Zeszyt: 2012, vol. 9 / 02 / 3 (Sep 2012)
The article attempts to establish regional dependencies for calculation of the Snyder's model parameters. This model belongs to a group of synthetic unit hydrographs, whose parameters are determined based on the characteristics of catchments. This creates the possibility to use this model in uncontrolled catchments to calculate maximum probable flows and to construct hypothetical waves. In practice, this model is used worldwide. It is recommended for practical use in Poland, however due to the lack of established values of model parameters specific to Polish conditions, its use is rather unreliable. The optimization of the model parameters was carried out for the selected episodes of rainfall-runoff in the cat-chments of Rudawa, Kamienica, Grabinka, Stobnica, Jasiołka and Wielopolka. Hydrological data used in the calculations were provided by the Institute of Mete-orology and Water Management National Research Institute in Warsaw and were derived from the Annals of hydrology for the Vistula basin. The analysis revealed that the Snyder's model very well or well describes the observed flooding incidents (values of the effectiveness ratio E ranged from 68 to 93%). The parameter values of the Snyder's model, which depend on the shape of the catchments, levelled slope of the watercourse and the CN parameter, ...
A field experiment was carried out from 2007-2009 at the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities greenhouse complex in Siedlce. The trial was set up as randomized blocks with three replications. In the experiment was investigated the effect of method of AgroHydroGel application (control, AgroHydroGel applied under seedlings, AgroHydroGel applied under plants in the field, half of the AgroHydroGel rate applied under seedlings, the other half under plants in the field) and cultivar (‘Gabi', ‘Delikates Biała', ‘Wiedeńska Biała') on the yield level and quality of kohlrabi grown in the field under the weather conditions of central-eastern Poland. Kohlrabi seedlings were grown in a non-heated greenhouse. The seeds each cultivars were sown in late March to seedling containers with peat substrate amended with AgroHydroGel or peat substrate only. The kohlrabi was harvested two times at 7-10 days intervals, at a minimum bulb diameter of 3 cm. The beginning of harvest was after 50-51 days from the planting of seedlings. There was found that weather conditions in the study years had significant influence on the yield level, average weight and bulb diameter as well as on the nutrient contents in the kohlrabi bulb. The most favourable on the increase of yield of ...
The article deals with a topic related to an attempt to identify existing ha-zards in rural areas. The term "rural areas" has different definitions. For the purpose of the article were taken into consideration, which indicates that these areas are outside the administrative boundaries of cities. The article uses the me-thod of analysis of the literature and individual depth interviews, which helped identify the types of activities and effects on the environment, landscape and cultural heritage. Speaking about the risks in rural areas, with a focus on such activities as agriculture, water management, forestry, industrial activities and services, transport, building, tourism and recreation and activities caused by extreme weather. Most of the adverse consequences can be seen in the case of agriculture. This does not mean that these actions have the greatest effect on the environment of landscape. Risks commonly occurring are eutrophication, depletion of the rural landscape, redacting plant and animal species susceptible, soil degradation, and habitat. Presented in the article list of threats is open, because considering the problem on a local, you can see their individual character. ...
The aim of the study is to present the patchwork of fields as a factor which restricts the possibility of using agricultural land. The paper presents a review of Polish and foreign literature and identifies the existing limitations and benefits as-sociated with fragmentation of rural areas. It has been concluded that Polish pub-lications see the issue as a particular restriction in making full use of the agricul-tural potential, while foreign literature shows both sides of the problem - difficulties, but also benefits of such fragmentation. For researches method of analysis of literature. Its idea depends on proving authentity and new approach of the problem. ...
The form of the village cannot be an exogenous variable only of a level and the quality of the farming. Transformations must take place. The polish farming which is very complex and in the regions diversified should be only one of many stimulants of the image of the village. In order to fulfill the challenge the holiday function should develop and intensify. They think that a Wolber [2011] proposal is a solution where the palette of offers is being interpreted as the system and follow-ing subsystems are creating offer: a) stay, b) gastronomy, c) culture the free time and d) events. The system is struck up in three, presentations mutually comple-menting each other. First from them it is a tourism in rural areas, where the rela-tion of formats with rural area is more free and results only from the location of the object; second - rural tourism, for which forms are closely associated with the rural regional culture and third - the farm tourism i.e. the stay, food, spending the leisure time in the agricultural farm.The arrangement doesn't include individual rest carried out in holiday and weekend houses in the country. Analysis is pointing, that lease of the object, this ...
The quest for the multifunctionality of rural areas and the search for new places for the implementation of the housing investment is the reason that village today is treated not only as a place of agricultural production. Economic balance decides of the use of the factors of production- and, after all, one of them is earth - in a market economy. As a result the decline in profitability of agricultural pro-duction leads to the limitations of agricultural activity and the destination of the earth for other purposes. Transformations in the rural area entail broad changes in the local com-munity. The share of people without farm and completely unconnected with the agriculture increases in it. Traditionally understood urbanization processes envis-aged movement of the rural population to the city. Meanwhile, increasingly, there is an opposite tendency. Due to the small size of the rural communities an important issue are contacts on the line native inhabitants of the village and the newcomers. The difficulties in assimilation of newcomers, the breakdown of the communities in two, representing different values and interests of the group may be the start of the creation of the specific internal barriers of local development.The effect of the ...
According to law regulations about communal council (government), public roads, streets, bridges, squares and road traffic are the duty of the commune as own tasks of commune . Village-mayor (mayor, city president) is an administrator (manager) of communal roads. Passing roads to proper category of municipal roads is followed by resolution of municipal council after consultation with apro-priate district administration. Communal roads construction and communal roads maintenance imply large costs which charge the budget of commune. Costs related with communal roads are such as those associated with land of public transport overtaking (overtaking for compensation), construction of road and maintenance of road (e.g. pavement repair, snow removal, etc.).Parcels allocated for new public roads or for widening existing public roads become (according to law regulations) public bodies properties [with the date on which decision of property division became final or with the date of entry into force of the resolution of municipal council of land consolidation and division]. Besides, each commune should also guarantee communication availability for invested areas or areas planned for building in local plans of spatial development. The paper presents problems concerning commune tasks with reference to communal roads. Afterwards ...
Rural development is going in the direction of multifunctionality. Areas lo-cated within the impact of the great and big cities are eminently suited. They have already become the scene of dynamic changes from a dozen years. This transfor-mation causes both positive and negative effects.The most important positive effects may include: improving the demographic structure of the population of areas, differentiation of jobs, increase of the mu-nicipalities budget, development of technical and social infrastructure. The most blatant negative effects include: transformation in the social, spatial and environ-mental sphere (especially impoverishment of environmental resources). Negative effects are expressed in the increase of social and spatial conflicts and they are a result of disturbances in the existing social and spatial order, harmony between a man and the environment. ...
The main aim of this report is estimation the effectiveness of land consoli-dation projects realized after getting access of Poland to the European Union (year 2004). It contains research results, which were based on a representative sample of 12 objects - villages, where consolidation works were done. They are located in different parts of Poland - proportionally to the amount of achieved works.The estimation of partition layout of investigated farms was based on data from maps and plot registers obtained from the district authorities.The estimation of profit level as consequence of partition layout was made as follows. The investigations cover 300 of farms registered in Polish FADN in Mazowsze and Podlasie region. For plant and mixed plant-animal farms, the plot-to-homestead distance and the profit have been obtained and put into statistical analysis.The effectiveness of land consolidation was estimated basing on the internal refund rate method (IRR), according to rules proposed by Trocki and Grucza.Basing on the results of investigations, it has been ascertained that land consolidation gives the following effects:- Decrease of plots per farm by 48,9%, Increase of area of plot by 95,0 %, reduce of plot-to-homestead distance by 24,6%;- Growth of profit by 12-43,8%, Annual internal refund rate ...
Both for the consumer (tourist) and producer (entrepreneur) of hotel ser-vices, a very important feature of the hotel is its location. Attractive location and service program properly matched to it, decide in fact on the level of profitability, and consequently on the development prospects of the hotel. One of the steps in the procedure of choosing the most suitable location is to identify factors that determine the choice. In the most general way, these factors can be divided into those that relate to demand values and supply values. It should be noted that apart from these two groups of factors important condition for determining the location of the hotel can also be a local authorities actions to stimulate the development of hotel investments in the areas of reception. The cognitive aim of this study was to determine the most important criteria for determining the location of hotels. To determine the most important factors for location of hotels two methods were used: documentary method and the method of diagnostic survey. At the first stage of the research documentary method (indirect observation) was used, in which the statistical data from secondary sources were obtained concerning hotels located in Opole. In the second ...
Crisis management involves actions which are aimed at preventing natural risks such as floods and landslides. Prevention consists of activities which are re-lated to modernization of existing flood banks or the construction of new hydraulic infrastructure. Stage of predicting the potential effects of hazards is a time of prep-aration of any security in the form of such databases necessary in the process of crisis management - e.g. landslides register. The aim of the study is to present the land registry in regard to extreme natural risks such as floods and landslides. Cadastral data plays an important role in crisis management, including actions related to prevention and preparation for crisis situations. This allows for spatial reconnaissance of areas threatened by flood or landslides with simultaneous analysis of its dominion and usage. ...
In the study there was presented simulation of the volume counting of the water coming from surface flow which appears on highland forest roads. The basis were actual measures of surface flow from roads done in the Silesian Beskid in 2003-2004 period, and assumption of conditions homogeneity in 100 ha area for which the calculation was made. For different index of road net density (from 10 to 30 m∙ha-1), different precipitations (1,1; 2,1; 5,2; 9,8 mm) and established 3-hour lasting rainfall there was shown the simulated water amount and its pro-portion to precipitation (P) on total area. Results, among others, are as follow: for road net density 10 m∙ha-1 and rainfall 1,1 mm - 376 liters (0,03% P), for road net density 30 m∙ha-1 and rainfall 9,8 mm - 58 077 liters (0,6% P). There was also calculated surface flow volume on based on the data measured in snow melt period (3 hours long period) and the results are as follow: for road net density 10 m∙ha-1 - 75 588 liters, and for road net density 30 m∙ha-1 - 226 765 liters of water. In part of discussion we compared these results with standard water con-sumption by statistic person. ...
The agricultural production in Poland carried out on almost 60% of the country. Much of this activity takes place in areas which are protected by law or the ones which display adverse natural conditions for agricultural production. This creates a number of restrictions for agricultural intensification. These limitations have a different character and different degree of "discomfort" for the farmer. Moreover, very often difficulties of various types overlap in a particular area. The purpose of this study was to present the spatial distribution of these limitations by using GIS tools. The most advers conditions for farming management (over 80% of agricultural land of voivodeship is located on areas were agricultural production is difficult) the agriculture meets in podkarpackie, lubelskie and małopolskie voivodeship. The least of the impacted agricultural areas, about 53%, is located in kujawsko-pomorskie voivodeship. ...
This article presents the analysis of atmospheric circulation conditions per-taining to agricultural droughts in the Podkarpackie Province during the growing season (1901-2000). The following resource materials have been used: daily ca-lendar of atmospheric circulation types elaborated by T. Niedzwiedz for southern Poland, and growing season meteorological calendar elaborated by T. Zawora for southern Poland for the following monthly periods. The author had to determine the frequency of atmospheric circulation types for months which have been recognized by agricultural specialists as too dry (due to precipitation deficit). Drought hazard may be expressed by the following ratio: frequency of occurrence of a given circulation type during drought conditions to general frequency of circulation types. This method enabled to present detailed results. Firstly during the growing season the anticyclonic circulation type - advection of air from southwest - occurs 1,38 more frequently than the general frequency of this particular circulation type (SEa). The situation is similar for types Sa and Ea (1,35 and 1,33 respectively). When we examine the remaining values we can notice that the fre-quency coefficient for anticyclonic ridge (Ka) is equal to 1,21, whilst for anticyclonic situation with advection of air from northeast (NEa), and for central anticyclonic situation (Ca) ...
The following article presents the process of the exclusion of lands from agricultural and forest production on the basis of data for Siedlce district. The purpose of the article is to analyze the overall changing tendencies in the ways of using the lands. Secondly, the focus is put on the discussion of the purposes of on which the decisions of exclusion between 2000-2005 were taken. The process is also contrasted against current regulations on the protection of agricultural and forest lands. The procedure of exclusion of agricultural and forest lands is complicated, time- consuming and involves hard work of a number of people. The article discusses the overall characteristics of all the procedure and what follows, the directions of the development of the economy as well as the data of forest and agricultural land market for Siedlce city. The results of the survey are discussed and illustrated with graphs and maps. ...
The article presents the objectives and scope of the directive enabling sup-port for rural development in the programming period of 2007-2013 by the Euro-pean Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The objectives were set based on an analysis of the extensive initial motives of the act, as well as its nor-mative part. The normative objectives indicate the thematic priorities of the Regu-lation such as:- improving the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry by supporting restructuring, development and innovation,- improving the environment and the countryside by supporting land man-agement,- Improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging the diversifi-cation of economic activity.The article pays special attention to the structure and the legal nature of the Community Strategic Guidelines meant to assist in identifying the areas where the use of EU support will provide the greatest added value, in translating economic, social and environmental priorities into the policy of development of rural areas, as well as in ensuring the cohesion of this policy with other policies and implementing the new agricultural policy.The guidelines specify the priorities for construction state strategic plans and rural development programmes. They include key non-binding activities, described one by one and assigned to each guideline for illustrative ...
The paper presents the influence of river training works, carried on the part of the Słomka stream, on hydrodynamic conditions. The measurements carried out in 2004 and 2005 included following parameters: surveys of cross-section of the channel and the granulometric composition of bed material. Results of these work were used to calculate the hydrodynamic condition as shear stress, stream power, unit stream power, mean velocity and finally bedload intensity transport (by Bag-nold's formula). Then the comparison and analysis calculated parameters were performed. In sections A1, A3 and A5 the increase of considering parameters and intensity of lateral erosion after regulation were observed. In the other sections these values remained at a comparable level (section A4) or decreased (section A2). In cross-section no. 2 and no. 9 the percentage contents of fine grains increased in comparison with measurement results made before regulation. The characteristic diameter d50% in these sections considerably decreased by 1.8 cm and 2.8 cm respectively. ...
Presented results of researches relate to transport infrastructure (linear and point) of the surveyed holdings. Distances in the internal transport: farmland - economic object are very large, averaging 2.91 km (from 2.04 for the smallest farms to 3.50 km for the average farm). Considering the factor rolling resistance, the factual distance, an average of 2.91 km corresponds to the distance of driving over asphalt pavement in good condition 11.08 km. The average size of cadastral parcels - as a basic element that generates the mass transport is 1.30 hectares from 0.63 - 4.16 ha, depending on the size of the farm. In the analyzed groups, average, the minimum plot is 0.09 ha and the maximum 14.0 ha. The share of roads with an asphalt surface at an average of 47.42%, however, direct entry into the field only at 7.23% is from the main road and up to 63.86% of the dirt road. In the group of the surveyed holdings averaged only 31.33% of objects in a set of tractor with trailer, 37.35% of trucks and 35.54% of trucks without trailer, has the opportunity - in the economic object (yard) of relapse by 3600. ...
In recent years, a very trendy and popular holiday destination has become the Biebrza National Park. Biebrza Marshes - the largest wetland complex in Eu-rope are the most popular tourists. The reason for visiting the Biebrza National Park is need for contact with nature, bird watching and fishing.Aim of this study is to present quantitative and qualitative changes have occurred in recent years in the tourist economy of the Biebrza National Park. An analysis of statistical material and documents obtained at the Park. The analysis presents trends of seasonality and tourist attractions. ...
The work discusses the basic issues of protection of the aquatic environment in the context of the operation of the facility, with reduced infrastructure support. Survey, the quality of groundwater and the wastewater during the advanced service in the years 2006-2008 after a period of winter the meltdown, were analysed, including benchmarking, which takes into account the variability in the composition of both the groundwater in-flow opacimeter and outflow and leachate collected in the landfill. In assessing the environment includes the components of the compromised sites, as well as the type, quantity and origin of deposited waste.The detailed analysis of the background of the results of the analyses carried out, requires above all to assess the efficiency of the system for the dehydration of the landfill, with an indication of the solutions for the protection of the aquatic environment in the context of the increase of mass deposited of municipal waste not selectively collected. ...