The possibility to combine wastewater treatment and electricity production can accomplish a microbial fuel cell. Microbial fuel cells use glucose from wastewater as a fuel. In recent years, both production of municipal and industry wastewater increases very much. Municipal wastewater is directed to the wastewater treatment plant. While industry wastewater can be use as a fertilizer. But, both municipal and industry wastewater can be used in the microbial fuel cells. The comparison of powering the microbial fuel cell with municipal and process wastewater from yeast production is presented in this paper. The measurements covered comparison of changes in the concentration of COD in the reactor without aeration, with aeration and with using a microbial fuel cell (powered with municipal and industry wastewater). The results of measurements of COD showed no differences between the microbial fuel cell powered with municipal wastewater and the microbial fuel cell powered with process yeast wastewater. But, the power output is higher with using process yeast wastewater to powering the microbial fuel cell.
ul. Dmowskiego 7-9, 45-365 Opole
ul. Dmowskiego 7-9, 45-365 Opole