The paper presents issues concerning the construction and commissioning of a constructed wetland wastewater treatment plant on the example of an object, which was established in 2011 in the village Skorczyce (Lublin province). It was found that the costs of constructing this type of treatment plant pay for itself after about 5 years of operation. Calculated that the cost of materials accounted for 65% of the total investment costs incurred for the installation of the object. The remainder (about 35%) were the costs of services relating to the design and im-plementation of treatment plant and supervision of its construction and commis-sioning. In the first months of treatment plant operation was over 95% efficiency of the elimination of organic pollutants (BOD5 and COD) and total suspended solids removal. Optimum conditions for removal of pollutants were observed in the first bed with vertical flow. During start-up treatment plant the average total phosphorus removal efficiency was 84% and total nitrogen did not exceed 42%, which may be due to inadequate formation of biological membranes and unfavorable conditions for the normal processes of nitrification and denitrification.