The aim of the study was to assess the content of total, or-ganic and available sulfur fractions and enzymatic activity (de-hydrogenases, FDA, β-glucosidase, nitroreductase and arylsulfa-tase) in Luvisols collected from Minikowo (Poland) and Niżyn (Ukraine) from the cultivation of common barley. The analysis of variance confirmed the significant impact of the location and date of collecting soil samples on the sulfur content and its frac-tions as well as on the enzymatic activity. The total content of sulfur available to plants (10,1 in Minikowo, 10,9 in Niżyn) classifies these soils into the average content of this element. In order to provide cereal plants with an appropriate supply of sulfur, according to the nutritional needs of plants for this element, the tested soils require supplementing its content by fertilizing with this ingredient in an amount of 10 kg S.ha- 1. The significant correlation found between the content of total sulfur and sulfate sulfur and the activity of the tested enzymes indicates the usefulness of enzymatic activity tests as an indica-tor of sulfur transformation in soils.