The influence of the watercourse modification on hydromacrophytes: case study of the Smortawa river

The aim of the following research was an assessment of the impact technical interference has over Smortawa riverbed`s hydromacrophytes communities. The measure of this impact based on the following four biological factors: the number of species, the degree of the bottom coverage, Shannon-Wiener index and Macrophyte River Index. Field study was performed in vegetation season of 2012 in three river sections presenting different degree of anthropogenic modification: natural, modified moderately in the result of ecoregulation and severly modified in the result of technical interference. In order to assess the impact of modification on the quality and quantity of hydromacrophytes communities Spearman`s ranks correlation analysis was performed. Performed analyses indicated that the biodiversity of biological indexes in study sections in linked with the range of works conducted in the riverbed. Stronger connection with these factors showed elements of the watercourse system modified in a result of technical interference such as: river filing, shape of the riverbed, width of the bottom and the way of scarp`s strengthening and shading the watercourse. ...

Influence of ways of the riverine area management on the aquatic vascular plants

The following study concerns an assessment of ways of the littoral zone management in both small and middle lowland watercourses on the composition of hydromacrophytes in water communities. The research was performed between 2007 and 2012 in 20 study sections located in Lower Silesian watercourses. The research included an assessment of the development of the littoral zone and identification of water hydromacrophytes and determination of the level of their bottom coverage. Each study section had a Shannon-Wiener biodiversity, Pielou evenness and species shortage indexes calculated. Results of the following study indicate that ways of using the littoral zone have a significant influence on analyzed vegetal indexes. The highest values were observed in study sections where littoral zones were such as:. uncultivated lands such as wetlands, bushes and tall herbs. While the lowest observed values in all compared indexes were noted in forest sections. ...