The aim of this paper was to evaluate peat cover and water retention of the peat deposits in the Warta river basin. The total water resources of 972 peat deposits on the investigated area, considering water capacity index between 0,75 - 0,95, were calculated to 267,6 mln m3, and peatlands area index was β = 1,7%. Corrected inventory materials of peatlands in Poland were used for calculation. In terms of geology, among lowland bogs alder swamp-forest peat dominate (Alneti) and sedge peat (Cariceti) and sedge-reed peat (Cariceto Phragmiteti). Peat deposits of fluviogeneous and topogeneous alimentation prevail. Considering peatlands multifunctional importance, regional economy should always take notice of their hydrological function.
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al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Kraków tel: (012) 662 4125
al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Kraków tel: (012) 662 4125