Oszacowanie kosztów jest podstawowym narzędziem służącym do oceny posiadanych zasobów. Poprawne szacowanie kosztów w zakresie gospodarowania odpadami niebezpiecznymi usprawnia proces decyzyjny w różnych aspektach usługi - m.in. zawieranie umów z firmami odbierającymi odpady, opracowywanie strategii i planów gospodarki odpadami. Przedmiotem analizy były koszty ogólne ponoszone przez gminę wiejską na gospodarkę odpadami medycznymi oraz weterynaryjnymi w latach 2013-2017. Zebrano dane dotyczące: masy odpadów niebezpiecznych i weterynaryjnych, kosztów związanych z ich transportem i zagospodarowaniem oraz subwencji z budżetu gminy. Dane poddane analizie pochodziły z instytucji wytwarzających, odbierających i zagospodarowujących odpady medyczne i weterynaryjne oraz z Biuletynów Informacji Publicznej. Analiza przedstawionych danych wskazuje na coroczny 9% wzrost wydatków ponoszonych na gospodarkę odpadami medycznymi i weterynaryjnymi. ...
The article describes the effect of substrate roughness on the generation of air flow resistance and the occurrence of kinetic friction. These are the two main factors influencing reduction in wind speed, lack of ventilation in built-up areas, and stagnation of pollution over areas with high substrate roughness. The work presents the results of the authors' own measurements in the field, carried out using WindLog and CHY 361 anemometers, in two different types of atmospheric conditions - sunny and rainy weather. The measurements were taken on a stretch of the Rudawa River, located on the Cracow city limits. Wind speed was measured at all established measurement points. The immediate surroundings of the points varied in terms of how densely the areas were built up. The effect of changes in the shape and equivalent diameter of the measurement profile on the magnitude of flow resistance and friction was also tested. The results of the study indicate that the best type of arrangement for buildings around the valley of the Rudawa River is a latitudinal configuration. The lack of buildings on the path along which the airstream flows creates suitable conditions for ventilation of the city, and thus for clearing the air ...
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is the mixture of many waste types, including organic waste (garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste, paper and cardboard etc.). Such waste creates a living environment for various microorganism species, many of which are known as pathogenic. The presence of microorganisms in favorable conditions (pH, organic matter content, carbon content, moisture, appropriate granulation) leads to decomposing of organic matter, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Microorganisms in waste pose a serious risk for staff operating at waste treatment plants. Moreover, heat released by their activity may cause a fire in waste storage facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to search for methods of waste stabilization and hygienization. The most commonly applied technology for waste stabilization is its processing in Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plants. Such treatment is capital- and time-consuming, however. Waste liming can become an alternative method for stabilization and hygienization of waste. Lime addition is one of the oldest method known by humans for hygienization of certain waste materials, such as animal waste. Currently, liming is applied in sewage sludge treatment as one of the initial operations and is necessary for further sludge management processes. The aim of the research ...