Dr hab. inż. Anna Szeląg-Sikora

Dr inż. Jakub Sikora

Dr hab. inż. Urszula Malaga-Toboła

Dr hab. inż. prof. UR Sylwester Tabor

Productivity of technical operating resources on farms associated in producer groups

The objective of the study was comparative analysis of production and technical cir-cumstances of the functioning of two producer groups aimed at pig production. A significant difference between the compared producer groups was observed, in the group from (G1) mean livestock size was 48.93 LU∙ha-1 AL. Whereas in the second group (G2), the livestock was at the level of only 19.45 LU∙ha-1 AL. Within the compared groups (G1; G2) a significant dis-crepancy between the number of some machines is noticeable, such as: manure spreader, seeder, rotary mower, collecting balers. Farms of the G2 group had more extensively equipped machine stocks and the difference primarily stems from the size of the cultivated area AL, since in the producer group of (G2) the mean AL value was 30.80 ha and only 17.30 ha in the second studied group (G1). The conducted detailed analysis allowed to demonstrate that the group from Pałecznica (G1) should be assessed as the better one in terms of the productivity of fixed resources. In this group, the fixed resource productivity index indicates, that 1.07 thousand PLN∙ha-1 AL of the production value corresponds to 1 unit of fixed resource value, i.e. 1 thousand PLN∙ha-1 AL, whereas in the compared ...

Dr inż. Jakub Sikora

Dr hab. inż. Anna Szeląg-Sikora

Dr hab. inż., prof. UR Michał Cupiał

Systems it for agricultural businesses

The paper presents the application of Moran's I statistics to show the grade of spatial autocorrelation statistic. An additional aim is to show the possibility of illustrating financial resources invested in the spatial objects. The main aim was to show the spatial autocorrelation measure based of diagnostic indicators describing the extra-budgetary funds for investment in the Malopolska province on community level. For this purpose, the data used for analysis were taken from the Central Statistical Office. Spatial autocorrelations of the indicators were illustrated in ArcView, statistical and spatial analysis were done in the R-CRAN. The analysis was carried on the 182 communes of Małopolska province. Based on diagnostic indicators analysis one can conclude that these measures are very useful in economic geography. ...

Dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Kowalczyk

Dr hab. inż. Anna Szeląg-Sikora

Dr inż. Katarzyna Grotkiewicz


The aim of this study is to present the organization of the wholesale fruit and vegetable market while taking into consideration the agri-food market in Cracow-Rybitwy. Selected aspects which are presented are necessary for trading and analysing the process of delivery as well as sales of fruits and vegetables by the manufacturers: 30 suppliers of fruits and 30 suppliers of vegetables were selected for detailed analysis. The following aspects were presented: costs resulting from the possibility of using the market, a distance needed to transport products, an amount of harvest sold on the market covered by research studies, the cost of sales and their structure. A general analysis of transport used for the transportation of fruits and vegetables was conducted. The frequency of arrivals and time spent at the market during individual months was also calculated. The analysis was made separately for the sale of fruits and vegetables. It was found that the organization of the garden crops market leaves much to be desired. The proof of this is the frequency of arrivals, the length of time spent at the market by manufacturers, the efficiency and cost of sale. ...

Dr hab. inż. Urszula Malaga-Toboła

Dr hab. inż. prof. UR Sylwester Tabor

Dr hab. inż. Anna Szeląg-Sikora

Technical equipment and utilization of human labour resources in selected organic holdings

The human potential of an agricultural holding is increasingly treated as a capital allowing a competitive advantage. Its development takes place at the same time as the development of technical equipment and technical progress. The size of livestock herd, technical equipment, labour resources and actual workforce needs of organic holdings were determined. It allowed for calculation of the index of utilization of labour resources. The obtained results indicate a low level of human potential utilization, which amounted to average 40% and remained within the range from 29% for the holdings with the smallest area 58% for the facilities with the largest area. A statistical analysis confirms the significant relationship between the utilization of labour resources and the number of able-bodied persons, workload, machine stock replacement value and livestock size. ...