During the conducted study, 18 objects of illegal dumping of waste were inventoried. All inventoried objects are located in the north-west part of the Barlinek municipality. Each found illegal landfill was measured with measuring tape and its length, width and height of the deposited waste was recorded. For each location, percentage content of waste deposited, as well as its surface area and volume were calculated. All located waste landfills were divided into spot waste landfills, multi-point landfills, area landfills and linear landfills. Spot landfill is the dominant type of illegal waste landfills 12 objects, multi-point landfills were found in three locations and area landfills in two locations. Only one linear landfill was located. Waste disposal sites were located at different distance from residential areas. It has been determined, that the formation of illegal waste landfills is very often linked to the ease of availability of the local residents to the locations of waste disposal in the form of access roads or good location of the site. It has been determined, that despite the reforms of the waste management, abandonment of waste on undesignated sites is still observed - at six places the new wastes has been added after the 4 years from first observation and only 2 places were cleared.
ul. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin http://www.agro.zut.edu.pl/struktura-wydzialu/katedry/katedra-ekologii-ochrony-i-ksztaltowania-srodowiska.html mail:Kamil.Szydlowski@zut.edu.pl
ul. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin http://www.agro.zut.edu.pl/struktura-wydzialu/katedry/katedra-ekologii-ochrony-i-ksztaltowania-srodowiska.html mail:Joanna.Podlasinska@zut.edu.pl