The paper presents results of research concerning changes in total phos-phorus concentrations from outflow from following beds of constructed wetland in Paszkow. There was analyzed domestic wastewater which was supplied to the four beds made as constructed wetland. The beds were designed with horizontal subsurface flow in a mixed config-uration (serial - parallel). The evaluation assessed the composition of domestic wastewater supplied to the beds and as well as physico-chemical composition of the outflows. The research was conducted during July 2008 - March 2011. It was found that the average treatment efficiency for total phosphorus was at 40,0 %, with the highest annual treatment effects were observed for bed no.1. The average concentration of total phosphorus in the effluent discharged to the receiver was 4,4 mgPdm-3. Due to requirements to be met by the outflows form wastewater treatment plants for P.E < 2000, the wastewater treatment plant meets the conditions only for values of BOD5 and COD. In the case of the suspension exceeded to the limit values were observed during whole research period.
Proper wastewater management in rural areas is a difficult issue, especially that we can still see a disparity between the level of water service coverage and canalization of municipalities. The length of sewerage network increases every year, which indicates that municipalities are taking actions to improve sanitary condition. According to the National Program for Municipal Wastewater [Krajowy Program Oczyszczania Ścieków Komunalnych 2010], if the construction of sewage system is not justified, the municipality should solve the problem of waste disposal on their own. The paper presents the basic object at household sewage treatment plant - the septic tank. The septic tank is responsible primarily for the mechanical treatment of wastewater from the solids and for the initial stabilization (anaerobic) sediments. The authors paid attention to the quality of wastewater supplied to the tanks as well as wastewater delivered to the next steps of purification. The article, except study of literature includes results of several year of observations concerning parameters of wastewater after mechanical purification. According to the literature, the effectiveness of the operation is at the level of 40-94% for the suspension, 23,3-66,0% for BOD5. The lowest reduction was observed for compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus. ...
In paper analyzed the results of research concerning nitrate and total ni-trogen content in drainage effluents as well as surface water coming from facilities located in Lower Silesia area. Detailed analysis were made for participation of nitrate nitrogen in total nitrogen amount. Drainage effluents were characterized by significant content of total nitrogen: average concentration in research period amounted from 22,4 mg N dm3 to 36,9 mg N dm3. In drainage effluents, derived from different drainage section, relation N-NO3:N didn't show significant differences and was in the range 75-88%, despite the fact that this water differed significantly of total and nitrate nitrogen content. The increase of average concen-tration of total nitrogen in surface water for both research objects was cause by outflowing drainage effluents that were reached in nitrogen compounds. In drain-age water in summer period showed smaller relation N-NO3:N, what should be explain by intensive absorbing this ion by plants in vegetation period. Regardless of the analyzed period, there was found higher proportion of nitrate in water below research object. Only in case of lowland object these differences were significant for significant level p=0,05. The more fluctuation of relation N-NO3 conducive smaller participation of nitrate nitrogen in total ...
The paper presents the results of the survey of the daily load of total nitrogen outflowed with drainage system and ditches in Lower Silesia. The volume of daily load shows large seasonal variation. The maximum daily loads were found in object located in the submontane area. These loads amounted for the drainage systems 6,27 kg N d-1 ha-1 and for the ditches were noted until 12,2 kg N d-1 ha-1. Significantly lower values were found in the lowland object. In lowland area, risk of polluting the receiver with total nitrogen effluents from agricultural areas, occurs mainly during early spring. At the object located in the submontane area, which is characterized by greater rainfall, there is a second critical period attributable to the July and August. Load of nitrogen outflowed from submontane catchment during the year was 75,5 kg N ha-1, while from lowland's catchment outflowed much less nitrogen - 12,7 kg N ha-1. Con-ducted research and analysis clearly show, that the size of nitrogen load outflowed from catchment is determined, to a large extent, the course of weather conditions, particularly amount of rainfall. ...