The study presents relations that occur between natural environmental features. They refer to the situation when one of the factors (in this case, lithology, determining attractiveness of the environment as a source of construction aggregates) begins to decide about spatial directions of the area development, as well as the development strategy of a given spatial unit. As a research site, the commune of Lipnica (Bytowski district) was selected, a part of which is located on a outwash plain, rich in sand and gravel deposits. Exploitation of gravel and sand that has been conducted there for over thirty years (bringing for years over 20% of the commune's income) results in significant unfavourable changes in the environment. Transformations of the landform, the lithology of sediment build-ups, water and soil conditions, thus causing the reduction of attractiveness for both agriculture and forestry as well as for potential tourist use, including the development of agritourism. In this situation, the promotion of the nature and beautiful landscape of the commune and the development of agritourism, as assumed in the "Strategy for the development of the commune of Lipnica for the years 2012-2020" are becoming problematic. Some of the aggregate mines are located near lakes and historic rural churches, and the transport of gravel causes noise and emits huge amounts of dust. It is not compensated by 20% increase in the income of the commune itself, or a part of its inhabitants. Perhaps for this reason, so far, none of the farmers in this area have decided to transform their farms into agritourist units.
The exploitation of aggregate in the commune of Lipnica will continue for the next 20-30 years, until the sand and gravel resources are completely depleted. Throughout that time, it will be a factor that has significant influence on the strategy of commune development and the transformation of its landscape.
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ul. Partyzantów 27, 76-200 Słupsk
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