The geoinformation software market is becoming increasingly competitive. New improvements and tools are created, which are provided to the users with subsequent updates. Additionally, completely new software is appearing as well. Nevertheless, for the past several years, ArcGIS and QGIS have been the most popular software in Poland. There are many handbooks and manuals describing their possibilities. Both systems offer numerous functions. This does not mean, however, that the results of identical spatial analyses performed in ArcGIS and QGIS will be identical as well. The comparison of the results of such analyses performed on vector and raster data is the main objective of the conducted study. The research demonstrates, that selected analogical tools implemented in discussed systems provides different results especially in the range of spatial analyses performed on raster data. ...
Pole powierzchni użytkowej jest istotnym atrybutem przestrzennym budynków i lokali. Zakres wykorzystania tej informacji jest bardzo szeroki. Powierzchnia użytkowa powinna być zatem wyznaczana w sposób wiarygodny i możliwe jednoznaczny. Ważnym czynnikiem decydującym o poprawnym jej obliczeniu jest przyjęcie odpowiedniej metodologii obmiaru.Niniejszy artykuł stanowi kontynuację podjętych przez autorów rozważań dotyczących problematyki określania pola powierzchni użytkowej. Omówione, a następnie porównane zostają zasady obmiaru wskazane w obowiązujących przepisach prawa oraz stosownych Polskich Normach. Przeprowadzone rozważania poparto przykładami praktycznymi. Odwołano się także do orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych. Wskazano wątpliwości, które najczęściej pojawiają się podczas wykonywania obmiaru powierzchni użytkowej. Przeanalizowano również problem dobrowolności stosowania Polskich Norm. ...
Land use is the part of the earth's surface that is used in a uniform manner. The information on the extent and type of land uses is entered into the register of land and buildings. The data contained in this register are the standardized descriptions of the physical characteristics of the objects in question. Pursuant to the applicable legislation, these data should be kept up-to-date through the processes of updating, modernization and periodic verification of the records. The implementation of the said processes often requires the introduction of land use changes. These changes bring about important consequences, especially in land taxation.This paper is an attempt to outline the basic problems related to the determination of the extent and type of land uses. It discusses, inter alia, the issues of limitations resulting from the plans of forest management and the area permitted to be excluded free of charge from agricultural and forestry production for housing purposes. The author also draws attention to the very general legal regulations regarding the determination of the boundaries of the contours of land use zones in rural and urban areas. The conducted studies also include the analysis of the updatedness of the cadastral data on land ...
The modernization of the cadastre is such a complicated and complex process that may cause many significant results. Cadastral parcel surface areas changes and changes in land use are the most important of them. These factors have also a direct influence on the real estate tax base assessment.Using materials obtained from geodetic and cartographic documentation centres, the analysis concerning the considered problem has been performed. The basic facts connected with the cadastre modernization and legal rules concerning the real estate, agricultural and forestry tax bases determination have been analysed too. It has been proved, that changes in spatial data which have arisen during the modernization of the cadastre, especially in the scope of land use, may have an essential significance for taxpayer. Performed analysis denote, that comprehensive cadastre modernization from proper Municipal and Communal Offices' point of view which are real estate tax collectors, is financially profitable enterprise. ...