A stream running through a settlement or town can create great hazard to the adjacent development areas; it is also, however, a natural decorative element. Because of time passing and lack of necessary maintenance of the structures, their rebuilding and modernization is often necessary. Here many problems arise. They include: lack of place for the required expansion of the river course and cross-sections, geological structure, requirements of the valid water and building law, architecture (especially in old-town development), and ecology. An approach to solve these problems is presented in the paper for a large stream of Wątok running through the old part of the Tarnów town. Because of the location of the stream, intensive urban development and the neighborhood of sacral buildings protected by law, it is the urban authorities' responsibility to ensure full safety to the neighboring land. This task was undertaken as early as in the mid-war years although the protection level was inadequate. The technical condition of the structures threatening to cause building catastrophe, and the aesthetics of solutions were additional arguments to undertake the project.To give the reader an illustration of the multiplicity and importance of technical problems of the designed development, the existing state ...
The content of this paper is the continuation of the paper presented in the previous volume. The necessity of flood protection of urban areas was argued and the attention was paid to environmental and small architecture aspects. A typical solution that was discussed concerns the re-development and renovation of a stream of Wątok flowing through the old part of the Tarnów town with monumental sacral buildings. First regulation works were undertaken in the mid-war period. Time passing, water aggressiveness intensified with municipal wastes, and the lack of proper maintenance caused considerable damage to the existing structures. The extent of the damage threatened building catastrophe with all resulting consequences.Utilizing own resources and the acquired PHARE funds, the Tarnów authorities decided to undertake full-scale works on the stream reach under discussion. High requirements were posed concerning the environmental and aesthetics conditions with the simultaneous meeting the safety conditions of the neighboring terrain and the development itself. Because of varying character and technical state of the existing development, as well as different land conditions and the character of ...
Described were IBMER (Institute for Buildings Mechanization and Electrificationof Agriculture (IBMER)) activities aimed at the development and verificationof research procedures used for the assessment of commercial family farmactivities and for evaluation of progress in their technological and ecological modernization.Current assessment of agricultural farm activities has been conducted usingan appropriate IBMER procedure [Wójcicki 2008], which comprises tables forparametric (numerical) description of commercial farm equipment and activitiesin 2008.Development family farm is modernized on the basis of the project of itsorganization and mechanization in the nearest 5-7 years (e.g. until 2015). Suchproject may be developed using new IBMER technological and balance sheet procedure(methods), which has been currently (2009) elaborated and verified.A comparison of the recent activities with the accepted organizational projectallows to determine the level of progress in the sphere of technical and ecologicalmodernization of the analysed farm and its infrastructure.Both research procedures contain a number of common methodical bases,the part of which was synthetically compiled in tables concerning the assessmentof modernization of a sample farm with farm area 40 ha AL, specializing in potato,milk and beef cattle production. ...
Presented were some research results and forecasts concerning directions of organizational and technical transformations occurring in agriculture and its infrastructure.The main aim of transformations in agricultural enterprises will be acquisi-tion of increasingly safer (healthier) raw materials and food products under con-ditions of better energy and environment efficiency in rural areas. Energy effi-ciency implies decreasing unit material and energy outlays and manpower, therefore decreasing the costs of own products supplied to the market at the prices satisfactory for both producers and consumers.Competitive rivalry on the world food markets decreases and will decrease the number of Polish commodity farms. In the perspective of 15-20 years there will be about 300 thous. of those and they will supply almost all marketable agri-cultural output for processing or directly to the market. All family commodity farms will have to modernize and develop their production on the basis of pre-pared business plan, i.e. a project of equipment, mechanization and investment on farm. Each farm will be able to assess the needs and potential concerning its ad-justment to the requirements posed to future family agricultural enterprises.The paper presents the methodology of farm modernization using techno-logical cards and the way of assessment of investment potential of modernized ...
The paper presents the results of analyses of economic and investment activities conducted on 53 selected family farms in 2009 and 2010. Obtained results were compared with the respective data assumed in the projects of these farms modernization until 2015.The analyses were conducted to determine the needs and investment possibilities of the studied farms and seek the method of an assessment of investment activity pursued by individual family farms.Farms with an area of between 8 and 150 ha AL (arable lands) were investigated in 2009-2011. Average area of the researched objects was 44.23ha AL in 2009, 45.88ha AL in 2010,whereas in 2015 it will be 49.49ha AL, i.e. it will increase by 11.9%.It was found that with growing farm area the reconstruction needs decrease (depreciation), whereas possibilities of investment activity for development grow. Also potential investment possibilities of farms were estimated and the difference between the real family incomes and the incomes comparable with non-farmer families were added to the incurred investment expenditure.In 2009 average unit reconstruction investment needs were 1140 zł ∙ha-1AL, incurred investment expenditure was 1930 zł ∙ha-1AL , whereas potential investment possibilities were estimated at 3391 zł ∙ha-1AL.Respectively, in 2010 average unit investment needs were 1106 ...
The study included storage facilities located in the municipality of Skalbmierz in towns: Sielec Kolonia, Szarbia Zwierzyniecka and Baranów. The research involved making a detailed inventory of architectural and construction and the storage of questionnaires to selected objects. The study area is dominated by regular cold storage, they are 77% objects used for the storage of vegetables and 64% of facilities for storage of fruit. The study characterized and evaluated solutions architectural and construction and material and construction of these facilities. Prevail there nearby terrestrial objects (77% of the storage of vegetables and 72% fruit storage). Due to the form of building the most common objects were freestanding cold storage. Work carried out in the analysis of material and structural bulkheads showed that most of the vault was double-layered exterior walls, made of slag concrete hollow with styrofoam insulation, and lightweight ceilings with cooling panels. Also analyzed specific technical and operational indicators. The study showed large differences in the size of storage chambers. This was caused primarily by adaptation of existing buildings for livestock and farm for storage. Improving storage base consisted mainly of larger potential of storage facilities through the commissioning of new facilities and modernization of existing ...
Land and building registers, the principal source of spatial data, support policy-making activities at all levels of land management and undergo continuous change. The observed changes are prompted by a variety of political, legal, organizational, economic, social and technological factors. At present, land and building registers are amended and modernized to ensure the effective implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Poland. This paper analyzes various factors that affect the Polish cadastral system, with special emphasis on legal regulations adopted in 2010-2013 and their influence on the functioning and change trends in the Polish land and building register. ...
The subject of the elaboration is an analysis of cadastral data in the graphic part of the cadaster register of land and buildings (EGiB) in the Strzyżów district. The study area includes five register units (communes): Strzyżów, Frysztak, Niebylec, Czudec, Cherry. In total, this represents a 63 cadastral precincts. The study includes cadastral maps located in the resources of the District Documentation Centre of Geodesy and Cartography in Strzyżów. The study was performed basing on the classification of cartographic materials made available for work (Markowska, 2013) in the form of (analog, digital, numeric maps) and scale, date and technique of realisation.The main objective of this paper is to examine the degree of utilization of cadastral maps in EGiB in the abovementioned area in the surveying works. In addition, the paper evaluates the level of modernization and digitization resource EGiB, in order to verify the objectives of the LPIS project carried out by ARiMR. An additional aspect of the paper is to compare the results with the data for the voivodship of Malopolska, in the context of the same belonging history of these regions to the lands of the former Austrian annexed territory.
The modernization of the cadastre is such a complicated and complex process that may cause many significant results. Cadastral parcel surface areas changes and changes in land use are the most important of them. These factors have also a direct influence on the real estate tax base assessment.Using materials obtained from geodetic and cartographic documentation centres, the analysis concerning the considered problem has been performed. The basic facts connected with the cadastre modernization and legal rules concerning the real estate, agricultural and forestry tax bases determination have been analysed too. It has been proved, that changes in spatial data which have arisen during the modernization of the cadastre, especially in the scope of land use, may have an essential significance for taxpayer. Performed analysis denote, that comprehensive cadastre modernization from proper Municipal and Communal Offices' point of view which are real estate tax collectors, is financially profitable enterprise. ...