The experiment was carried out in 2006-2008 years in the nurseries, in the Experimental Station belonging to Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The aim of present study was to determine the influence of drip ir-rigation and agrogel on the growth of Pumiselect® rootstock in the first year of production and on the quality of maiden trees of ‘Redhaven' and ‘Inka' cvs. peach trees. The drip irrigation was used as a T-tape line with drip emitter lo-cated at every 25 cm in line, about water dose 1,38 l per hour. Irrigation was applied on the base of tensiometer indications. The wet agrogel placed inside a belt of fabric (wide 10 cm), was put on the bottom of furrow (at depth 35 cm) , where the plants were planted. Pumiselect® rootstock as the hard-cuttings were planted at spacing 2 x 0,25 m at the depth 35 cm. The budding was done at the beginning of August by ''chip-budding'' method at 5 cm above the soil. During the experiment: the high, diameter and branching of rootstock and maiden trees was measured. The quality of root system of rootstock was determined too. The preliminary results shown the positive influence of ...
The aim of the research was the estimation of growth and yield of 'Ligol'cv. apple trees depending on rootstock and polymeric sorbent called geo-composite SAP . The experiment was conducted in years 2006-2010 in Research Station be-longing to department of Horticulture at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Two-year-old trees of ‘Ligol' cultivar were planted in the spring 2006 in 3, 5 x 1, 0 m spacing, on three rootstocks: M.9, P 60 and M26. The second factor of the experiment was application of geo-composite SAP in the form of agrożel placed inside geo-textile as strip with the width of 10 and length adjusted to a plot with trees The wet geo-composite, was put on the bottom of holes before the trees planting. The experiment was established according with randomized split-block me-thod, in three replication with tree trees on each plot. The trees were fruiting as early in the year of planting. Fruit yield was from particular tree determined by separate weighing. The weight of one fruit was estimated on the basis of the yield from one tree and number of picked up fruit. Tree vigour assessed taking into ac-count the increase in cross sectional area of the trunk, ...
Intensified production of apples makes a fruit grower establish an orchard immediately after grubbing up an old one. Then, if replanting does not occur, stands for new trees can be significantly affected by soil properties conditioned by a long- term way of its management. Another problem in horticulture is water deficit. Due to diminishing water reserves there is a need to improve sorption capacity of soils. The use of polymer supersorbents provides one of possible solution to the mentioned problem. The aim of the work was the assessment of the effect of a long- term appli-cation of herbicide fallow, black foil, black agrotextile and pine bark in trees rows in an old orchard, on growth and fruiting of apple trees ‘Ligol' planted immediately after grubbing up the old trees. Research also involved potential modification of the above effect caused by rootstock type: M.9, M 26 and P 60, as well as by addi-tionally applied agrogel. The growth and yielding of young trees ‘Ligol', related to a long-term system of soil management in the old orchard, was highly diversified and depended on the type of rootstock and agrogel applied. Yielding of the trees was also connected with the year of cultivation.
The aim of the research conducted in the conditions of Lower Silesia in the years 2012-2016 was to evaluate the growth and yielding of young peach trees cultivated in ridges with drip irrigation. The experiment concerned the flat-fruit peach trees, cultivar Saturn on the Manchurian peach tree seedling, planted in the spring of 2012 in the spacing 4.0 x 1.5 m.In each year the shortage of rainfall was observed, as compared to the years 1997-2000. During the vegetation period, the deficiencies were from -7.3 mm up to - 221.7 mm. The insufficient amount of rainfall was accompanied by the rise of the mean air temperature in the vegetation period by 0.5 - 1.7oC. In the orchard, the drip irrigation in the form of stippling tape T-Tape TSX515-50-380 was applied, with the emitters every 50 cm and the expenditure of 3.8 l per metre in 1 hour. The humidity measurements were being taken from the beginning of May until the end of July with the use of Watermark probes, testing the sucking power of soil at the depth of 20 cm. The irrigation started when the water potential of soil was 30 kPa.During the 4 years, the total yield per hectare ...
The quality of one -year -old peach trees of 'Saturn' cv. on Manchurian seedling rootstocks was estimated in this experiment. The rootstocks with ‘sleeping bud' were planted in spring 2012 directly into the orchard in two different ways: traditionally -in the holes and in ridges, with a spacing of 4 x 1.5 m. The factors of the study were: the method of planting and different levels of soil humidity, obtained by the use of: drip irrigation, geocomposite and combinations: geocomposite with 50% the dose of irrigation. Geo-composite had the capacity of 1.6 L and consisted of: superabsorbent, inner plastic net, and outer nonwoven fabric.Preliminary studies have shown the usefulness of technology based on shorter production of nursery cycle, by planting rootstock with buds to the orchard. A requirement for using of this method is to provide the best conditions for the growth of maiden trees. Favorable conditions for the development of maiden peach trees in the orchard ensured planting in ridges. The high quality of one-year-old peach trees were obtained with traditional planting and under control conditions. Regardless of the method of planting, strong growth and high quality parameters of maiden trees has also provided by drip irrigation, ...
The experiment was set founded in 2012 in the Research Station in Samotwór belonging to the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. The soil moisture in the peach orchard was controlled by the using of drip irrigation and geocomposite placed in the soil. The impact of these factors on the formation of some physical properties of soil was estimated in the 2 nd year of cultivation. It was the 1st year of the peach trees yielding. The soil under irrigation had the higher bulk density in the surface layer and lower values of porosity. The use of polymer gel alone and with irrigation reduced the soil bulk density in the soil layer at 15-20 cm of depth. The soil under polymer and irrigation was characterized by the lowest value of the capillary porosity. Introduction geocomposite into the soil at the time of planting trees can improve the ability of the soil to retain water in the soil and its efficient management throughout the growing season of trees ...
The experiment was carried out at the Experimental Station belonging to Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. In the autumn of 2008 the distribution of root system for nine-year-old apple trees cv. ‘Jonagored’ on M9 rootstock was evaluated. The tress were planted at spacing 3,5 x 0,5 m (5714 trees/ha) in two different ways: traditionally – into hole, and in the ridges. Plant-ing in ridges consists in setting trees on the top of the ground, fastening the trees to the rows of wire and hilling the soil up around their root system. The trees were irrigated by drip irrigation system. Irrigation was applied on the base of tensiometer indications. On purpose to determine the distribution of the roots the method of soil profile was used (Böhm, 1985). The method of soil profile was modified by taking digital photos of soil with roots, instead putting the roots by hand on transparent foil. The studies were prosecuted on three selected trees in each treatment, in vertical soil profile at 1m wide and 1,2 m deep. Planting in ridge combined with irrigation affected more intensive produc-ing of fine roots (ø < 1 mm), in comparison with control trees, planted ...
The experiment was conducted in Research Station belonging to department of Horticulture at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The growth and the yielding of ‘Jonagored' cv. apple trees was estimated. The trees were planted two methods: traditional and in ridges. Planting in ridges consists in setting trees on the top of the ground, fastening them to the wire stretched along the row and hilling their root with the soil from the space between rows. The trees were trained in three systems of soil cultivation: herbicide fallow, mulching with sawdust and agro textile. Additionally a part of the trees in herbicide fallow was irrigation by using drip irrigation. The research was conducted in years 2005-2008 in the orchard in full period of fruiting. The trees of ‘Jonagored' on M9 rootstock were planted in 3,5 x 0,5 m (5714 trees · ha-1) spacing in spring 2000. The estimation included: vegetative growth on the basis of number and sum of length of one-year-old shoots longer than 20 cm. The influence of these factors on the weight and number of deleted shoots during annual pruning was determined. The results showed that irrigation stimulates the growth of trees planted in high density on ...
Spring frost in the blooming time can be a significant factor decreasing the fruit production and affects the cultivation profitability in the years with unfavourable weather conditions. In Poland, the fruit trees especially susceptible to damage are peach and apricot trees. Among the popular methods of protecting the trees against spring frost damage there are three kinds of treatment: sprinkling irrigation, fogging, smoking and using fans for mixing the layers of air. The costs of applying the particular methods differ, as well as their efficiency. The side effect of using them can be also orchard pollution. The experiment was conducted on selected peach tree cultivars, on two rootstocks. Two methods of spring frost protection were applied: sprinkling irrigation and fogging with the use of glycerin mixed with tap water in proportion 1:10. Sprinkling irrigation proved to be more effective, it protected 98% of blooms. Using the fogging device also brought a satisfying effect. The cultivars that were easily damaged by spring frost were 'Early Redhaven' and 'Cresthaven'. The greatest resistance to bloom damage was observed in the case of the 'Suncrest' and 'Saturn' trees. The yielding of the 'Inka' and 'Early Redhaven' trees protected by sprinkling irrigation was significantly better, ...