Waste prevention possibilities for treatment of wood

key words: prevention of waste, cleaner production, treatment of wood


Prevention of waste management is prevention of waste - minimize or eliminate - directly at source, in the production process. The processing industry of wood is in the implementation of preventive strategies viewed as less problem-atic as the food industry. Wastes from wood processing, unless they contain haz-ardous substances are seen as by-products suitable for recycling both inside and outside the factory plant. Examples of cleaner production projects have been car-ried out in two consecutive years in the woodworking company. Unambiguously confirmed the benefits of prevention practices, in particular, cleaner production methods.


Kotovicová J., Vaverková M. 2011, vol. 8. Waste prevention possibilities for treatment of wood. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2011, vol. 8/ 01