The paper presents measurements of wind speed recorded at 6, 12, 18 UTC at the automatic meteorological stations Maws 101- Vaisala on the area of tailing pond "Żelazny Most" in the period 2003-2009. Measurments were on four stations placed on different location versus the tailing pond. Low coefficient friction on the tailing pond surface (about 600 ha) and ele-vation on the height about 60 m over the natural terrain affect the increase of wind speed. Important factors are: stations location, the hour of day and the year seasont. The biggest differences beetwen stations are obserwed at 12 UTC, the smallest at 6 UTC. The fastest wind speeds are recorded in spring and in autumn and on Zapora station.
The most important issues modern hydrogeology is: exploitation and pro-tection of groundwater intakes.This paper presents, the area where located is the water inake Serby, pos-sibility of using Geographic Information System using applications Arcgis, Surfer for the analysis of archival data and results of field studies.Many geographic, geological and hydrogeological information presented in the described and graphical database. The result was the groundwater model and the protection zone for water intake Serby.