Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Czaban

Some aspects of old mineral waste disposals

In the paper the characteristics of the “Gilów” “old”(abandoned) industrial waste disposal are presented. In this facility the copper ore floatation waste has been stored untill 1980. When its use has been concluded and the waste pit abandoned, it underwent total rehabilitation. The environmental impact of this waste disposal was estimated and analysed. Although the waste storage was abandoned from 27 years and from 17 years the technological water is not stored there, the impact of this waste disposal on ground and surface water quality is clear. In an opinion of many naturalists the reclaimed waste disposal serves now as an animal sanctuary. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Czaban

Dr Andrzej Dąbrowski

Statystical impact of industrial tailings pond on surface water

In a tailings pond of approx. 1400 ha, a hydrotransport system conveys approx. 28 mln mg of flotation waste. Mineral waste is not really harmful to the environment (except for dust emission). What does pose a problem is the environment’s impact on surface and ground water, which is due to high concentration of chlorides, sulfates, sodium and magnesium in the water body. Based on a 10 year monitoring research program, the dynamics of chlorides and sulfates’ concentrations and charges in surface water around the tailings pond will be presented. Characteristic concentrations of surface water as a function of water quality in the tailings pond will also be evaluated. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Czaban

Floods in Europe 1985–2007

In this paper, the data from DFO (( was used to evaluate recurring floods in Europe between 1985 and 2007. In last 22 years the number of floods in Europe increased approximately five times. The dynamics of factors representing an average flood in Europe shows a negative trends, at least, as far as number of victims and economic loss is concerned. This may be a sign that the population got used and adapted to this cataclysmic event. The flood forecasting is more and more precise and get to endangered people on time. In the overall picture, one should also consider the improved skills of rescue teams. ...

Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Czaban

Classification of surface water quality in Poland

Over a number of years the quality of surface water in Poland has been monitored and assessed. Water quality assessments are published every year by specialized institutions. The criteria of assessment used by different regions (voivodships) have not been standardised. The Water Frame Directive has enforced the application of uniform assessment procedures. This directive emphasises mainly the biological quality of water and essentially changes the previous classification methods. In the paper the author has described some aspects of Water Frame Directive, the ways the surface water had been classified over the past 25 years as well the projected aims in this area. ...