Zeszyt: 2008 / 01

Prof.dr hab.inż. Stanisław Krzanowski

Dr inż. Andrzej Wałęga

Dr Iwona Paśmionka

Treatment of sewage from selected food manufacturing plants

Industrial effluents have currently constituted the main portion of a total volume of generated sewage, however a tendency to diminish their quantity has been observed. Treatment of specific sewage faces serious technological problems due to the special character of production in the manufacturing plants, which affects the irregularity and amount of pollutants. Considerable quantitative and qualitative variability of the generated sewage is perceivable even at the plants with the same profile of production. Therefore, it is necessary to identify precisely the properties of effluents produced not only by the same branches of industry but even by single factories. Considering the food sector enterprises, the least amount of literature data is available on physicochemical properties of effluents generated by confectionery industry. Therefore, the study aims to characterize the effluents produced by confectionery factories and compare them with the properties of sewage from other food manufacturing plants. The main emphasis was put on the analysis of the results of research on confectionery effluent treatment in a model bioreactor with activated sludge. The main characteristics of sewage generated by confectionery factories are considerable fluctuations of pollutant quantities, which is a frequent cause of observed operational problems with the treatment plant process line. Compared ...