ISSN 1732-5587
e-ISSN: 2956-7971
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Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik
Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder
Aleksandra Zbudniewek
Assessment of spatial and temporal variability of rainfain in Central Poland in the year 2013-2015
Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder
Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik
Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać
Dr Danuta Krzewińska
Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski
Development of irrigation of orchard plants reflected by survey investigations
Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder
Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik
Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski
Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać
Assessment of spatial and temporal variability of rain-fall in central Poland during the vegetative season of 2010
Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder
Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik
Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać
Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski
Evaluation of quality of weather forecasting
Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski
Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Treder
Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik
Mgr inż. Andrzej Puternicki
Mgr inż. Edmund Lisak
Influence of supplementary lighting on growth and photosynthetic activity of tomato transplants
Dr Krzysztof Klamkowski
Doc. dr hab. Waldemar Treder
Mgr Anna Tryngiel-Gać
Mgr Katarzyna Wójcik
Impact of quntity and intensity of precipitation on changes in soil water content in an apple orchard