Zeszyt: 2010, vol. 7 / 13
One of the indicators of sustainable development is spatial order, under-stood as a spatial arrangement which includes e.g. natural, social and economic, cultural as well as compositional and aesthetic conditions. Ensuring spatial order in rural areas is difficult due to various forms of elements occurring there. How-ever, the original method for assessing spatial order of rural areas presented in the study allows to assess the spatial order and at the same time provides the possibility of demonstrating which of the elements making up the space under analysis has a negative effect on the land management status. The study also presents a theoretical concept of a GIS database supporting the assessment of the spatial order of rural areas, indicating its source components, which include, e.g. a land and building register and a soil-agricultural map. Additionally, it also shows some examples of spatial analyses, the results of which have been derived in the form of a map assessing the status of spatial order and a tabular-descriptive report supplementing it.
Small water reservoirs are silted in the considerably shorter time in the comparison with average and large reservoirs. Considering the silting process de-silting work every dozen or years are carried out. Desilting of small water reser-voirs follows after the lapse of the considerably shorter time of operation than it to result can from the Hartung's criterion, according to whose reservoir not fulfils one's the function because of silting making up 80% of his origin capacity. The example is the reservoir in Krempna, which was desilted after eighteen years of operation, when his silting, determined for the help of the degree of silting, 41% carried out. The redevelopments of the reservoir were also executed during of de-silting works in 2006, reducing his capacity from 112 thousands m3 to 96,3 thou-sands m3. Execute the silting measurements in 2009 and stated that the degree ratio is equal 7,0 %. It was worked out the relationship between silting ratio and the time operation of the water reservoir in Krempna, definite on the basis established silting ratios of the reservoir in individual years before and after desilting. On the basis of this relationship was stated that the course of the silting process will take place ...
The municipal waste is a waste type that includes predominantly household waste (municipals waste) with sometimes the addition of commercial wastes col-lected by a municipality within a given area. Amount of generated municipal wastes depends on many factors, which the most important are: life standard, population's rate and goods' consumption scale and intensity. The kind of wastes and its composition depend on the area where the wastes are generated, also depends on population density, buildings' types, objects of public utility, trade outpost magnitude and intensity of industry and services.The acquaintance of morphological composition of municipal waste permits on treat the decision about waste management, projection waste installation, bal-ancing the processes of classification and forecasting about quality of products from wastes.This paper shows several practical methodologies of investigation municipal wastes and norms in Poland.
Waste management comprises a number of single activities forming a cohe-rent system aiming at creating conditions for waste storage, their transport and disposal.Poland committed herself to implement and realise the European Union di-rectives concerning waste management. One of the major problems is closing down the hitherto existing landfills which do not meet the requirements of the directives. Moreover, the European Union requires a radical diminishing of the municipal waste quantities deposited on landfills.This aim may be reached by means of appropriate education about handling wastes and creating a system of waste management, suitable for local conditions. The paper shows the waste management system existing in the past in the Bochnia commune and the current state of affairs, and suggests solutions leading to improvement of the currently existent system. The research, conducted in the form of directed interviews among the investigated commune dwellers allowed to indicate the main trends of changes in the system of waste management, particularly concerning the waste collection. ...
The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of mulching and organic fertilization on growth parameters of two-year old Scots pine seedlings as well as on the occurrence of soil mites (Acari) under conditions of irrigation. Fe-licity of proposed revitalization measures was conducted with the use of the bioin-dication method. In this investigation the indicatory organisms were mites, common and very numerous in forest soils. The experiment was carried out in 2009 at forest nursery Bielawy (Forest Inspectorate Dobrzejewice). The slightly loamy sand was predominant on the studied area. Experiment was design as two-factorial trial (split-plot), replicated four times. The first row factor was organic fertilization used in the two treatments (main plots): without organic fertilization-control, organic fertilization with compost from forest cap - humus applied before sowing of Scots pine seeds (spring 2008). The second row factor was mulching used in the two treatments (subplots): without mulching - control, mulching with fresh cap-humus from habitat of fresh coniferous forest, which was applied after seedling emergence (September 2008). It was stated that the influence of both the two investigated factors (organic fertilization and mulching) on the growth indices of two-year old seedlings was significant. Seedlings cultivated on the ...
Conducted research showed, that the development of the agrotourism must be and should be coordinated with institutional actions. It seems to be essential for the comprehensive and professional character of offered services. Without suitable assistance of different kinds of agencies (for example: local authorities, farm tourism associations, federations, etc.), this non-agricultural business activity will be limited to individual lodgings. In the opinion of respondents, local authorities are expected to provide sufficient support, although they admitted that a Centre of the Agricultural Consulting had played the key role in the service activation. A Centre of the Agricultural Consulting organizes courses, workshops, exhibitions and competitions, as well as conducts advisory activities and provides information on the many topics related to the farm-based tourism. However, hosts noticed a lot of shortcomings on this field. They expect the greater initiative in recruiting guests and they would like to receive more help with preparing offers or organizing exhi-bitions and more systematic consulting.The preparation and abilities of contractors to this venture is positively as-sessed. The professionalism is confirmed by using specialist literature or following the example of the experience of other persons dealing with the farm tourism. This all, in combination with an effort of institutions ...
In the elaboration a special attention has been paid to the preserved envi-ronmental, landscape, cultural values in the former, small Lower Silesian village of Sokołowsko, the place located nearby Wałbrzych in Suche Mountains. It is a typical tourist village. Sokołowsko has a peculiar climate, thanks to which it was a famous resort, a thriving spa before the Second World War (German name - Görbersdorf). While discussing the place one it is impossible not to pay attention to its natural, topographic, landscape and climatic values. Although, especially recently, they are not used to a sufficient degree, still it is worth mentioning the growth of consciousness, that they should be preserved, and as a way of marketing strongly exposed in the context of village development. They constitute the foun-dation of contemporary existence of the place, improvement of its image, popularity.
In the elaboration special attention has been paid to the spa function that in a little different way forms the rural environment. The above issues have been discussed on the example of the Opole village Kamień Śląski. Besides the typically agricultural function it significantly plays the tourist function. A special attention should be paid to the spa function that is the component of generally comprehended tourism. Although this place does not have the status of spa, one must admit that ultimately it may possibly try to get it. Thoroughly carried out "village renovation", cultural heritage preserved in its area additionally foster the growth of tourist sector.
Field studies have been carried out on marshland areas in the Promotion Forest Complex Rychtalskie Forest. Marshland areas are characterized by very large water storage capacities. Total annual outflow is relatively small - about 4% of a total annual precipitation and it occurs only in winter half-year and in May. Ground water levels lie shallow, about 1 m under the surface area. The forecast of water condition change in the investigated areas, expressed by ground water changes, was based on negative trend of precipitation. It has been assumed that, essential changes on marshland area ecosystems will occur, when - average ground water levels come down by about 50% of the present state. It has been es-timated that it will happen after around 100 years. Pragmatic actions should aim to totally stop water outflow from these areas. It was found that surface water had better water quality than ground water. First of them had the results in the interval ranging from the border of detect ability to the upper limit of the 2nd class of purity whereas second to the 5th class of purity. In surface waters the parameter with the poorest value in all seasons was chemical oxygen demand (ChZT). ...
Article is drawing issues of managing the space in rural areas that are ex-posed to the influence of urban centres. Studies include rural and urban-rural gmians in Łódź Metropolitan Area. Article highlights the important role of local planning in preventing negative effects of urban sprawl. One of the problem is the pressure on rural areas by uncontrolled migration which should enforce the deci-sions of local authorities about creating local plans, allowing for better control of using the space.The starting point for analyses are carried out research commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure. Studies lead to the conclusion that the area of local plans is growing in rural areas of ŁMA. Article allows to determine a state of works on new local plans in gminas covered by the surveys.
In the paper we focus on the analysis of sand from wastewater treatment plants and their possibile use in agriculture. Were subjected to long-term monito-ring of sand from a sewage treatment plant, which we assess their microbial pro-peries, which could have a negative impact on their future use.
The research problem is the relevance of present immaterial regional culture of rural area of commune of Lądek Zdrój and Stronie Śląskie. The population hitherto being settled in the area had to leave its houses. Historically formed tra-dition's or behavior pattern's resource became their baggage. Only in some cases (but as unknown, new for incoming population) was given up. The analyses con-centrate on determination of ethnic origin of immigrants and resource of new ele-ments of behavioral culture. The results point that up to the fifties the main flow took place from contemporary Ukraine and Małopolskie province. More detailed depiction shows that an area in question is neighborhood of Tarnopol, Stanisła-wów, Lwów and Beskidy mountains. Extensive, non-homogeneous, less important conglomeration of culture was established. Subsequent, very important population flow from ethnically differentiated region (Dolnośląskie province) extended already existing complexity. The effect was the reduction (and later nearly loss) of relevance of culture represented by immigrant population. The region was culturally pauperized and unambiguous identity of the place was minimized. If new structural element (perceived and understood by population) is determined and if it con-solidates society than probably new forms of immaterial culture will be established.
Surveys, documentation reviews and direct observation on the building sites point to a number of "exposures", which can have a negative influence on the sewerage's projects completion. Such exposure occur at every stage of the project. The most important among them are errors in the construction project, materials' defects and damages and disadvantageous meteorological conditions. They cause a high level of quality, schedule and cost risk. Risk response development can lower the level of risk. In this paper a risk response matrix was used to achieve this purpose. This technique is used in a risk management plan. The activities, which allow the achievement of a lower frequency of risk and reduction in their consequence have to be determined by this technique. This paper indicates that activities based on risk avoidance and mitigation have their best application in sewerage's projects. These include: tightening contractor selection's criteria, a detailed contract and contingency reserves. Analysis of risk response development indicates that to lower levels of quality, schedule and cost risk throughout a project suitable action should be taken as early as at the planning phase and the contract stage.
This paper presents an assessment on the ecological status of various low-land watercourses found in Lower Silesia, determined by using aquatic macro-phytes as the primary biological indicator on the health and condition of such wa-tercourses. Field studies were conducted during 2007-2008 on various unregulated, conserved and regulated watercourses. Research included identifying the species of aquatic macrophytes found in the streambed as well as determining the degree of coverage. On this basis was the RI index calculated and the ecological status of watercourses defined.The field studies showed, that the watercourse's ecological status depends on many factor. To identify those factors we analyzed the correlation between the class of watercourse's ecological status and technical parameters like: bottom width, watercourse's depth, inclination of the slope and longitudinal profile. The analysis showed that the impact of channel parameters on the ecological condition of watercourses was similar in the case of natural watercourses and those that were transformed as a result of technical interference. However based on the survey cannot be found, that the technical parameters of watercourse's bed shaped as a result of regulatory and maintenance works affect the improvement or the dete-rioration of the ecological status. This follows from the fact that the ...
Currently, there is more attention paid to the need of using renewable energy sources (RES). The increased interest in renewable energy sources is associated with greater public awareness of limited conventional energy sources and with gradual increase in energy prices. There's noticeably more investors who plan the investments associated with the use of RES. They can count on the revenue associated with supplying the energy (purchase obligation). In addition, the energy producer from RES receives certificates of origin "green certificates" which can be traded on the commodity exchange market.The increasing interest in RES development is the main reason for looking at new possibilities to generate energy from these sources. The paper presents issues related to the use of energy from natural flows in rivers. Characterizes the energy potential based on the sum discharge curve of the Bobr River and duration established for long-term flows. The analysis of conditions affecting the development of hydropower has been presented. The basic environment conditions essential for the design, construction and operation of hydroelectric power has been summarized.