evapotranspiration of strawberry nursery (ETr). Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated using Grabarczyk equation on a basis of temperature and air humidity data. Having both ETo and ETr values made it possible to calculate crop coefficient (Kc) for strawberry nursery. Kc varied from 0.05 in February (just after planting the mother plants) to 0.62 at the end of cultivation period (before harvesting the plantlets). ...
The quality of one -year -old peach trees of 'Saturn' cv. on Manchurian seedling rootstocks was estimated in this experiment. The rootstocks with ‘sleeping bud' were planted in spring 2012 directly into the orchard in two different ways: traditionally -in the holes and in ridges, with a spacing of 4 x 1.5 m. The factors of the study were: the method of planting and different levels of soil humidity, obtained by the use of: drip irrigation, geocomposite and combinations: geocomposite with 50% the dose of irrigation. Geo-composite had the capacity of 1.6 L and consisted of: superabsorbent, inner plastic net, and outer nonwoven fabric.Preliminary studies have shown the usefulness of technology based on shorter production of nursery cycle, by planting rootstock with buds to the orchard. A requirement for using of this method is to provide the best conditions for the growth of maiden trees. Favorable conditions for the development of maiden peach trees in the orchard ensured planting in ridges. The high quality of one-year-old peach trees were obtained with traditional planting and under control conditions. Regardless of the method of planting, strong growth and high quality parameters of maiden trees has also provided by drip irrigation, ...
The experiment was set founded in 2012 in the Research Station in Samotwór belonging to the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. The soil moisture in the peach orchard was controlled by the using of drip irrigation and geocomposite placed in the soil. The impact of these factors on the formation of some physical properties of soil was estimated in the 2 nd year of cultivation. It was the 1st year of the peach trees yielding. The soil under irrigation had the higher bulk density in the surface layer and lower values of porosity. The use of polymer gel alone and with irrigation reduced the soil bulk density in the soil layer at 15-20 cm of depth. The soil under polymer and irrigation was characterized by the lowest value of the capillary porosity. Introduction geocomposite into the soil at the time of planting trees can improve the ability of the soil to retain water in the soil and its efficient management throughout the growing season of trees ...
The aim of the study (2011-2013) was assessment of growth and yielding of apple trees (‘BeniShogun'/M.9) grown in replanted orchard. Undersowing the trees with white mustard and irrigation (performed on the basis of soil moisture measurements) were the experimental factors. Irrigation significantly affected plant growth, whereas no positive effect of white mustard application on performance of apple tree was observed. The trees started to yield in the third year after planting and yielding was different in the subsequent years of the study. A positive influence of irrigation on yield and fruit quality was observed. Undersowing the trees with white mustard reduced fruit yield and worsened its quality. It was especially visible on the non-irrigated plots. The results confirmed high effectiveness of irrigation of apple trees grown in replanted apple orchards ...
For the assessment of the economic efficiency of irrigation in selected crops presented in this paper, we used results obtained from field experiments conducted in 2006-2012 at the Research Station of the University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz by employees of the Department of Land Reclamation and Agrometeorology. These studies were focused on the effects of irrigation on the yield of potatoes, malting barley and corn grown for grain. To calculate the economic efficiency we used the method of calculation the increase in direct surplus. The results indicate that irrigation was economically justified not in the all cases. For potatoes the direct surplus was increasing along with the increasing of the irrigated area, the losses were noticed only in the case of 1-hectare variant. In contrast, there was no economic justification for the use of irrigation in the production of malting barley, regardless of the irrigated area. Same results of economic effects, as in the case of barley, were obtained using drip irrigation in corn grown for grain. The presented calculation shows that the cost irrigation per 1 ha decreases as the irrigated area increases. ...
Field experiments were done in 2011-2012 in ES Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński on the sandy soil (good rye complex) and small retencion of usefulness water. The experiment was designe by randomized block method in 4 replications. Among the trees was the lawn but in the rows the selective herbicide was used. The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of under crown irrigation on the chemical composition of leafs plum cv. ‘Amers' and ‘Cacańska Rana'. The experimental design consisted control fields, without irrigation - O and irrigated fields - W. Supplemental irrigation was used when tensiometer have shown that water potential of soil dropped lower than -0,01 MPa. For irrigation the "Hadar" sprinkler were used (r = 2 m). Depending on rainfall the amount of irrigation from 11,8 to 14,0 m3 there used. Studies have shown similar reaction of both plum varieties to the applied water factor. The leaves taken from trees irrigated had tends to reduce the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus. A similar reaction of both varieties was also found in the case of the concentration of potassium and calcium. In addition, the objects on which there was an increase of zinc content significantly decreased ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects and interaction of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the shape of the quantity and quality of grain yield of malting barley cultivar 'Signora' cultivated on sandy soil with the concise undersoil. Field experiment was carried out in the years 2013-2014 on the experimental field of the Department of Land Reclamation and Agrometeorology UTP, located in Mochełek near Bydgoszcz. During the study period there were average needs of irrigation in barley, mainly due to the uneven distribution of rainfall in the studied growing seasons. Seasonal irrigation dose averaged 72.5 mm. The research focused on grain quality that affects its suitability for malting. It was found that irrigation resulted in a significant increase in grain yield, although the effectiveness of this treatment per unit was lower than those achieved in previous experiments with other cultivars. Barley grain derived from irrigated plots contained significantly less protein and had better indicators of malting, compared to the grains of plants not irrigated. The optimal dose of nitrogen in both the irrigation conditions and the non-irrigated was 30 kg.ha-1. Admittedly, application of top-dressing (variant N3) significantly increased the yield, especially within irrigation variants, but the grain ...
Two field experiments were strict founded in 2004-2006 on a farm in Chlebówek. Locality is 20 km from Stargard and 5 km north-east of the village commune old oak wood - 53027'N and 15010'E. In the experiments, the effect of irrigation, tillage system and fertilization on yield and selected parameters of the physical properties of the soil. We tested two varieties of faba bean: The conducted experiments show that the use of irrigation and increasing doses of mineral fertilizers increases the yield of faba bean seeds of both varieties, traditional - 'Nadwiślański 'and modified -'Titus'. The use of simplifications tillage reduces, to a greater extent, yielding traditional varieties of faba bean. Increased mineral fertilizers under field irrigation increased water consumption, and thus decreased the supply layer to 50 cm. Improving water logging top soils decreased soil bulk density in a variation of 'Nadwiślański' and increased the variety 'Titus'. The use of simplified tillage systems, especially direct sowing, increases the bulk density of the upper layers of the soil. ...
The aim of this paper is to acquaint the problem of phytosanitary threats in the context of crop irrigation. This paper shows a series of reports that refer to the problem of pathogens spread through irrigation and irrigation systems. Irrigation may influence directly or indirectly the plants health condition. It may affect the conditions in which the infection may occur, but also create conditions that promote fungal sporulation and overall spread of the pathogen. Irrigation favors the plants growth, which vegetative mass is more developed, lush, but at the same time the tissue covering the plant is more sensitive towards any infection. A more intense plant growth affects the density which favors the occurrence of many diseases. In general irrigation may cause a negative or positive affect or may not influence the crops at all. In this paper, we also take point out the problem of irrigation water quality which may be the main source of infection of pathogens that could belong to various taxonomic units. To the most predominating phytopathogens in irrigation water we may include the Phytophthora and Pythium genus. Irrigation water may also contribute to the occurrence of many viruses and fungi. In order to limit the ...
The aim of the study is to analyze the productivity and efficiency of two types irrigation systems. First one, with using traditional hose, and second one, with using drip line system. The study was conducted in specialized vegetable farm in Karpicko near Wolsztyn, in years between 2009 to 2011, in two tunnels with an area of 180 m2 either. Cultivation areas of tomatoes, however, took up respectively 87 m2. In each of tunnels 400 tomatoes' seedlings (Nita® Nickerson - Zwann variety) were planted. The volume of water used for irrigation was checked by two independent water meters, whereas the crop took place once a week. The scope and labour intensity of treatment, protective attendance, and associated works with fertilization based on the actual number of man-hours were recorded. The efficiency of water production was much higher in the drip line system; in order to obtain one kilogram of tomatoes the system needed 33 liters of water, whereas the traditional system almost 58 liters. It means that production efficiency of drip irrigation was about 75% higher than using the traditional irrigation system. ...
A field experiment was carried out in two vegetation seasons in the years 2012 and 2013 on very light soil at Kruszyn Krajeński, in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz, Poland. The aim of the study was to characterize morphological achenes and determine the fertility potential and real of cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) plants derived from micropropagation grown under irrigation. Low fertility real of cap plant resulted from the participation of infertile fruit-achenes it means devoid of the seeds. Due to the fact that this plant is entered on the list of invasive species, this property may be desirable during plantation establishment. As a result, the plant will not be so easy to penetrate into the ecosystem and will not pose a threat to native biodiversity. ...
This paper presents an assessment of the impact of irrigation on the growth and yield of five varieties of plums: Hanita, Elena, President, Amers , Jojo. The plums were grown in individual fruit farm in the village of Pyzdry in Wielkopolska. The assessed plum varieties were planted on stems of Węgierki Wangenheim in the autumn of 2010, on light soil good rye complex. The influence of different irrigation was assessed after 3 and 4 years (in 2013 and 2014) after planting, because in the early years there was no applied irrigation. Irrigation was used when the soil water potential decreased below - 0,01 MPa. The sprinkler "Head" was used for irrigation with a spacing 4 x 3m. Between the rows of trees there were grassy field and rows of herbicide fallow. Before the usage of irrigation (2012) the plum yields averaged 0,8 kg • tree--1. Depending on the precipitation totals in different growing seasons in 2013 and 2014, the doses varied from 10mm to 35mm, including 90mm from the IV to the VII month of 2013 and in an amount from 15mm to 80mm, 200mm in total, in the IV to VIII month of 2014. Under the ...
The usefulness of estimating hourly reference evapotranspiration for assessing the water requirements of plants over a 24 hour period was determined in the study. The values of hourly (ET0,h) and daily (ET0,d) evapotranspiration were calculated using the Penman-Monteith (PM) model. The daily ET0 was calculated automatically by the meteorological station, and the evapotranspiration values for individual hours were calculated using spreadsheet software. To verify the values of evapotranspiration calculated with these two approaches in relation to the actual water needs of grass, lysimetric measurements were performed. Additionally, substrate moisture content and temperature were measured using capacitance probes. The values of evapotranspiration estimated with the hourly PM model were higher than those determined with the daily model. An accuracy of the hourly model in relation to the data measured with a weighing lysimeter depended largely on the quality of the reproduction of meteorological parameters at the site of the crop. Observed underestimation of the actual daily evapotranspiration was presumably due to the use of air temperature values in the calculations (measured at a height of 2 m by the weather station). During strong solar radiation the air temperature was much lower than the temperature of the upper layer of the substrate ...
The effect of deficit irrigation imposed in July-August period on shoot growth and flower formation in container grown rhododendron in commercial nursery were assessed. Plants were exposed to three irrigation regimes based on potential evapotranspiration rates (100% ET0 - well-watered control plants, 75% ET0 - moderate drought and 50% ET0 - severe drought). The values of evapotranspiration were calculated using the Penman-Monteith model. The degree of drought had significant effect on the plant growth and water status of plants. Severe drought inhibited secondary shoot elongation compared to less stressful regime but did not affect flower formation. ‘Catawbiense Boursault', ‘Nova Zembla' and ‘Pearce's American Beauty' plants exposed to severe drought were shorter, respectively by 39, 45 and 86% than well-irrigated plants and two of the three cultivars ‘Catawbiense Boursault' and ‘Pearce's American Beauty' produced fewer secondary branches (5.9 and 0.3) compared to control plants (9.2 and 1.7, respectively). Moderate drought did not affect plant growth but resulted in flower bud formation in ‘Nova Zembla' and ‘Pearce's American Beauty's cultivars. Estimated water consumption by rhododendrons throughout the whole growing season was reduced by 15% for moderate and 25% for severe drought compared to control, well-watered plants. The results have significant implications ...
The suitability of capacitance probes for measuring the actual variations in substrate water content in container-grown ornamental species (Lawson cypress) was examined. The probes were installed in the plant containers. Weighing measurement data on water loss was used to assess the actual changes in substrate water content (plant water use). In an additional test, an evaluation of temperature sensitivity of the capacitance probe was performed under laboratory conditions. The probe was placed in a container containing the growing medium (peat substrate) with a defined (stable) moisture content. The substrate temperature was modified and the changes in probe output were recorded. The experiment demonstrated the existence of the effect of temperature on the quality of soil moisture measurements conducted with the capacitance method. The accuracy of the results obtained from measurements with dielectric sensors in relation to the data obtained by means of weighing platforms depended largely on the temperature profile of the measured medium. It was demonstrated that temperature variations explained 99% of the observed differences in the results of moisture content measured with the capacitance method. Due to the fact that there is no possibility of developing universal factors (for different sensors and substrates) for correcting the influence of ...
The aim of the research conducted in the conditions of Lower Silesia in the years 2012-2016 was to evaluate the growth and yielding of young peach trees cultivated in ridges with drip irrigation. The experiment concerned the flat-fruit peach trees, cultivar Saturn on the Manchurian peach tree seedling, planted in the spring of 2012 in the spacing 4.0 x 1.5 m.In each year the shortage of rainfall was observed, as compared to the years 1997-2000. During the vegetation period, the deficiencies were from -7.3 mm up to - 221.7 mm. The insufficient amount of rainfall was accompanied by the rise of the mean air temperature in the vegetation period by 0.5 - 1.7oC. In the orchard, the drip irrigation in the form of stippling tape T-Tape TSX515-50-380 was applied, with the emitters every 50 cm and the expenditure of 3.8 l per metre in 1 hour. The humidity measurements were being taken from the beginning of May until the end of July with the use of Watermark probes, testing the sucking power of soil at the depth of 20 cm. The irrigation started when the water potential of soil was 30 kPa.During the 4 years, the total yield per hectare ...
The aim of the research was an evaluation of the frequency and intensity of agricultural droughts and their effects in the province of Kujawsko-Pomorskie as well as to indicate ways of increasing productivity in such drought periods by applying irrigation. It was found that the drought periods around Bydgoszcz occurred in 17 vegetation seasons out of 30 analysed. They were differentiated by intensity and duration but were also characterized by high irregularity of their occurrence. In the past 30-year period, droughts were especially intensified in the years 1989-1995. In the years 2001-2005 droughts were rare (36%), as compared with the previous 15-year period of 1986-2000 (64%). Crop production of some selected agricultural cultivations in the province of Kujawsko-Pomorskie depended to a large extent on the degree of precipitation shortages in the periods of intensified water demand. The best correlations and determination coefficients exceeding 80% concerned maize cultivations. The occurrence of droughts, expressed by the degree of atmospheric precipitation shortages in June and July, led to a decrease in grain crops in the province by 13%, on average. In the extremely dry year of 2006, a decrease by 27%, in relation to average crops, was observed. Active methods of minimizing effects ...
The study was conducted in 2008-2009 at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Lipnik near Stargard, on sandy soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sub-crown irrigation on the yield leaves photosynthesis and transpiration capacity, as well as CO2 concentration in the stomatal cells, and leaf greenness index of early 'Geneva Early' cv. and late 'Rubinola' cv. apple cultivars.Irrigation was applied in the form of the sub-crown system, in which water is distributed through a mini-sprayers of Hadar type when water potential of soil fell below -0.01 MPa. The experiment was established in a randomized sub-block pattern (split-plot) in 10 replicates. The study was conducted using the four-year-old trees. The trees were planted at 4 × 2 m spacing; one hectare was planted with 1250 trees. Turf was maintained between the trees, while herbicide fallow was applied in rows. Plant material for laboratory tests was collected each year in three dates: fruit setting (date 1), harvest (date 2) and one month after the harvest (date 3). Studies have shown that leaves of the irrigated apple trees were lower content of assimilation pigments in leaves than non-irrigated ones. Leaves of late ‘Rubinola' cv. showed higher ...
The field experiment was carried out in 2004-2006 in Chlebówko localized 20 km from Stargard Szczeciński and 5 km north-east from Stara Dąbrowa commune - 53°27'N and 15°10'E. The area is elevated 62-72 m above mean se level (ASL). The influence of irrigation, tillage system, and NPK mineral nutrition on weed infestation of faba bean variety ‘Titus' with determined development rate, was evaluated. The weed infestation degree in the faba bean plantation depended on moisture conditions, fertilization rates, and tillage system. Irrigation increased the number, fresh weight, and dry matter of weeds, respectively by 92%, 130%, and 138%. Likewise, increasing nutrition elevated values of these parameters by 46%, 80%, and 95%. The tillage simplifications enhanced the weed population, particularly on irrigated and fertilized objects. Irrigation, mineral nutrition, and simplified tillage caused compensation of spring, winter and perennial weed species on plantation of faba bean ‘Titus'. Chenopodium album, Stellaria media, and Polygonum convolvulus predominated on studied plots. ...
The work presents the research results of impact and effects of applying irrigation by sprinkling machine on the yield of medium-early potatoes. The research and observation conducted in growing seasons 2011,2012 and 2013, on the private agricultural and production farm, in Kurów, located in the Ostrów Wielkopolski district, in the borough of Nowe Skalmierzyce, in the Wielkopolska Province. The area of the farm was 31 ha and 4 ha of potatoes were irrigated. The study confirmed that by using interventional irrigation in periods of water deficits, the medium-early potato yield increased by 30%, against the non-irrigated area. The evaluation of the research results also showed that patchy distribution of precipitation, in the analyzed growing season had an adverse influence on the crop. Frequent and long dry periods contributed to losses and decrease in potato yield. ...
Types of water abstraction sources for irrigation, examples of water supply and water storage in the farmlands as well as advantages and disadvantages of the suggested solutions were analyzed in the article. In addition, the organizational and legal requirements relating to the groundwater and surface water intakes were discussed. From the point of view of the interests of the farmer it is necessary to know the changes that occurred in the fees and administrative responsibilities related to agricultural water intake, introduced by the new WaterLaw Act since 1 January 2018. The differences between legislation in force and repealed associated with both agricultural water management and environmental protection were demonstrated in the paper. ...
Efforts on the management of water resources, especially irrigation and drainage, in arid-semiarid areas are extremely important for the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. Groundwater level should be constantly monitored and kept at the desired level in the project which is achieve the expected benefits from investments made for this goal. The research was done in right bank irrigation area which is located in Southeast Turkey, Suruc Plain in 2017. The spatial and temporal fluctuations of the groundwater table depth and groundwater salinity were measured in the course of five-month-periods; from July to October. The results of depth (m) and salinity (µmhos cm-1) of the groundwater observation wells were mapped using geographical information system (GIS). The results showed that groundwater was not found in many observation wells, while groundwater depth reached to a critical threshold level (<1 m) in wells with water from the mid-irrigation period (July) to the end (September and October). The groundwater depths were determined 0.0%, 0.34% for <1 m (risk for field crops cultivation) in July and August during maximum applied water for irrigation and was fluctuated between 68.35% and 96.81% for >2 m (risk free for drainage) from July to October in the study area. The ...
The study aimed to determine the differences in lawn irriga-tion needs resulting from the topographical heterogeneity of the city of Bydgoszcz and surrounding areas. To gather the data, me-teorological measurements were carried out in the period from May to September 2012-2014, in areas diversified in terms of the degree of urbanization and land cover: the center of a large city, urban peripheries and rural area. Based on the calculated water needs of the lawn, the range of rainfall deficits during the lawn growing period was determined. It was found that seasonal rain-fall totals in the compared locations were at a similar level, but a large temporal variability of this indicator was observed in indi-vidual seasons. In terms of evapotranspiration, clear differences were noted between the analysed locations. On average, the high-est amounts of potential evapotranspiration were found in the city center, which may be the result of the urban heat island phenome-non forming over this area. However, the lowest water loss due to evapotranspiration took place in the rural area. As a result of these, the analysis showed that the lawn's irrigation needs were characterized by both temporal and spatial variability. By far the greatest irrigation needs occurred in urban ...