Dr inż. Tomasz Kotowski

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Mgr inż. Dorota Pietrucin


The aplication of selected methods of the hydrogeochemical statistical analysis is presented in the paper. Statistical methods were applied to initially identify of the formation processes of water chemical composition of groundwater within the Lesser Poland Voivodeship area. As results of the cluster analysis three clusters' set of forming the chemical composition of groundwater's was distinguished (fig. 2). A set of three factors forming the chemical composition of groundwaters was distinguished as a result of the factor analysis (fig. 3, tab. 1). All statistical methods used were found out to be susceptible upon hydrogeochemical anomaly. Taking into account the observed susceptible of cluster analysis its application makes it impossible to describe enough correctly the formation of the chemical composition of groundwaters within the study area. Using the factor analysis attained the best results but this method is also susceptible upon anomaly cases. The statistical methods used were found out as helpful. However, the interpretation of research results without the additionally factors is intractable, especially for the case of hydrogeochemical anomaly. ...

Dr hab. inż. Prof UR Stefan Satora

Dr inż. Tomasz Kotowski


The subject of the study is quaternary groundwater intaken by 10 drilled wells numbered as follows: S-7a, S-9a, S-11b, S-12b, S-15a, S-16a, S-17a, S-18a, S-20a and S-21 constructed in the period 1971 - 1993 and forming "Stare ujęcie" located in Stalowa Wola. Total manganese concentration in waters of "Stare ujęcie" intake falls within the range from 0.001 mgMn•dm-3 to 2.57 mgMn•dm-3, and total iron - from 0.01 mgFe•dm-3 to 6.50 mgFe•dm-3. Given the quality classification of "Stare ujęcie" waters - they predominantly belong to 3rd and 4th class and their quality is unsatisfactory. The chemical composition variability of the intaken waters is spatially presented in the study in the form of hydroisolines, while the temporal variability was discussed descriptively and with the use of statistical coefficient of variation. The variability of total iron concentration in waters of "Stare ujęcie" is very high in the case of wells S-7a and S-17a, in the case of wells S-9a, S-18a, S-20a and S-21 - it is high, while in well S-15a the variability is medium. Concentration of total manganese in waters of wells S-15a and S-18a is characterized by low variability, in waters of wells S-7a, S-9a and S-21 - by medium variability, ...

Dr inż. Agnieszka Operacz

Dr inż. Tomasz Kotowski

Groundwater bodies protection in terms of small hydropower plants realization

The ultimate objective of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC is protection of waters and water environment for the future generations. Achieving good condition of all parts of waters is done by setting up and implementing the necessary actions within the integrated programmes in the member states. The selected the so-called uniform parts of waters (both surface and underground) should be protected to be left in good quantity and quality condition for the future generations. Investments in renewable sources of energy are recognised, in the light of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/28/EC of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources as promoted sources of energy due to the care for the environment. Thus, the benefits from execution of such investments are highly valued in both regional and global scale, especially in reference to climatic changes and continued pollution of the environment. National experience in execution of small hydropower plants prove, however, high degree of ambiguity and pose many controversies. Both positive and negative effect of execution of small hydropower plants highly depend on the specific location and on the current condition of the environment. The article presents the legal regulations in force ...