Mgr inż. Maria Kowalska

Cartographic elaboration as sources of information about landscape

Cartographic elaboration that provide information about landscape changes are analysed in the article. The purpose of this article is to present the development of cartographic materials that provide information about landscape. At the outset illustrates the distribution of sources information about the landscape whereas the time period for which these resources apply. The following materials were analysed: Polish land register, topographic maps, master map, cadastral map, orthophotomaps, local spatial plan, and study of conditions and directions of spatial development. The article focuses on presenting the development of cartographic sources from Polish territory. The chart made on the basis of analysis shows periods in which each source occurred. Nowadays, modern technologies are used for establishing, maintaining, updating and sharing information on land. In order to properly present landscape changes both the old and new sources of information should be taken into account, also a constant modernization sources should be performed. ...