Use of evaporation cooling of stable air in the given territory

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When assessing whether it is effective to use evaporation cooling of air in a stable in a particular area, it is essential to have available long-term meteorological data. However, sometimes such data is for various reasons not available. This paper tests a method of generating an artificial series of daily maximum air temperatures from monthly averages. With standard deviation σ (ºC) determined from a statistical analysis of available data and a median expected temperature toc (ºC) obtained from fitting a sine curve through twelve and two monthly average maximum temperatures. The computed values are compared with measured values. The series generated from 12 monthly averages gave better results, although the series from 2 averages would do the job for assessing cooling efficiency. Results of a climatic development model show that around year 2050 the maximum air temperature in June, July and August will increase by 1.8 K, 2.3 K and 3.2 K, respectively, assuming a pessimistic scenario of the growth in greenhouse gas emissions, or by 0.7 K, 0.8 K and 1.2 K, respectively, assuming an optimistic scenario. Based on these values, a series of data was generated for the period around year 2050. It shows that the number of days on which the maximum air temperature will exceed 27ºC in summer months may as much as double. If evaporation cooling is used with 80% adiabatic efficiency and maximum humidification 75% or 80%, the high air temperatures can be eliminated. Of the 92 days of summer months, installation of evaporation cooling equipment with starting temperature 26ºC and 24ºC, respectively, would in the modelled area run at present 25.2 days and 41.8 days, respectively, and in the future 32.2 days and 49.5 days at the optimistic development variant, and 45.6 days and 61.9 days, respectively, allowing for the pessimistic scenario. Quantity of water which the equipment must be able to evaporate into the ventilation air in order to achieve the desirable effect can increase from the present value of 5.4 g/m3 to as much as 6.3 g/m3 in the future period. The results can be used when designing efficient cooling equipment in stables in the given territory.


Šleger V., Neuberger P. 2006, vol. 3. Use of evaporation cooling of stable air in the given territory. Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich. Nr 2006, vol. 3/ 2 (1)




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