Influence of microirrigation and organic fertilization on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings and the occurrence of soil mites in a post-arable land of two different sylvan-natural regions

key words: micro-irrigation, post-arable land, sewage sludge, Scots pine seedlings, amelioration with soil animals, Acari, Oribatida


The aim of the study was to determine the influence of microirrigation (microjet sprinkling and drip irrigation) and organic fertilization (compost prepared on the base of sewage sludge) on a seedling vigour of one-year and two-year old Scot pine seedlings (Pinus sylvestris L.), cultivated on a post-agricultural ground with the use of zoo-melioration in two different regions. Field experiments were carried out on an experimental field in Kruszyn Krajeński (loose sandy soil of quality class VI) near Bydgoszcz and in Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński (sandy soil of quality class IVb). The first row factor was irrigation used in three treatments: without irrigation (control), drip irrigation, microjet sprinkling. The second row factor was fertilization, used in two variants: mineral fertilization (standard applied in forest nurseries), organic fertilization (compost). The irrigation significantly increased the height and the diameter of the Scot pine seedlings. There were no significant differences in the characters of the growth between the two irrigation systems. Fertilization of Scot pine seedlings with the compost increased significantly the height of seedlings. Interaction of irrigation with organic fertilization of Scot pine seedling height and diameter was noted. Pine seedlings grown on the plots fertilized with compost under irrigation conditions were characterized by increased height and diameter. Better effects were obtained in Lipnik than in Kruszyn Krajeński. Joint effect of organic fertilization and microjet sprinkling positively influenced the density and the species number of Oribatida in Kruszyn Krajeński. The obtained results indicated that the amelioration measures used can positively influence the growth of Scot pine seedlings on a post-agricultural ground.


Rolbiecki R., Podsiadło C., Klimek A., Rolbiecki S. 2007, vol. 4. Influence of microirrigation and organic fertilization on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings and the occurrence of soil mites in a post-arable land of two different sylvan-natural regions. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2007, vol. 4/ 3