Influence of ski trails complex on making forests available for communication in Jaworzyna forestry in the Forest Empirical Station in Krynica

Forests in Jaworzyna complex belong to particularly precious for the sake of protection and economy. They are also basic element of cleading round the Krynica health resort, which is crucial for mineral water protection and microclimate in this region. In the last 10 years this natural landscape has been changed in large degree, because of construction of sports objects complex, mainly ski tours.Placing large amount of cubic and linear objects, which are for artificial for forest environment, caused many problems with forest management in the Ja-worzyna forest district. This especially goes for making forest available for com-munication in this region. Expanded ski trails net in evident way makes collision with forest roads net and constant skidding roads. In effect, significant part of complex are inaccessible in time and technical manners.Doing economic activity on Jaworzyna area, especially in winter time, has become very difficult or even dangerous. In the study there will be presented characteristic of existing conditions for forest management unit on Jaworzyna after ski trails construction and directions of actions for solution of conflict situations. ...


Although in recent years the number of traffic accidents and collisions on Polish roads has been decreasing, it is important to identify their most significant causes. This study presents an analysis of 34 causes of road incidents reported by the police in the Wielkopolskie province in the years 2011-2013. A total of 34 causes of traffic incidents (accidents and collisions - X1, ..., X34, respectively) were grouped by means of hierarchic cluster analysis using the nearest neighbour method with Euclidean distances, in a four-dimensional space of parameters (the number of accidents - LW, the number of killed - LZ, the number of casualties, including slightly injured in collisions - LR, the number of collisions - LK). Calculations were conducted using the Statistica ver. 12 package. Analyses showed that the most common cause of traffic incidents included side collisions and rear collisions of vehicles, failure to yield to the right-of-way, failure to adjust the speed to the traffic conditions and failure to keep adequate distance between vehicles. Hitting a tree was only the 19th cause (out of 34 analysed ones); however, consequences of these incidents were tragic (8% of fatal accidents). ...