The paper presents the impact of the temperature of raw sewage on the
effects of poluttants removal in biological treatment plant in Ludwin. The plant
includes four ponds: (1) an anaerobic pond, (2A) an aerated pond with biological plunged bed, (2B) an aerated pond, (3) a sediment pond. In the years 2008-2010 organic poluttant removal effeciency, expressed as BOD5 and CODCr indices and total nitrogen and total phosphorus were analyzed. The entire system of wastewa-ter ponds is able to achieve a BOD5 reduction of aproximately 90% anad CODCr reduction 75%. Lower treatment effects for total phosphorus and total nitrogen were found (respectively 65% and 32%). Statistical analysis showed a clear influ-ence of the wastewater temperature on total nitrogen and total phosphorus re-moval. There was no significant correlation beetwen the wastewater temperature and the reduction of BOD5 and CODCr. tel: 081 532 3047