ISSN 1732-5587
e-ISSN: 2956-7971
Zeszyty naukowe
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Procedura wydawnicza
Pokaż streszczenie
Ukryj streszczenie
2014, vol. 11 / IV / 1 (Dec 2014)
Prof. Dr Ali Yucel
Atılgan Atilgan
Dr. Hasan Oz
Burak Saltuk
The determination of heating and cooling day values using degree-day method: tomato plant example
Dr inż. Barbara Mastalska-Cetera
Dr inż. Beata Warczewska
Agricultural use of rural areas located in environmentally valuable terrain
Prof. Dr. Atilgan Atilgan
Determination of the potential fig (ficus carica l.) and chestnut (castanea sativa) production fields with the use of geographic information system in the kosk district of Aydin province
Dr inż. Paweł Ćwiąkała
Paweł Drwal
Monika Daroch
Paulina Grabek
Temporary monitoring of areas prone to landslides illustrated with the example of the Kłodne village
Dr inż. Grzegorz Przydatek
Chemical composition of leachates on exploited landfill site
Mgr inż. Anna Jędrejek
Prof. dr hab. Franciszek Woch
Mgr inż. Leszek Szymański
Evaluation of the plot size (farm land) of family agricultural holdings and the needs for land consolidation in Poland
RNDr. Miroslav Hůrka
Dr inż. Mateusz Malinowski
Assessment of the use of Ewa bioreactor in the process of bio drying of undersize fraction manufactured from mixed municipal solid waste