dr inż. Dawid Bedla

Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Misztal

Mgr inż. Joanna Krużel

Dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Chmielowski

The effect of selected hydromorphological parameters on the state of aquatic vegetation in the Chechło river

The development of vegetation in lotic waters, including macrophytes, is determined by diverse factors, including bottom substrate, flow velocity, and the width and depth of a channel, which are hydromorphological parameters. Macrophytes are higher plants of terrestrial origin which have undergone numerous adaptations enabling them to live in water (Stańczykowska, 1975). The aim of the study was to assess the effect of selected hydromorphological parameters of a watercourse on the species composition of macrophytes. The subject of the study was the Chechło River, a left tributary of the Vistula. The study was carried out in two adjacent segments of the watercourse, according to guidelines in the Macrophyte Index for Rivers (MMOR) and elements of the River Habitat Survey (RHS). The study revealed similar hydromorphological conditions in the two segments of the river, and the variation in the species composition of macrophytes in the two segments seems to be determined by other factors which were not the subject of the study. Among these, significant factors might include regulation works or the high water levels in the Chechło resulting from the construction of an impoundment. The plants identified in the two segments of the watercourse are species occurring commonly in Poland, ...

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

dr inż. Dawid Bedla


Wyżyna Małopolska, z korzystnymi warunkami geomorfologiczno-glebowymi i klimatycznymi, jest miejscem gdzie zbiorowiska roślinności kserotermicznej występują dość licznie. Naturalne zagrożenia na jakie narażone są te zbiorowiska powodują, że w zdecydowanej większości są one objęte różnymi formami ochrony przyrody. Flora naczyniowa zespołu Inuletum ensifoliae w Specjalnym Obszarze Ochrony Siedlisk Kalina-Lisiniec charakteryzując się dużą bioróżnorodnością, unikatowym charakterem i występowaniem gatunków chronionych i zagrożonych wyginięciem, pełni ważną rolę w środowisku przyrodniczym Wyżyny Miechowskiej. Siedlisko, które porasta zespół Inuletum ensifoliae to głównie gliny piaszczyste i utwory pyłowe. Są to gleby umiarkowanie ubogie (mezotroficzne), w przeważającej większości zasadowe, suche bądź mieszczące się w przedziale między suchymi a świeżymi. Warunki siedliskowe charakteryzują się pełnym bądź umiarkowanym nasłonecznieniem. ...

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

Dr hab.inż. , prof.UR Jan Zarzycki

dr inż. Dawid Bedla

Efficiency of utilization of water for evapotranspiration of mountain grasslands

The work presents the data on the productive efficiency of water used for evapotranspiration by the sward of mountain grasslands. Mean grassland water productive efficiency for the vegetation period in the Małe Pieniny Mts. region fluctuates from 14.1 to 33.4 kg•ha-1•mm-1. The efficiency of water use under the discussed conditions is significantly influenced the amount of produced yield. Water was the least efficiently used by low-yielding sward. Water was the least effectively utilized by the low-yielding sward. Efficiency of water utilization by grasslands is growing with increasing yielding. Maintaining constant ground water level in the meadow habitats at the depth of 0.6m in the Pieniny region leads to a decrease in productive efficiency of water used for real evapotranspiration. ...

Dr hab.inż. Andrzej Misztal

Dr hab.inż. , prof.UR Jan Zarzycki

dr inż. Dawid Bedla

Habitat conditions of sisymbrio-stipetum capillate and koelerio-festucetum sulcatae steppe plant associations in the Ostoja Nidziańska specially protected area

Vascular flora of the investigated plant associations is characterized by a considerable biodiversity, unique character and occurrence of protected and threatened species, therefore playing an important role in the natural environment and being an important element of shaping the natural landscape. The assessment of the requirements of edaphic species of the investigated associations allowed for a characterization of the soil habitat as soils with granulometric composition from rubble, scree and gravel to sandy loams and silt deposits. These are mainly moderately poor (mesotrophic) to poor (oligotrophic) soils, prevailingly alkaline (pH>7), dry or to a lesser extend fresh. Climatic conditions in the presented habitat are characterized by full or moderate insolation. They are thermally privileged areas or moderately warm. ...