Analysis and evaluation of the social, demographic and economic transformation (based on the Michałowice commune emphasis)

The article analyses and evaluates social, demographic and economic changes in the community of Michałowice. In the first part of the work, the author defines the term urban-sprawl, based on specialist literature. Next, the article fo-cuses on characteristic features of the Michałowice community, which is located in the vicinity of Krakow. That is a cause of strong social and economic links with the city. Moreover, the articles presents current local acts of spatial planning. Since, demographic situation plays an important role in the social and economic development of the area, the next part of the article sheds some light on demo-graphic dynamics, including structural changes related to the expansion of building developments. In addition, the study also included surveys among randomly selected inhabitants concerning the social and economic situation in the community. The development of the area is influenced by the rate of increase/decrease of business undertakings. That is why the last part of the article presents the current state and growth dynamics of business undertakings in Michałowice. ...

Social changes and economic transformations of villages situated in metropolitan areas in the years 2000–2010 exemplified by the community of Michałowice

The article focuses on social changes and economic transformations that occurred in the years 2000-2010 in the community of Michałowice. The first part presents an analysis of socio-economic changes in the studied area. This includes the discussion of demographic trends in Michalowice within the studied 10 years, because this was the period of continual growth of population density in villages of the Małopolskie region. Afterwards, the article presents a dynamic analysis of economic indices related to unemployment, population growth rate, economic load, demographic ageing and the dynamics of economic units in the researched area. The first part of the article also includes data on population structure, i.e. gender and economic age groups, in Michałowice. Population growth in this area is accompanied by intensified building developments. The study of this trend was based on the analysis of the number of building permits, total community area planned for building development and the number of new residential buildings. The second part of the paper evaluates the level of technical infrastructure in Michałowice compared to other communities in the Krakow district based on a comprehensive index analysis. ...

Real property consolidation and partition as process supporting spatial planning on example of selected areas

The "urban sprawl" phenomenon has intensified since the 90s and lasts to these days. At present, it is one of the most significant changes to the spatial structure of contemporary metropolitan areas. This paper analyses the possibility of applying the procedures of consolidation and partition of real property for the purposes of rational spatial management of real estate destined for housing de-velopment in selected Warsaw suburban areas. It has been concluded that the procedures of consolidation and partition of real property, initiated ex officio (where the consolidated or partitioned areas are destined in the land use plan),may facilitate the development of the relevant areas and improve the quality of life of their inhabitants. The analysis has proved that spatial conflicts take place in the investigated areas, which may well be settled or limited by the complex spatial planning, supported by the formalized procedures of real estate consolidation or partition with respect to areas destined for housing, as well as by land consolidation procedure, which is essential for the development of agricultural areas. The consolidation and partition procedures may be applied provided that the given area is covered by a land use plan. Therefore, mentioned procedures should be perceived as the ...

The issue of agricultural land protection in the process of suburbanization

The purpose of the research was to indicate lands suitable for development on the basis of analysis of soil conditions. It was assumed that in rural areas soil conditions constitute one of the most important factors that influence development and the inevitable city sprawl. Detailed research based on soil-agricultural maps at a scale of 1:5,000 and the base map was effected for the geodetic units of Koprki and Michałówek, Ożarów commune, Western Warsaw poviat. Multi-criteria analysis was performed, on the basis of which the terrains most suitable for development were indicated, taking into consideration land bearing capacity, moisture content, land protection and public transport connections. Similar research for the whole Western Warsaw Poviat was performed afterwards. The analysis was based on data derived from soil-agricultural map at a scale of 1:50,000 and from Topographic Objects Database BDOT 10k. The research showed that due to advantageous location, short distance from Warsaw and good public transport connections arable lands of highest quality and agricultural suitability, protected under the Act on Protection of Forests and Agricultural Lands, are often designated for development. The availability of digital data and GiS tools that facilitate spatial analysis allow to consider various environmental factors that influence the ...


The theme undertaken in this article is the delimitation of landscape units and pre-determine of characteristics of the different landscapes on the example of the Wroclaw suburban zone. The study created three-level structure in which 4 types of landscape, 9 subtypes of landscape and 36 landscape units were distinguished. Each of the landscape unit has been characterized in terms of its specific components. The results are a contribution to the topic of landscape management and discuss the problem of application of these solutions on a local scale ...


The aim of this paper is evaluation of spatial policy of the rural communes, which are under pressure of suburbanization resulting from being located near Poznań (a voivodship centre, and the core of Poznań Metropolitan Area and Functional Urban Area of Poznań).Two units of local self-government, Dopiewo and Komorniki, where in the first stage of the analysis the highest intensity of the process of suburbanization was determined, were analysed.In the analysed decade (2005-2014), the population of the Municipality of Komorniki increased by 75% from 13992 to 24433, and of the Municipality of Dopiewo by 67% from 13460 to 22447. In turn, average net migration rate was 52 per 1000 residents in Komorniki and 55 per 1000 residents in Dopiewo. Detailed analyses showed that in the Municipality of Komorniki the realisation of spatial policy has been based on creating local spatial development plans, while in the Municipality of Dopiewo the main tool for it are still administrative decisions, and the local spatial development plan coverage amounts to merely 11%. Moreover, the analyses of population absorptive capacity showed that - in context of demographic forecast - the Municipality of Komorniki allocates ground for housing development more rationally. These analyses should ...