key words: rural areas, farmland, change in designation of land, Lower Silesia


Farmlands occupy more than 60% of the area of Poland. However due to the country's economic development and changing social needs it occurs more frequently their exclusion from the agricultural manner of use. According to the strategic assumptions of the rural development, the rural areas should form an attractive place for work, living, leisure and conducting of agricultural or non-agricultural activities. Exclusion of the agricultural land from production means a reduction of resources of land, which is the basic fixed asset in agricultural production; therefore, it is especially important the rational management of land, taking into account the necessity to protect agricultural land.
The aim of the research is to analyze the transformation of agricultural lands, which took place over the years in the selected communes of Lower Silesia. Due to the special processes which are taking place in Poland in suburban areas, selected, the communes selected for the analyses are: Wisznia Mała and Kobierzyce directly bordering Wroclaw. The reach, type and direction of the transformations was analyzed on the basis of available statements. The data were used: "Rural areas and agricultural lands in Poland. Results of inquiry analysis - 1988",registration statements from "Rural management plan of Wisznia Mała commune" (2004) and "Rural management plan of Kobierzyce commune" (2008) and statistic statements.
The changes in the structure of use of agricultural land were stated in investigated communes within the period of 18 and 20 years. In both municipalities, despite very good soil conditions it has occurred a significant increase in the surface of the built-up areas. The biggest transformation of agricultural land into residential areas was observed in Kobierzyce, especially in precincts bordering with Wroclaw. The exclusions also related to forest areas. which acreage in the Kobierzyce commune decreased substantially. The analysis of data concerning the scheduled land transformations within the framework of the conducted policy of spatial policy in the investigated communes has indicated a further process of exclusion of new areas both in the municipality of Wisznia Mała and Kobierzyce from agricultural and forestry production.


Mastalska-Cetera B., Akińcza M. 2017, vol. 14. LAND TRANSFORMATIONS OCCURRING IN THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTED MUNICIPALITIES OF THE SUBURBAN ZONE OF WROCLAW. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2017, vol. 14/ I (2)