The humidity conditions of a certain area depend mainly on the level which precipitation, being a natural water taking, covers its expenditure. It has been noticed series of precipitation deficiencies in Poland for the last years, which often cause heavy droughts. They can be a barrier in the intensification of plant production. In the study it was shown the characteristic of water deficien-cies in RSD Zawady. It was used data from 2002–2008 period coming from an automatic weather station. Particular months, vegetation periods and years were classified according to precipitation category using Kaczorowska’s division. In order to describe deficiencies and surpluses of humidity it was calculated the climatic water balance (P-E). Using the optimal precipitation table by Klatt it was determined surpluses and deficiencies of precipitation for the selected crops. The results of the investigation show that September was a very dry month. Only in last two years it was considered as wet. The highest water deficiencies for the selected cereals were observed in June. The analysis of the deficiencies for the particular months points that the smallest difference between precipitation and area vaporization was in October and the biggest one in April and June. ...
The yield of the spring cereals depends mainly on the distribution of at-mospheric precipitation in the growing season according totheir requirements in particular growing stages. Both precipitation excess and deficiency are not de-sirable. The analysis of spring cereals' water requirements fulfillment was made on the basis of IMGW data concerning the sums of atmospheric precipitation in Siedlce in the years 1968-1997. Monthly sums of precipitation were compared with optimum values of precipitation, estimated by Klatt (Water needs..., 1989),for specific spring cerealsin particular vegetation months. The characteristics of water requirements fulfillment for particular cereals was made on the basis of differences between the values of monthly sums of precipitation during the years analyzed and the values considered as optimum. In the months of April, May and June the frequency of precipitation deficiencies was higher than the frequency of precipitation excesses for all the cereals analyzed. However, in July precipitation excesses have been registered more frequently than the deficiencies. During the analyzed thirty years, the highest values of the average precipitation deficiencies for all the spring cereals were registered in May, while the values of precipitation excesses - in July. Meteorological growing season during the analyzed years began on 30th March and ...
One of preparations having an influence on mushrooms water metabolism are hydrogels. They are chemical substances causing an extension of water ca-pacity in the cover with simultaneous decrease of water losses due to evapora-tion. Using sorbents affects reduction in watering frequency and lowering financial costs. The purpose of the study was to determine hydrogels influence on a two-spore mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) water metabolism. The researches were done in 2007–2008 in two growing cycles. For the production it was used pas-teurized bed with planted two-spore mushroom mycelium of Sylwan 737 race. The doses of hydrogels amounted from 0 to 200 g٠m-2. There were two kinds of hy-drogels used in the experiment: Super Absorbent Plus and Agro-Hydro-Gel. In the research it was measured size and the most important parameters of commer-cial crop: dry mass quantity, one fructification mass. As the result of the re-search it was noticed differences in quantity and quality of the crop depending on the used dose and the kind of hydrogel. In both growing cycles the highest crops were gained with hydrogel in dose of 200 g٠m-2, the lowest ones on beds with no hydrogel. Thanks to the hydrogel the structure of the cover improved ...
One of preparations having an influence on mushrooms are hydrogels. They are chemical substances causing an extension of water capacity in the cover with simultaneous decrease of water losses due to evaporation. Using sorbents affects reduction in watering frequency and lowering financial costs. The researches were done in 2010-2011 in two growing cycles. For the production it was used pasteurized bed with planted two-spore mushroom mycelium of Sylwan 737 race. The doses of hydrogels amounted from 0 to 200 g٠m-2. There were two kinds of hydrogels used in the experiment: AgroHydroGel. In the research it was measured size and the most important parameters of commercial crop: dry mass quantity, one fructification mass. The purpose of the study was to determine hy-drogels influence on a two-spore mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). As the result of the research it was noticed differences in quantity and quality of the crop depending on the used dose and the kind of hydrogel. In both growing cycles the highest crops were gained with hydrogel in dose of 200 g٠m-2, the lowest ones on beds with no hydrogel.