The agriculture university in Cracow agritourism students’ knowledge about sustainable development of rural areas

key words: sustainable development, rural areas, agritourism


The study constitutes the attempt of answer what kind of state of knowledge from the scope of sustainable development of rural areas conception is represented by students of three years Agritourism Specialization at Agriculture and Economics Faculty of Agricultural University in Cracow. The aim of conducted questionnaire researches was to determine the role of agritourism in this conception. The respondents seemed to be aware of essential role which sustainable development of rural areas conception plays. They mainly indicated these elements which are connected with environment preservation, for example by common neighborly cooperation with local autonomy, institutions and ecological organizations and economical management of natural resources – all in all 60 answers. In the part of questionnaire related to issues connected with agritourism – examined students seemed to discern the role of agritourism in the conception of sustainable development of rural areas. They mainly indicated to landscape integrity, culture values and to the development of infrastructure supporting ecological tourism patterns. In the theoretical part of the work whereas, aspects connected with sustainable development of rural areas were included. Sustainable development was characterized and its most important features were detailed. In the field of such understood development there is a place for tourism. Sustainable tourism is such kind of tourism, which attempts to make a low impact on the natural environment and local culture, while helping to generate income and employment for inhabitants. This tourism is both ecologically and culturally sensitive. Among different forms of sustainable tourism agritourism plays important role. This tourism consists in organisation the stay for tourists in functioning farms. In this part of the article most important features of agritourism as a form of sustainable tourism on rural areas were detailed. One indicated, among others a role of different institutions in the development of agritourism: agritouristic associations, local authorities and agricultural advisory centres. Aspects connected with environment protection as an important factor of sustainable development of rural areas and agritourism were taken into consideration, too.


Kowalska M., Niedziółka A., Gorczyca A., Ropek D. 2008, vol. 5. The agriculture university in Cracow agritourism students’ knowledge about sustainable development of rural areas. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2008, vol. 5/ 02