Drought definition criteria and their influence on the drought characteristics.2. One-dimensional probability distributions

key words: drought, drought definition, drought duration, drought deficit, lognormal probability distribution, Anderson-Darling test, Cramér-von Mises test


For adopted 12 drought definitions and basing on 49-year time series of daily flows at four cross-sections in the Mała Wisła catchment, it was found that the probability distributions of drought duration T and drought deficit V may be described by the lognormal distribution with parameters estimated by the maximum likelihood method. The goodness-of-fit quality was tested by the Anderson-Darling and Cramér-von Mises tests. Both test did not reject the tested distribution neither for any definition nor any cross-section, as the p-values were greater than 15% for the former test and greater than 20% for the latter.


Węglarczyk S., Baran-Gurgul K. 2014, vol. 11. Drought definition criteria and their influence on the drought characteristics.2. One-dimensional probability distributions. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2014, vol. 11/ IV (2 (Dec 2014))