– Threat of groundwater as a result of landfill eksploitation

key words: landfill, groundwater pollution, groundwater quality


In paper a groundwater quality near to municipality landfill was charac-terised. Groundwater analyses were carried on for 4 years in 3-4 months periods. Observation points around the municipal landfill site were localised in different distance to obtain different water flow times, i.e. since 30 to 800 m from landfill's border. Obtained results were put through statistical analyses in which the groundwater quality differentiation in different seasons as well as quality in sam-pling points from piezometers localised on groundwater inflow and outflow were assessed. Investigations carried out have enabled to evaluation of water quality changes in the vicinity of analysed landfill.


Tałałaj I. 2011, vol. 8. – Threat of groundwater as a result of landfill eksploitation. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2011, vol. 8/ 02