Influence of under -crown irrigation and mineral fertilization on selected indicators of sandy soil fertility for use of orchard. I. The bulk density and soil water stocks

key words: irrigation, mineral fertilization, soil, soil water stocks, bulk density


A field experiment was conducted in 2003-2005 at the Experimental Station Lipnik near Stargard, where they were founded three two-factor experiment. The research was conducted on an acid brown soil. The soil is classified as quality class IVb, good rye complex, and for cultivation of light soils with low water retention useful. In each of the experiments were evaluated: the impact of different irrigation and fertilization on bulk density and soil water stocks. All experiments were randomized block design established in the system dependent (called a split-plot), in seven replications in the experiment with cherry, five replications with peach and four replications in the experiment with the plums. Were carried out on trees in the fourth year after planting, fall within the third year of fruiting. Maintained grass between the trees, and rows of trees - herbicide fallow.
Order factor was irrigation under-crown: O-control (without irrigation), W-objects irrigated when soil water potential fell below 0.01 MPa. Irrigation system was used in which water was distributed by type of Hadar scale spraying for cherry r-1m , peach r-1,5m, and plum r-2m. The dosages of water under the tree stone in different growing seasons ranged from 21.7 to 61.3 mm depending on the amount of monthly precipitation in individual years of the study (Table 1). Second order factor was the mineral fertilization. The cultivation of cherries and plums, the following doses of fertilizers: 0 NPK - control (without fertilization), an NPK - 130 kg • ha NPK-1 (40 +30 +60), 2 NPK - 260 kg NPK ha-1 • (80 + 60 120), while in peach cultivation: 0 NPK - control (without fertilization), an NPK - 150 kg
NPK • ha-1 (40 +50 +60), 2 NPK-NPK 300 kg • ha-1 (80 + 100 120). Nitrogen fer-tilizers applied in early spring, before moving the vegetation, while phosphorus and potassium in the autumn according to the agricultural. In conditions of high humidity and high fertilization respondents reported changes soil water stocks and bulk density.




Jaroszewska A. 2011, vol. 8. Influence of under -crown irrigation and mineral fertilization on selected indicators of sandy soil fertility for use of orchard. I. The bulk density and soil water stocks. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2011, vol. 8/ 05