Influence of floods on fluvial processes on the example of the stream Smolnik

key words: bank and bed erosion, sediment transport, flood


The aim of the presented researche was to examine the morphological changes of the degraded sectors of the stream Smolnik, caused by two floods. The changes of the hydrodynamic conditions were estimated because of its decisive influence on sediment transport intensity and thus on the investigated channel sector geometry. The surveying measurements of the longitudinal profile and cross sections of channel were carried out. The granulometric composition of the bed and the bank material was determined also. Results of this researche are basis for calculation and for analysis of the studied process. Volumes of material eroded from the banks and from the bed channel as well of the sediment deposited on the bed channel were calculated. The Bagnold equation was applied for estimation of sediment transport intensity. The noticed changes along the channel are illustrated by the situational outlines, where area of undercuts of banks pits and bars are showed.


Tekielak T., Michalik A., Bąk Ł., Książek L. 2007, vol. 4. Influence of floods on fluvial processes on the example of the stream Smolnik. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2007, vol. 4/ 4 (1)